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03-10-2017, 09:54 AM
House Intel Chair On Trump-Russia Evidence: ‘There’s Nothing There'

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said Monday that he will not subpoena President Trump’s tax returns as part of his investigation into links to the Russian government.

California Rep. Devin Nunes also said during a press gaggle on Capitol Hill that he’s been told by federal officials that “there’s nothing there” regarding allegations that Trump campaign advisers made improper contacts with Russian agents prior to the election.

Trump’s tax returns have received new attention amid the ongoing probes into any links between his advisers and the Russian government.

But Nunes, who served on the Trump transition team, told reporters that a subpoena is not on the table.

“No, we’re not going to do that,” he said.

Nunes was also asked various questions about investigations into Trump-Russia ties, including his committee’s probe into Trump advisers’ possible contacts with Russian government officials and of former national security advisor Michael Flynn’s intercepted phone calls with Russia’s ambassador in December.

“What I’ve been told, by many folks, is that there’s nothing there,” Nunes said regarding the Trump advisers’ alleged contacts with Russia.

Rest here - http://dailycaller.com/2017/02/27/house-intel-chair-on-trump-russia-evidence-theres-nothing-there/#ixzz4a03Lorz7

03-10-2017, 10:01 AM
and it looks like at least some Dems on Intel Committee agree:


Inside The Investigation To Get To The Bottom Of Russia’s Role In The ElectionThe Senate Intelligence Committee has been given sweeping powers, unseen since the Watergate era, to investigate Russian meddling in the US election. As its scope grows to include suspected ties between the Trump camp and Russia, investigators are starting to worry politics have overhyped the probe.


03-10-2017, 06:35 PM
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is a Republican and a member of Trump's transition team. He pretty much HAS to deny that the current FBI probe will find nothing. Even though it is ongoing.

03-10-2017, 07:23 PM
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is a Republican and a member of Trump's transition team. He pretty much HAS to deny that the current FBI probe will find nothing. Even though it is ongoing.

You either didn't read or missed the Democrats...

03-10-2017, 08:37 PM
and it looks like at least some Dems on Intel Committee agree:



By the way, when is the committee going to investigate the mounting evidence that CNN, NY Times, and the WaPost all colluded to try to influence the American election?

03-10-2017, 11:19 PM
By the way, when is the committee going to investigate the mounting evidence that CNN, NY Times, and the WaPost all colluded to try to influence the American election?

What "evidence?" I haven't seen any evidence at all. The media can't influence an election. They don't force people to vote. A rapidly decreasing number of voters get their information from print or electronic media.

As for the Russia-Trump connection, it is being investigated by an elite division of the FBI that few have access to.


03-10-2017, 11:33 PM
What "evidence?" I haven't seen any evidence at all. The media can't influence an election. They don't force people to vote. A rapidly decreasing number of voters get their information from print or electronic media.

As for the Russia-Trump connection, it is being investigated by an elite division of the FBI that few have access to.


Gee ... where was this "elite division" when it came to investigating Hitlery? The whole accusation is a joke.

03-11-2017, 12:39 PM
What "evidence?" I haven't seen any evidence at all. The media can't influence an election. They don't force people to vote. A rapidly decreasing number of voters get their information from print or electronic media.

As for the Russia-Trump connection, it is being investigated by an elite division of the FBI that few have access to.


I you can't see the evidence already, then no one can make you see it.

If you think that "the media can't influence an election", then you're not giving it much thought. They can influence it by selecting what news gets reported and what doesn't. By what news is a headline and what's buried on page H-42. They can select to use highly misleading headlines, such as "Mounting evidence of Russia-Trump collusion" and then not reporting when the DNI says "we've found no evidence". They can just make stuff up, such as the stories that Trump had removed the bust of MLK from the Oval Office.

And if you think that it's not collusion because the media doesn't force people to vote, then that would mean that there cannot be any collusion between Trump and Russia, because Trump doesn't force anyone to vote, and Russia doesn't force anyone to vote - which means that they can stop all the "investigations" right now. Is that what you are saying?

03-11-2017, 01:51 PM
Gee ... where was this "elite division" when it came to investigating Hitlery? The whole accusation is a joke.

Not only is it a joke, but it is a Democrat fetish played out in the public eye by a compliant press that has slavishly parroted leftist talking points as fact.

03-11-2017, 02:01 PM
What "evidence?" I haven't seen any evidence at all. The media can't influence an election. They don't force people to vote. A rapidly decreasing number of voters get their information from print or electronic media.

As for the Russia-Trump connection, it is being investigated by an elite division of the FBI that few have access to.


What rock have you been hiding under?

The MSM selectively influences elections toward the liberal bent.

And what is your proof that "an elite division of the FBI" is investigating? I have
far more experience with the FBI than you do, and I KNOW full well such a thing
would not be made public.

The probes into Hillary and Obama were made public...Why not this? You're full of it.

03-13-2017, 08:53 PM
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is a Republican and a member of Trump's transition team. He pretty much HAS to deny that the current FBI probe will find nothing. Even though it is ongoing.

gabby. SOMEDAY. I will sit back, and laugh at you again for trying to convince the rest of us how YOU, and FAKE NEWS are joined at the "LIP!":laugh:

03-14-2017, 02:11 PM
still NOTHING. MUCH MORE was found about hillary's wrongdoings than they found about Trump and Russia. Then again, when you find NOTHING, that's easy to top. But we know Hillary had the illegal server, that's a FACT.

"There's nothing there"

03-14-2017, 03:26 PM
What "evidence?" I haven't seen any evidence at all. The media can't influence an election. They don't force people to vote. A rapidly decreasing number of voters get their information from print or electronic media.

As for the Russia-Trump connection, it is being investigated by an elite division of the FBI that few have access to.



Old hillbilly me did not realize that print or electronic media is not media, as you say above.:laugh:

I would love to hear about that 'elite division' that you posted. Elite means you have no access to it.