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03-08-2017, 09:03 PM
The prevailing rape culture in the U.S. military continues unabated. Apparently sexual exploitation is quite common practice.


03-08-2017, 10:23 PM
The prevailing rape culture in the U.S. military continues unabated. Apparently sexual exploitation is quite common practice.


Boys are boys and girls are girls. If you think for a second girls don't instigate that sh*t, and play their little games, you're in yet another thread over your head.

03-08-2017, 11:07 PM
Boys are boys and girls are girls. If you think for a second girls don't instigate that sh*t, and play their little games, you're in yet another thread over your head.
Without knowing anything of the situation that is a pretty disgusting view. Blame the victim.

03-08-2017, 11:30 PM
Without knowing anything of the situation that is a pretty disgusting view. Blame the victim.
Pls, answer - Is pederasty and pedophilia normal or abnormal for human beings? And do call the things their names. Pederast is a pederast but nothing else. Don't like to hear it? - But it is your own choice and nobody forced you to make it.
And pederasts must respect the others and hide their deviations deep under the blankets in their bedrooms. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dirol.gif

03-08-2017, 11:30 PM
Without knowing anything of the situation that is a pretty disgusting view. Blame the victim.

How about I got 21 years active duty in the Corps and I've seen the games? You make a column right past Iron Mike. If you left face, you go to Drill instructor school. If you right face, you're looking at the 4th Marine Recruit Battalion on MCRD Parris Island, SC. A third of them bit off more than they chew and just want out and will use any excuse to do so. A bunch just get pregnant. Preferably by a Marine because the Corps will garnish your wages and force you to pay child support like it or not.

And the mother of my children is a retired Marine. I used to listen to her and her friends talk. You might not like the game, but that's how it gets played. IMO, it screws it up for the rest that actually want to be Marines. But I learned as a LCpl not to get stuck one on one alone with a WM. You might not like that reality, but there it is. You chew their ass out and they go for the "he was trying to get me" excuse.

Once again, y'all are out of your skill zone. You're experts on the Coast Guard and now the Marine Corps. Too bad we don't have a Zoomie on board. You could tell them how to fly their shit. I bet you're Battle Surface Qualified too?

I bet you don't even know CPR.

03-09-2017, 02:17 AM
How about I got 21 years active duty in the Corps and I've seen the games?

Nothing excuses the behavior. Nothing. Let me guess you blame rape victims too. How dare they wear a short skirt and wink at me. Must mean they want to rape them. Oh the games!

03-09-2017, 03:51 AM
Nothing excuses the behavior. Nothing. Let me guess you blame rape victims too. How dare they wear a short skirt and wink at me. Must mean they want to rape them. Oh the games!

I didn't excuse a behavior. I merely pointed out it's not a one-way street as presented. The game is played in both directions. My comment is based on situational awareness. You got horny young kids in restricted/controlled environments. Add in the head games. Yeah, dumbass guys should keep their sh*t in their pants. The women shouldn't be luring the guys to whip it out. Reality dictates ain't going to happen. It's like having a bunch of rabbits in a pen.

Playing politics ain't going to change that. Using it as a political excuse is not going to change it.

03-09-2017, 07:27 AM
The prevailing rape culture in the U.S. military continues unabated. Apparently sexual exploitation is quite common practice.


So now it's a "culture". Hmm...maybe we should present all the recent stories of teachers sexually exploiting their students. Might be some "culture" there as well. How about it Gabby? Are you part of the teacher's "culture of student sexual exploitation? It is, after all, "common practice"; I've seen several news story that tell me so!

03-09-2017, 07:29 AM
I didn't excuse a behavior. I merely pointed out it's not a one-way street as presented. The game is played in both directions. My comment is based on situational awareness. You got horny young kids in restricted/controlled environments. Add in the head games. Yeah, dumbass guys should keep their sh*t in their pants. The women shouldn't be luring the guys to whip it out. Reality dictates ain't going to happen. It's like having a bunch of rabbits in a pen.

