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View Full Version : Cruz: Not 1 democrat, not Hillary or Obama, voted against Gorsuch

03-20-2017, 07:46 PM
Let's see this week just how good their memories are. :)


Ted Cruz: Not One Democrat — Including Hillary and Obama — Voted Against Neil Gorsuch’s Federal Judgeship

On the first day of confirmation hearings for Federal Appeals Court Judge Neil Gorsuch to be named as a Supreme Court Justice, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) reminded the Democrats, who one after another criticized the nominee, that during his confirmation hearing a decade ago for the federal seat he holds now, not one Democrat — including Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama — voted against Gorsuch.

“A decade ago, Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by this committee for the Federal Court of Appeals by a voice vote,” Cruz said. “He was likewise confirmed by the entire United States Senate by a voice vote without a single Democrat speaking a word of opposition.

“Not a word of opposition from Minority Leader Chuck Schumer,” Cruz said. “Not from Harry Reid, or Ted Kennedy, or John Kerry.”

“Not from Senators Feinstein, Leahey, or Durbin, who still sit on this committee,” Cruz said. “Not even from Senators Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden.”

“Not a one of them spoke a word against Judge Gorsuch’s nomination a decade ago,” Cruz said.

Cruz said that not only did President Donald Trump play an unprecedented role in the selection of a justice to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia by telling the American people of the 21 people — including Gorsuch — who would be under consideration if he were elected president, but the voters weighed in.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/03/20/ted-cruz-not-one-democrat-including-hillary-and-obama-voted-against-neil-gorsuchs-federal-judgeship/

03-20-2017, 08:17 PM
Merrick Garland received a lot of praise from Republicans while on the DC bench. Didn't do him a lot of good when he was appointed to the Supreme Court. :rolleyes:

03-20-2017, 08:17 PM
Merrick Garland received a lot of praise from Republicans while on the DC bench. Didn't do him a lot of good when he was appointed to the Supreme Court. :rolleyes:
He wasn't 'appointed' to SCOTUS.

03-20-2017, 08:33 PM
He wasn't 'appointed' to SCOTUS.

OK, "nominated." Mea culpa.

03-20-2017, 09:29 PM
Merrick Garland received a lot of praise from Republicans while on the DC bench. Didn't do him a lot of good when he was appointed to the Supreme Court. :rolleyes:

Even though he did receive a lot of praise from Republicans. The Senate was successful in preventing, what everyone knew, was a Lame Duck Wannabe President bent on the destruction of the USA, from getting his way.
Not to mention...which few have. That Garland also had a STRIKE against him because he was on the DC bench. A known source of Liberal, Law making in disguise.

The liberals. Like you gabby. Are now suffering from DEFEATITUS of the BUTT, due to not getting their way...since their HERO Hillary ruined their plans to completely destroy America..with OBAMA'S blessings.