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View Full Version : Nunes: FBI is not cooperating with our investigation

03-23-2017, 12:47 PM
One of the things I had guess at earlier, that they were monitoring in on someone else, and then got information secondhand. And now that this is being dug into, others don't want to play ball, not even the FBI. I don't think either side will ever play ball, nor will we ever find out all of the truth on this one. :(


‘So far the FBI has not told us whether or not they’re going to respond to our March 15th letter which is now a couple weeks old’

The FBI is not cooperating with the House of Representatives' investigation into the NSA's surveillance of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, the chairman of the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), said today.

During an explosive press conference outside the White House, Nunes told reporters that communications from the Trump team were picked up and disseminated within the government during the 2016 campaign. Nunes said sources within the intelligence community presented him with the information. He spoke to the press after briefing the administration.

"We don’t actually know yet officially what happened to General Flynn," Nunes said of how communications from Gen. Flynn's calls were leaked to the press. "We just know that his name leaked out but we don't know how it was picked up yet. That was one of the things that we asked for in the March 15th letter, was for the NSA, CIA, and FBI to get us all the unmasking that was done."

"And I'll tell you, NSA is being cooperative," Nunes continued, "but so far the FBI has not told us whether or not they’re going to respond to our March 15th letter, which is now a couple of weeks old.”

Nunes also reported that as of now, he "cannot rule out" President Obama ordering the surveillance.

And contrary to earlier media reports, Nunes clarified that the surveillance was not related to the FBI's investigation into possible collusion with Russia. This surveillance, he emphasized to reporters, does not "have anything to do with Russia."