Playing politics ain't going to change that. Using it as a political excuse is not going to change it.

Clearly we need to have the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to fight for us. Maybe they could meet the moral (double) standards of Pete and Gabby...

03-09-2017, 08:42 AM
anyone see the film "the General's daughter". I don't recommend it but it seems to reflect a bit of the attitude that seems to prevail on this issue.
Basically the idea that,
'the military is great, so don't make the military look bad by bringing up rape ...let alone many and serial rapes, murders, cover ups... and the like. God bless America'

03-09-2017, 08:58 AM
I didn't excuse a behavior. I merely pointed out it's not a one-way street as presented. The game is played in both directions.
the RAPE game is played in both directions? So women are raping male marines Gunny?
Or what's going on on the female's side is practically THE SAME as rape by some standards? So it's EQUALLY abusive is what what you seem to be saying here Gunny.
unless you want to rephrase it.

Or do you just mean that the women "are asking for it"?
I'm really trying to package your RAPE as "games" and "played in BOTH ways" comments here. they make ZERO sense to me.

My comment is based on situational awareness. You got horny young kids in restricted/controlled environments. Add in the head games. Yeah, dumbass guys should keep their sh*t in their pants. The women shouldn't be luring the guys to whip it out. Reality dictates ain't going to happen. It's like having a bunch of rabbits in a pen.
I'd some what agree with that . the only problem is when guys whip it out and rape women it become a crime at that point. No matter how much teasing , real or imagined, is going on.
"She teased me too much" is not an excuse for rape on the law books as far as i can tell.

Playing politics ain't going to change that. Using it as a political excuse is not going to change it.
I agree that women in military is a bad idea in general.

But it is Interesting that the Marines can discipline men to do and endure lot of unnatural and uncommon things but in this area they seem to expect marines to be guided by nothing but the worse of natural urges.

03-09-2017, 09:17 AM
And the mother of my children is a retired Marine. I used to listen to her and her friends talk. You might not like the game, but that's how it gets played.

so what kind of things would they talk about?
I'd try to guess but ...i wasn't there so i should have no speculations or opinions on the subject... as a "civilian" i guess.

please give us an idea of the games these woman talked about playing on the men and the military.
you mentioned getting pregnant by a marine to get out.
Ok for a female that might work, I'm guessing there are guys that have other ways to get out and play the military for money as well.
I've never been in the military... but I've heard that some guys shoot or wound themselves and try and fake mental illness or other games.
been like that well like forever.

IMO, it screws it up for the rest that actually want to be Marines. But I learned as a LCpl not to get stuck one on one alone with a WM. You might not like that reality, but there it is. You chew their ass out and they go for the "he was trying to get me" excuse.
I'm sure that happens from time to time, happens in civilian life as well believe it or not. I thought i mentioned that since civilian life is out of your skill zone.

03-09-2017, 09:44 AM
anyone see the film "the General's daughter". I don't recommend it but it seems to reflect a bit of the attitude that seems to prevail on this issue.
Basically the idea that,
'the military is great, so don't make the military look bad by bringing up rape ...let alone many and serial rapes, murders, cover ups... and the like. God bless America'

Cmon, Rev, you know that rape and the coverup of same occurs in civilian life as well. It happens in colleges and corporations across the nation. Rape is not unique to the military. For Gabby and others to suggest otherwise is just plain silly. Even the inference that the military should be held to higher moral standards than anyone else is pure snobbery at best.

Heck, we all know of the misdeeds (including rape) of our elected officials and celebrities and the coverups that ensued. Perhaps there is a culture of rape in our nation but it is certainly not condoned and is certainly not encouraged in the military or anywhere else that I know of.

