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View Full Version : Ted Cruz: Trump’s Wiretapping Allegations ‘Not Necessarily as Outlandish’ as media sa

03-20-2017, 01:24 PM
I don't see any proof, nor do I believe we will ever see any. But I don't believe the whole thing is as far fetched as some would have you believe. And many liberals literally laugh it away because it's Trump, but folks on the democrat side have been on the receiving end as well over time.


Sen. Ted Cruz: Trump’s Wiretapping Allegations ‘Not Necessarily as Outlandish’ as Media Suggests

(CNSNews.com) - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday that President Donald Trump’s allegations that the Obama administration wiretapped Trump Tower is not as “outlandish as the press suggests.”

“I will point out, this is not necessarily as outlandish as everyone in the press suggests. We do know that the Obama administration targeted their political enemies. We do know that the IRS, for example, targeted citizens groups who spoke out in defense of the Constitution, who spoke out against Obama, and so the notion is not necessarily outlandish, but it is serious. So it needs to be based on facts,” Cruz said.

Cruz said that Congress should see the evidence behind the president’s allegations.

He noted that that there were reportedly “two FISA applications for some sort of surveillance or wiretaps” and that one was turned down by the FISA court, “one of which was granted.”

Cruz said it was important to learn more about what was contained in those FISA applications and that the investigations by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees will discover that.

“The FISA applications, though, are significant, or at least they could be. They have been reported publicly in the media. It is not often that the FISA court turns down an application. They usually grant those applications. That suggests the application was probably overbroad. It is worth looking at, was there a fishing expedition that the Obama administration was trying to do or not?” Cruz said.


03-20-2017, 01:34 PM
What I don't like about it is it's a stupid political distraction. It's over. You won. Move on. The left is going to do everything they can to distract everyone from anything that matters. They going to drag this out for his entire term? And he needs to quit responding to it. I'd give them the finger and respond to their BS again.

He's got an uphill battle against the crybabies on the left and the leftwingnut MSM. He needs to focus on THAT. Not what was.

Black Diamond
03-20-2017, 02:08 PM
What I don't like about it is it's a stupid political distraction. It's over. You won. Move on. The left is going to do everything they can to distract everyone from anything that matters. They going to drag this out for his entire term? And he needs to quit responding to it. I'd give them the finger and respond to their BS again.

He's got an uphill battle against the crybabies on the left and the leftwingnut MSM. He needs to focus on THAT. Not what was.
My first thought was he did it so the media would get off the Russia thing. Then Jim reported on the New York Times article that said there was wiretapping.

Black Diamond
03-20-2017, 02:27 PM
Also, isn't the whole country wiretappped? Where is revelarts?