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View Full Version : CNN Just Reported A Massive Lie About Sean Hannity

03-18-2017, 10:01 AM
CNN Just Reported A Massive Lie About Sean Hannity

The fake news network CNN strikes again! This time, they actually claimed that the host of a Fox news show is a CRIMINAL!

Early Friday Morning CNN published an article accusing Sean Hannity of pulling a gun on Juan Williams after a heated segment. The title of the article reads…


There is only one problem, the story is a complete lie!

Hannity explained that he was being “safe” and he showed Williams the gun for “educational purposes.”

Even Juan Williams said that the whole story is ridiculous and has been “sensationalized”.

“Everything was under total control throughout and I never felt like I was put in harm’s way,” Williams said. “It was clear that Sean put my safety and security above all else and we continue to be great friends.”

Rest here - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/03/fake-news-cnn-just-reported-massive-lie-sean-hannity/

03-18-2017, 11:33 AM
I have to wonder where First Amendment protections end and where libel laws begin.

The First Amendment protections are in place in order to allow reporting of events to the public. However, it comes with a price.

Journalists have a public responsibility to report truthfully. That means, when they publish something that is found to be untrue, once it comes to their attention that they publicly retract all such information in a timely and in an OBVIOUS manner (i.e. no burying the retraction at the bottom of page 85 of the New York Times). My standard would be to print the retraction in the same place on a website or in a printed work where the original story appeared. Furthermore, any such news outlet that continues repeating the original news item shall be subject to liability by the injured party.

Futhermore, anything that is conjecture and is reported by the news media should be published in such a way as to make it perfectly clear that the item is not based on fact but on hypothesis on the part of the reporter and no evidence supports it.

In other words, journalists will have to start doing their jobs once again.