03-09-2017, 10:10 AM
Cmon, Rev, you know that rape and the coverup of same occurs in civilian life as well. It happens in colleges and corporations across the nation. Rape is not unique to the military. For Gabby and others to suggest otherwise is just plain silly. Even the inference that the military should be held to higher moral standards than anyone else is pure snobbery at best.

Heck, we all know of the misdeeds (including rape) of our elected officials and celebrities and the coverups that ensued. Perhaps there is a culture of rape in our nation but it is certainly not condoned and is certainly not encouraged in the military or anywhere else that I know of.

"Rape culture" is kind of Loaded with baggage.
And it is a fact that there's plenty of cover up and denials of the same on college campuses, in biz, the church, and certainly in the political arena ...to include child rape even.
but that doesn't clear the type of cover ups or on going lightly/misaddressed problem of rapes... sometimes with murder... , that the military is solely responsible for, since they are such a hierarchal org with overt control of it's members, controlled environments and the power of self policing and prosecutions.

But sure everyone has the same level to aim for as far as the moral standard is concerned.
But it seems true that the military seems to addressing the issue poorly. There seems to be a public face and then there's what really happens on the ground.

If you had a daughter in the military would you advise her to go to C.O.s that said things LIKE
...things go both ways... , ...women are teasing the men... ...women are looking for a way to get out or to game the military for money.... ...put men and women together and this is what you get...
Should a service woman who was really raped sense she's going to get any back up or justice up the line?

No one "condones it" outright but the above is not really the kind of attitude that's trying to forcefully diminish it either. Add to it the the reports (from woman and men in service) of similar and worse attitudes and actions in the military.
Seems to allow it.

And there's always those that don't like the military to be smeared as as org. in general, let alone with the idea that woman aren't safe among soldiers.

03-09-2017, 10:34 AM
"Rape culture" is kind of Loaded with baggage.
And it is a fact that there's plenty of cover up and denials of the same on college campuses, in biz, the church, and certainly in the political arena ...to include child rape even.
but that doesn't clear the type of cover ups or on going lightly/misaddressed addressed problem of rapes... sometimes with murder... , that the military is solely responsible for, since they are such a hierarchal org with overt control of it members, controlled environments and the power of self policing and prosecutions.

But sure everyone has the same level to aim for as far as the moral standard is concerned.
But it seems true that the military seems to addressing the issue poorly. There seems to be a public face and then there's what really happens on the ground.

If you had a daughter in the military would you advise her to go to C.O.s that said things LIKE
...things go both ways... , ...women are teasing the men... ...women are looking for a way to get out or to game the military for money.... ...put men and women together and this is what you get...
Should a service woman who was really raped sense she's going to get any back up or justice up the line?

No one "condones it" outright but the above is not really the kind of attitude that going to diminish it either.
Seems to allow it.

And there's always those that don't like the military to be smeared as as org. in general, let alone with the idea that woman aren't safe among soldiers.

All I can tell you is that in my almost 30 years of service, I have never seen any of the chains of command I was under EVER take rape, child abuse, sexual assault or sexual harassment lightly. Never saw anyone (other than the perpetrators) try to cover it up. I have seen women falsely accuse men (especially accusations against leaders at all levels) but even then those accusations taken seriously and thoroughly investigated.

The same criteria you apply to the military could be said for civilians. Should any women who was raped sense she is going to get any backing or justice up the line when our elected officials, judicial officials , etc. all have a similar attitude? Again, implying that the situation is unique to the military is disingenuous at best.

By the way, "rape culture" was brought up by Gabby ... just saying

It is apparent to me that this whole topic was posted in the manner it was by Gabby solely to bash the military (as she does from time to time). Rape is unacceptable (IMO) under any circumstances!

03-09-2017, 10:38 AM
One more thing, the military is not "responsible" for any rape of anyone. Individuals within the military are responsible ... generalizations like you present are misleading. The federal and state prison systems have "... a hierarchal org with overt control of it members, controlled environments and the power of self policing and prosecutions." and yet rape and cover-ups occur within those organizations as well.

