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View Full Version : Paul Slams GOP Replacement Plan

03-10-2017, 09:41 AM
So I'm with Rand Paul on this one. Wouldn't have called that one!! Well, I do think it's survivable though, with some hard work. :)


Paul Slams GOP Replacement Plan: It's 'Dead on Arrival' in Senate

Sen. Rand Paul showed no signs of warming to the GOP’s Obamacare replacement plan Thursday night during his appearance on Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

The American Health Care Act is so bad that it “dead on arrival” in the Senate, he argued.

"It keeps the Obamacare taxes for a year," Paul told host Ed Henry. "Then [it] keeps the Cadillac tax forever; [it] keeps the Obamacare subsidies, but renames them tax credits; [it] keeps the individual mandate, but you don’t pay the government the penalty, you’ve got to pay the insurance company ... That's the very definition of Obamacare Lite."

Instead, Obamacare should be replaced with “market reforms,” he said, touting his own health care plan.

"You expand health savings accounts, and then you expand health care associations, these associations like co-ops or buying pools."

He went on to argue that repeal has to happen first, echoing Sen. Tom Cotton, who on Thursday said House Republicans need to “start over.”

House Republicans "might as well just start over ... We’re going to have to separate repeal from replace,” Paul told Henry.



03-10-2017, 09:49 AM
More, in reverse date though I believe...


Sen. Rand Paul on Paul Ryan’s Obamacare Lite: Speaker ‘Trying to Pull the Wool Over the Eyes of the President’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), a top conservative in the U.S. Senate, unloaded on House Speaker Paul Ryan’s Obamacare 2.0 replacement plan—that does not repeal Obamacare—in an exclusive interview on Wednesday with Breitbart News.

In the interview, Paul accused Ryan of misleading President Donald Trump on the process and the level of support in the House for the bill that House GOP leadership—at Ryan’s direction—put forward this week.

The House Freedom Caucus was publicly against this strategy before Ryan even rolled it out. The group of more than 40 House conservatives remains steadfastly opposed to Ryan’s plan on this front, showing no signs of breaking as they signaled before it was introduced, and now many Republican offices outside the House Freedom Caucus privately tell Breitbart News that as many as 70 or more House Republicans are opposed to Ryan’s plan.

Leadership knows this too, they say, as all the “hard no” votes have told the Speaker’s office or the whip teams they cannot vote for this bill. But Ryan is plowing forward, stating at a number of press conferences this week he is confident he will receive the 218 votes he needs to pass the bill—even though he clearly does not have them right now.

When asked what Ryan’s strategy is here, Paul told Breitbart News it makes no sense—and that he believes that the Speaker is deliberately misleading President Trump into thinking he has more support for this bill than he has, and that its fate is not in crisis.

Paul is confident that conservative House and Senate Republicans will stick together, defeat this bill, and then work with President Trump to separate repeal and replacement into different bills passed on the same day down the road. The fact that Paul is saying Ryan is misleading Trump is an explosive charge, but is backed by the evidence of widespread mistrust in the House GOP conference over this bill and Ryan’s waning influence as Speaker—dislike of it extends far beyond the House Freedom Caucus, as Breitbart News can confirm.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/03/08/exclusive-sen-rand-paul-paul-ryans-obamacare-lite-speaker-trying-pull-wool-eyes-president/

03-10-2017, 12:02 PM
So many of these republicans are not serious.
They are so compromised. the insurance companies are still getting what they want with Ryan and the establishment GOP.
Obama-care was Romney-care in the 1st place and this NEW republican plan is no better .
what Joke.

Rand Paul is Right ... again.
been far better if he were president,
he might have been able to get this done right.

but you know...Ron Paul would have taken care of it long ago but .. to bad he's an isolationist ...and a racist.

We'll see what the Trump will do here. I suspect back he'll back Ryan and the establishment. and it will go no where. and he won't come close to Paul's POV on this at any point since Trump promoted a version of the FULL on single payer-ish Gov't Health care for everyone.. But we'll see.