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View Full Version : Neither FBI or DOJ Have Any Evidence to Back Trump's Wiretapping Claims

03-20-2017, 12:31 PM
Just posted a thread pointing to NO evidence Trump colluded with Russia... and now we flip the coin to Trump's own accusation. I think our spooks do a lot more than we know about. They have already stated that with all the calls being recorded in a database, and all the agencies having access, and that they can't necessarily track who accessed what.... are they telling us everything? I'm NOT saying they're lying. But with calls of Trump's being released with foreign leaders, then SOMEONE obviously had access. It's even remotely possible that it came from within his new administration somehow, I don't know. But after the long election season, what and how our media had to do with things, and then seeing the former administration... then worse, seeing how the FBI/CIA/DOJ.... I have lost SO SO much faith in our "system". Hell, I can't even tell anymore who the F is doing what behind the scenes. Or perhaps it was always like this and I'm still just too damn naive.


Comey: Neither The FBI or DOJ Have Any Evidence to Back Trump's Wiretapping Claims

Testifying in front of the House Intelligence Committee Monday FBI Director James Comey said after a long search, neither the Bureau nor the Department of Justice has any evidence President Obama had now President Donald Trump wiretapped during the 2016 presidential campaign.

"With respect to the President's tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no information that supports those tweets," Comey said. "We [FBI and DOJ] have no information that supports them."

"No president could [unilaterally order a wiretap of anyone]," he continued.

Nearly three weeks ago, President Trump sent out the following tweets, which Comey referred to during his testimony.

Last week top Democrats and Republicans on the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, in addition to Speaker Paul Ryan, also said they have no evidence to back up President Trump's wiretapping claims.

The White House maintains President Trump was referring to overall surveillance, not specifically to wiretapping.


03-20-2017, 12:39 PM
It's called SPYING? What evidence do you expect to find?