03-09-2017, 10:53 AM
One more thing, the military is not "responsible" for any rape of anyone. Individuals within the military are responsible ... generalizations like you present are misleading. The federal and state prison systems have "... a hierarchal org with overt control of it members, controlled environments and the power of self policing and prosecutions." and yet rape and cover-ups occur within those organizations as well.

doesn't make sense there either does it?
but at least there your dealing with mainly Undisciplined convicted criminals, who you don't expect much from.
But our duly respected, well trained, well disciplined military should have practices and heroes that look out for the other members within the ranks rather than officials and "brothers in arms" that are predators and allowing predatory practices within the ranks seems to me.

03-09-2017, 10:54 AM
I didn't excuse a behavior. I merely pointed out it's not a one-way street as presented.

Yes it's one way. I don't care what the girls did. They did not deserve to have their unknowingly compromising photos circulated in a facebook group. If you read the report, it's totally disgusting.

03-09-2017, 10:58 AM
the RAPE game is played in both directions? So women are raping male marines Gunny?
Or what's going on on the female's side is practically THE SAME as rape by some standards? So it's EQUALLY abusive is what what you seem to be saying here Gunny.
unless you want to rephrase it.

Or do you just mean that the women "are asking for it"?
I'm really trying to package your RAPE as "games" and "played in BOTH ways" comments here. they make ZERO sense to me.

I'd some what agree with that . the only problem is when guys whip it out and rape women it become a crime at that point. No matter how much teasing , real or imagined, is going on.
"She teased me too much" is not an excuse for rape on the law books as far as i can tell.

I agree that women in military is a bad idea in general.

But it is Interesting that the Marines can discipline men to do and endure lot of unnatural and uncommon things but in this area they seem to expect marines to be guided by nothing but the worse of natural urges.

Did you read or comprehend one word I posted? I'm not condoning any behavior. I'm relating what I have SEEN, IN PERSON. Got a lot ov experience dealing with the crap. Where do you tink my first wife came from? She didn't miracle herself into my rack. She was a hot little PFC and I was a LCpl. On a base of 10 thousand males and about 300 females in the middle of the SoCal desert you think I was passing that up?

You go out on float with 2500 people on the shi p and maybe fifty are women. They got lines following them around all over the ship. In 29 Palms, when they first moved us into BEQ's some enterprising young ladies got busted within 2 weeks running a prostitution ring. That line of male Marines outside their door was no clue whatsoever. :laugh:

I'm not telling you what should be. I'm telling you what is. Barbara Boxer hates me. I got stuck filling in for a Maj off being a tri-geek at the Pentagon. And I told her straght up "I don't know any men that want to be on these ships, much less women. But you politicians and General officers who will never have to do it are all for it". My Colonel was unpolitely told to never send that a=hole SSgt back.:laugh2: Mission accomplished. :)

My personal opinion? Anything that distracts from the mission gets people killed. Women, gays .. goats ... whatever. What you do on your off time is up to you. There ARE ... especially in the military ... consequences for your actions and there's no crying in baseball when you have to pay.

03-09-2017, 11:15 AM
doesn't make sense there either does it?
but at least there your dealing with mainly Undisciplined convicted criminals, who you don't expect much from.
But our duly respected, well trained, well disciplined military should have practices and heroes that look out for the other members within the ranks rather than officials and "brothers in arms" that are predators and allowing predatory practices within the ranks seems to me.

They do indeed have practices and heroes that look out for others within the ranks. Your implication that there are ONLY "officials and brothers in arms that are predators and allowing predatory practices within the ranks" is pure unadulterated BULLSHIT. No system is perfect... your attempt to single out the military for being imperfect in this case is, as I said, BULLSHIT.

