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View Full Version : Mom Gives Man Trophy After He Is the First to Offer Her a Subway Seat in 2 Pregnancie

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-09-2017, 07:06 AM

Mom Gives Man Trophy After He Is the First to Offer Her a Subway Seat in 2 Pregnancies
[Inside Edition]
Maya Chung
Inside Edition March 8, 2017

A pregnant woman awarded a kind-hearted man a trophy after she said he was the first guy in two pregnancies to offer up his seat for her on the New York City subway.

Ivonne Lin, who is reportedly eight months pregnant, said only women had given up their seats for her, so she finally had a trophy made to give the first man who got up for her.

Read: Man Arrested for Not Paying Full Subway Fare Gets Charged With 17-Year-Old Murder: Cops

For the last two months of her pregnancy, Lin has carried around a 7-inch trophy that reads “#1 DECENT DUDE – First Man to Offer Subway Seat to Pregnant Woman throughout Two Pregnancies.”

And last week on the A train, the award finally went to... Ricky Barksdale, of Harlem.

“I was on my phone playing a game and I glanced up, but didn’t know if she was pregnant because she was wearing all black," Barksdale told InsideEdition.com. "The moment I realized she was pregnant, I got up immediately and she said, 'Hold on I have something for you.'"

Barksdale, 34, who has two kids of his own, said the act is just common courtesy.

"I have seen it happen before. I’ve seen a pregnant woman and or a mom and child get on a train and seen people turn their heads or pretend their sleeping," Barksdale said. “If you see someone pregnant, elderly, or disabled, just give up your seat. I just hope it motivates people to do the right thing."

Lin told Barksdale that he restored her faith in men.

"He just really looked like a really nice guy," Lin told CBS News. "I was shocked, but as a New Yorker you sort of develop a sixth sense on who would be a nice guy. He radiated that."

Barksdale said the trophy is sitting on his counter at home

I read this and I was in shock. My God,that kind of behavior of not offering a visibly pregnant lady your seat on such a journey would not occur down here. Not if I was on that vehicle.
And yes, I've given up my seat many times to women-that were not showing to be pregnant.

I guess I am just out of touch, an old dinosaur maybe, but common decency should be the same regardless of national location, IMHO.

I was in the waiting room of a doctor's office winter of last year, waiting room was full with no empty seats.
Three older ladies in their late 60's came in(as a group) out of the cold. No seats open, so I gave the first lady my seat ,
The guy hesitated until I took a step closer to him, getting within striking range. Then suddenly he jumps up and elbows his buddy next to him to do the same.
I stood there glaring at them for about ten minutes until a seat opened up as a patient was called back.
Then the one he elbowed, younger man, started past me to jump into that seat , his friend grabbed him by the arm--
and said to him, no , I believe that seat is this older gentleman's seat.
I said , thanks I do believe that it is.....
Folks, common decency marks a man to be a man..
How are these people being raised, is my question..
Back in my wild young days, I did the same treatment towards ladies.
I guess, such is now being disregarded , if so , THEN its a damn huge mistake, IMHO.--TYR

03-09-2017, 08:40 AM
... Folks, common decency marks a man to be a man..
How are these people being raised, is my question..
Back in my wild young days, I did the same treatment towards ladies.
I guess, such is now being disregarded , if so , THEN its a damn huge mistake, IMHO.--TYR
Well, Robert. You raised a good question. Only in the USA I came across with a fact that to give a hand to help a lady to exit from the bus can be interpreted as sexual harassment or the demonstration of discrimination on the gender basis. And it is a great pity.

03-13-2017, 03:54 AM
Well, Robert. You raised a good question. Only in the USA I came across with a fact that to give a hand to help a lady to exit from the bus can be interpreted as sexual harassment or the demonstration of discrimination on the gender basis. And it is a great pity.

True story. Americans are sue-crazy. they want to win the lotto in terms of getting people to pity them AND to be given vast amounts of money for stupid shit.

Here in Germany we see "Women only" parking spots in parking garages; and they are nearest the exits to make it easier. I doubt it'd ever been enforced, but I've never seen a dude park there.