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View Full Version : US Pays 22.1% of NATO Budget; Germany 14.7%; 13 Allies Pay Less Than 1%

03-20-2017, 01:19 PM
I don't like this. At least not from the richer countries. There is no doubt that the USA pays more than others, now matter how you slice it and add it up. And what is their use anyway? Everyone goes their to argue, some mean words are said and sometimes some really mean resolutions are drawn up. Then from that point forward everyone ignores it. IMO they are mostly a useless entity, that costs us an awful lot of money.


US Pays 22.1% of NATO Budget; Germany 14.7%; 13 Allies Pay Less Than 1%

(CNSNews.com) – While President Trump’s weekend Twitter assertion that “Germany owes vast sums of money to NATO” is disputed by experts – and by Berlin – it draws attention to the fact that Germany, like the majority of the 28 members of the alliance, has yet to meet a NATO-agreed commitment to devote two percent of GDP to defense spending.

At the same time, a closer look at NATO funding also underlines that – as is the case with the United Nations – the U.S. contributes more than one-fifth of the direct, collective funding that keeps NATO’s military and civilian operations on track.

Member countries contribute in line with an agreed cost-sharing formula, based on Gross National Income. (GNI equals GDP plus income obtained in dividends, interest etc. from other countries.)

Under that formula, the U.S. contributes 22.144 percent of the NATO budget, followed by Germany (14.65 percent), France (10.63 percent) and Britain (9.84 percent).

Thirteen allies, mostly smaller former communist countries that joined the alliance after the fall of the Soviet Union and disintegration of Yugoslavia, pay less than one percent each – Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia.


Rest here - http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/patrick-goodenough/us-pays-2214-nato-budget-germany-1465-13-allies-pay-below-1

03-20-2017, 04:13 PM
I'm not disputing the chart, but this article seems to be a better synopsis of how NATO is supposed to be funded. CNS shows Germany, FR, UK paying substantial percentages, yet that has to do with how rich they are, (US too for that matter). Now, when you look at the 2% amount of GNP, Germany doesn't come out so well:


03-20-2017, 04:32 PM
I'm not disputing the chart, but this article seems to be a better synopsis of how NATO is supposed to be funded. CNS shows Germany, FR, UK paying substantial percentages, yet that has to do with how rich they are, (US too for that matter). Now, when you look at the 2% amount of GNP, Germany doesn't come out so well:


I'm FAR from any type of expert on all of this crap. I'm not an economic type of guy. But it always seems like the US pays an awful lot, while so many others come up short. But without understanding it all, 3.6% down to 1.2% doesn't sound like a ton of difference. I need percentages for dummies. :)

03-20-2017, 04:45 PM
I'm FAR from any type of expert on all of this crap. I'm not an economic type of guy. But it always seems like the US pays an awful lot, while so many others come up short. But without understanding it all, 3.6% down to 1.2% doesn't sound like a ton of difference. I need percentages for dummies. :)


Instead of the Dollar amount, look at % of GDP. US has always carried more than our share, but there really isn't any excuse for France, Germany, or Canada not to hit 2%. Granted, their 2% is way more than Poland's but not nearly the sacrifice.

03-20-2017, 04:51 PM
Instead of the Dollar amount, look at % of GDP. US has always carried more than our share, but there really isn't any excuse for France, Germany, or Canada not to hit 2%. Granted, their 2% is way more than Poland's but not nearly the sacrifice.

I can see when it's Transylvania or BumBillyHood or whatever - but if it's a major power that has a functioning economy, they should be held equally responsible.

03-23-2017, 12:30 PM
"I don't like this. At least not from the richer countries. There is no doubt that the USA pays more than others" jc #1
The U.S. imposes its will on the world because it can.
If U.S. military capability was barely a match for Denmark, U.S. military coercion around the world would also likely match.

It's a vicious cycle.
- The U.S. $tax $payer pays more for an extravagant military in the first place. Then
- the U.S. government, having superlative military power, exercises it. Then
- our volunteer U.S. military troops are forced into ridiculous military commitments like the U.S. military invasion & occupation of Iraq.


I'm not dismissing the guns vs butter reality of our collapsing bridges while we fly the most up-to-date military aircraft known to man.


The $huge price we pay in $treasure also costs us $huge in blood.

Is there any rational reason NATO members should not share the pain, in proportion to their contribution? Why must the U.S. pay at both ends?