Obviously there is room for improvement all around. I will say that as Gunny keeps pointing out, there is reality to deal with... humans are humans. It doesn't matter if it's on deployment while in the military, on a college/high school campus, in church or in the hallowed halls of Congress... there are dirtbags and there are "heroes" (as you put it). Let me know when you find ANY organization that doesn't have issues regarding gender, sex, money, etc.

03-09-2017, 11:58 AM
They do indeed have practices and heroes that look out for others within the ranks. Your implication that there are ONLY "officials and brothers in arms that are predators and allowing predatory practices within the ranks" is pure unadulterated BULLSHIT. No system is perfect... your attempt to single out the military for being imperfect in this case is, as I said, BULLSHIT.

Obviously there is room for improvement all around. I will say that as Gunny keeps pointing out, there is reality to deal with... humans are humans. It doesn't matter if it's on deployment while in the military, on a college/high school campus, in church or in the hallowed halls of Congress... there are dirtbags and there are "heroes" (as you put it). Let me know when you find ANY organization that doesn't have issues regarding gender, sex, money, etc.

Did I miss the use of the word "hero"? I can't ever read through his expand-a-post, out in left field crap. I HATE being called a "hero". I ain't Spidernan or some WWE wrestler. I did my job. Accomplish the mission and bring everyone home. Was easy when I was a troopy running around with just a spotter.

What seems to be vaulting over the brain housing groups is we ain't boots. WHen I retired I was Company Gunny. I was responsible for 153 people. each of which I decided were tards. :laugh: But the mindset here is not like ours. I'm responsible morning, noon and night and if you're screwed up it's MY fault. These people clock out and they're done. I NEVER got to clock out.

I resent people coming on here and telling us our business. And for what's his name the commie's edification ... Nerve damage is on the right side. I'm left handed. I can still hit black at 1000 meters. Because I'm so uneducated.

03-09-2017, 12:12 PM
Did I miss the use of the word "hero"? I can't ever read through his expand-a-post, out in left field crap. I HATE being called a "hero". I ain't Spidernan or some WWE wrestler. I did my job. Accomplish the mission and bring everyone home. Was easy when I was a troopy running around with just a spotter.

What seems to be vaulting over the brain housing groups is we ain't boots. WHen I retired I was Company Gunny. I was responsible for 153 people. each of which I decided were tards. :laugh: But the mindset here is not like ours. I'm responsible morning, noon and night and if you're screwed up it's MY fault. These people clock out and they're done. I NEVER got to clock out.

I resent people coming on here and telling us our business. And for what's his name the commie's edification ... Nerve damage is on the right side. I'm left handed. I can still hit black at 1000 meters. Because I'm so uneducated.

I get what you are saying, Gunny. It just irks me when some folks make general statements while having no inkling of how it works. You notice that neither Rev, Gabby or Pete mentioned that the young women involved should be investigated and/or punished as well. Many, if not all of them posed for those pictures yet they are not to be held accountable. It's a boatload of crap.

03-09-2017, 01:25 PM
It is apparent to me that this whole topic was posted in the manner it was by Gabby solely to bash the military (as she does from time to time).


03-09-2017, 01:52 PM
The one-sided outrage is ludicrous.

Yeah, there are males who are predators but that is society in general.
I had a lot of female recruits or active duty attempt to fondle and entice me.

The single gender bias is bullshit.

03-09-2017, 01:56 PM
Clearly we need to have the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to fight for us. Maybe they could meet the moral (double) standards of Pete and Gabby...

Gabby is out of her league (once again) in this one. She loves to bash the military with
each little item she can dig up.

Pete is just a one-line shit stirrer, and is a military basher as well.

03-09-2017, 02:00 PM
Gabby is out of her league (once again) in this one. She loves to bash the military with
each little item she can dig up.

Pete is just a one-line shit stirrer, and is a military basher as well.

Oh I know... just had to have my 2 cents worth thrown in there.

03-09-2017, 02:06 PM
Oh I know... just had to have my 2 cents worth thrown in there.

