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View Full Version : We Need an Independent Investigation of the Trump Leaks Mystery Now

03-26-2017, 09:48 AM
I agree. I also agree with looking into the Russia stuff, regardless of side. But I've said about this one all along, someone had access to those leaked phone calls. Perhaps possible, but sucks if our intel agencies are being unaccountable for who has access to what.


We Need an Independent Investigation of the Trump Leaks Mystery Now

The detective story of our times is unspooling before us and the MacGuffin could affect all of our lives for years to come and the very nature of our republic.

That mystery is "whodunit" in the great Trump Transition leak(s) scandal that actually pre- and post-dates the transition itself.

Who unmasked Michael Flynn and -- so it seems now -- others and why did he, she or they do it? Who later leaked (selectively) President Trump's conversations with the leaders of Australia and Mexico? Is this the same person or are there several?

More importantly, who is watching the watchers and why was their work -- this raw data that supposedly is never seen except on the most extreme "need to know" basis -- apparently so widely distributed? Who inspired this? And who ordered what is known as a "tasking" to enable this to happen in the first place?

These questions are as or more important than healthcare, immigration, taxes or even how long ISIS will survive because they speak to the very nature of our society and the values for which we stand. Are we still a democratic republic or have we drifted so far into a high-tech Orwellian nightmare that we will never emerge from it again?

Yes, I am aware some of Mr. Flynn's activities may be dodgy. But that doesn't excuse the unmasking, particularly of others, one of whom may even have been the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Devin Nunes, who was himself a member of the Trump transition team.

We need a truly independent investigation as divorced from partisan politics as humanly possible to unravel this mystery and expose the roots of this surveillance -- if, as now seems likely, something of this nature occurred -- to public light.

Rest here - https://pjmedia.com/rogerlsimon/2017/03/25/we-need-an-independent-invetigation-ofl-the-trump-leaks-mystery-now/

03-26-2017, 10:58 AM
Only if we get an independent investigation of Trump's links to the Russian government.

03-26-2017, 11:14 AM
Only if we get an independent investigation of Trump's links to the Russian government.

You can't even read the very first fucking sentence of my post? You truly are a trolling idiot.

03-26-2017, 08:07 PM
Only if we get an independent investigation of Trump's links to the Russian government.

Welcome back gabby....http://icansayit.com/images/troll.jpg