2 Cents? You and Gunny threw silver dollars!

Heed what they say Gabby and Pete.

03-09-2017, 03:02 PM
My bad guys. Clearly it's the women's fault men are posting their naked photos in a private facebook group. How did I not see the truth! *facepalm*

03-09-2017, 03:28 PM
Rape is rape, whether in the military or civilian world. There is no 'rape culture' in the military any more than there is in the civilian world. Fact is, there are scumbags out there.

03-09-2017, 03:32 PM
My bad guys. Clearly it's the women's fault men are posting their naked photos in a private facebook group. How did I not see the truth! *facepalm*

Well, you are openly stupid....take that facepalm and shove it.

I do NOT condone sexual assault, military or domestic. Got THAT CLEAR?

You focus on military because you never had the balls to enlist.

You need to heed what CSM and Gunny say. They've been there and seen it.
I have as well. Took a lot of recruits to the brig over that issue, both males
and females.

03-09-2017, 03:34 PM
My bad guys. Clearly it's the women's fault men are posting their naked photos in a private facebook group. How did I not see the truth! *facepalm*

For it being posted anywhere without permission - I agree with you.

But where did the pictures come from? If taken by someone else, they may BOTH have copyrights to the photos. Still doesn't mean it's not a low class piece of crap thing to do.

Btw, this is another thing that happens non stop in the civilian world, sending nudes to one another, or filming one another's sexcapades. Folks will never learn.

03-09-2017, 03:36 PM
Well, you are openly stupid....take that facepalm and shove it.

I do NOT condone sexual assault, military or domestic. Got THAT CLEAR?

You focus on military because you never had the balls to enlist.

You need to heed what @CSM (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=36) and @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) say. They've been there and seen it.
I have as well. Took a lot of recruits to the brig over that issue, both males
and females.

Great to see you're back to slinging insults. I don't focus on military. I didn't start this thread. What they say is not relevant to this specific act that should be condemned but you guys tip toe around it afraid to upset the good ol' boys club.

03-09-2017, 03:45 PM
The military is like the Catholic church. Sexual harassment and intimidation never happen. And if it does, they have a special place under the rug for it. Excuse me for not remembering this.

03-09-2017, 04:35 PM
The military is like the Catholic church. Sexual harassment and intimidation never happen. And if it does, they have a special place under the rug for it. Excuse me for not remembering this.

You are so full of crap your eyes must be brown. You know absolutely NOTHING about the military. Lets talk about the "culture of pedophilia" among teachers, shall we? Perhaps the rape of minors is more to your liking? Go ahead, deny that teachers don't do that sort of thing. I have a whole bunch of links lined up for you.

03-09-2017, 05:32 PM
There are cultures of misbehavior is all professions. But most don't attempt to hide them or pretend they don't exist.

03-09-2017, 05:42 PM
You are so full of crap your eyes must be brown. You know absolutely NOTHING about the military. Lets talk about the "culture of pedophilia" among teachers, shall we? Perhaps the rape of minors is more to your liking? Go ahead, deny that teachers don't do that sort of thing. I have a whole bunch of links lined up for you.

Wasteth el breatho.

03-09-2017, 08:26 PM
My bad guys. Clearly it's the women's fault men are posting their naked photos in a private facebook group. How did I not see the truth! *facepalm*

Does anything get through that cinder block sitting atop your shoulders? Reality sucks, but it is there. You post nude photos of yourself --male or female -- in MY unit you can plan on officer hours for conduct unbecoming. Unacceptable behavior for someone representing the military.

Up to me there'd be no women nor openly gay people in the military. They are a distraction from accomplishing the mission. Distractions get people killed. I will reiterate .. I'm concerned with getting the job done and not bringing anyone home in a body bag. I don't care about your politics on a mission. We don't discuss politics. I never allowed it and tha's from ANYONE.

But we can discuss them HERE. Politics shoved women down our throats and gays down our throats. Y'all want all your damned so-called "rights" yet not the ramifications that go with them. You put women and men together -- average age 18-20 -- in a controlled, isolated environment and somebody's going to find a place to screw.

My point is that is not a one-sided deal. I'm not condoning the behavior. Try and figure out the difference between the two.

03-09-2017, 08:51 PM
But we can discuss them HERE. Politics shoved women down our throats and gays down our throats.

You really wanted to add blacks to that list right? Insulting to think women can't die for the country they love too. Do you know why the military allowed gays and women. It's because their recruitment levels were so low. How about we expect decent behavior from our troops instead of blaming the victim.

03-09-2017, 09:21 PM
The military is like the Catholic church. Sexual harassment and intimidation never happen. And if it does, they have a special place under the rug for it. Excuse me for not remembering this.

YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT gabby. Absolutely FULL OF SHIT. Nothing could be further from the truth. You are such a lying, uninformed hypocrite. Talking out your ASS so much.

In all my years in uniform, and even after women began joining the crews of ships. That was when most of the abuse began, and was nearly Instantly STOPPED.
I saw career, senior petty officers, and Commissioned Officers lose their lifetime career's because they either took part in, or ignored the abuse, and harassment. They were dealt with as Harshly as the UCMJ would allow. Not to mention how those same people also had to suffer for their offenses in the civilian world. Their records were scarred forever.
So. If you want to be accepted here as someone who has a minimum of intelligence. Start by NOT TALKING OUT OF YOUR LIBERALLY DANGEROUS, MISERABLE BUTT.

Today's military, on the heels of the Obama degradation...is more Politically correct than ROSY O'DONNEL.

03-09-2017, 09:32 PM
You really wanted to add blacks to that list right? Insulting to think women can't die for the country they love too. Do you know why the military allowed gays and women. It's because their recruitment levels were so low. How about we expect decent behavior from our troops instead of blaming the victim.

Nope. You're being incorrectly judgmental and trying to sidetrack. When I was on the East Coast, most of my friends were black. When I was on the West Coast, most of my Marines were Mexican. My two closest friends in RL are Tejanos.

I'm not accusing anyone of anything. YOU are. You seem to be incapable of accepting the reality from those that have been there. Yes. I am skeptical. I would have to see a full investigation. Like it or not, there are women in the military that screw their way to the top. When they don't get their way they start the waterworks. Aided with help of the MSM. So no, I'm not going to buy right off on it. Seen too much of the sh*t.

As far as my other point goes ... hold your best friend in your arms and watch him bleed the fuck out. All because of one chickenshit. I don't give a rickety rat's ass what your flavor is on your own time. You don't get my fucking Marines killed because of your self importance and not being part of the team. THAT clear enough?

03-09-2017, 09:48 PM
I'm not accusing anyone of anything. YOU are. You seem to be incapable of accepting the reality from those that have been there. Yes. I am skeptical. I would have to see a full investigation. Like it or not, there are women in the military that screw their way to the top. When they don't get their way they start the waterworks. Aided with help of the MSM. So no, I'm not going to buy right off on it. Seen too much of the sh*t.

Yes an investigation. Maybe give them the benefit of the doubt until after the results are released.

As far as my other point goes ... hold your best friend in your arms and watch him bleed the fuck out. All because of one chickenshit. I don't give a rickety rat's ass what your flavor is on your own time. You don't get my fucking Marines killed because of your self importance and not being part of the team. THAT clear enough?

As tramatic and heartbreaking as that is, I don't see how it has anything to do with this story.

03-09-2017, 10:38 PM
Yes an investigation. Maybe give them the benefit of the doubt until after the results are released.

As tramatic and heartbreaking as that is, I don't see how it has anything to do with this story.

You brought up the topic. There are consequences. Do you lay down and cry? Or do you get up and lead? I had 12 other Marines counting on me to bring them home. I knew their families and held their kids. Wasn't a whole bunch of option.