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View Full Version : ‘Existential Threat to the Entire Planet’

03-29-2017, 03:24 PM
This guy is an idiot, as most likely already know. Hillary is out there crying sexism about everything Trump. Now this one thinks Trump will kill the entire planet. :rolleyes:


John Podesta: Donald Trump an ‘Existential Threat to the Entire Planet’

Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta believes that Donald Trump has doomed the entire planet.
“Make no mistake, the Trump administration’s rampage against the environment presents an existential threat to the entire planet,” Podesta wrote in the Washington Post on Wednesday.

The former failed campaign manager, a passionate warrior for global warming, appeared distraught after Trump signed an executive order to ratchet back the Obama-era environmental regulations that choked businesses and job growth.

Podesta appears unwilling to let go of the fact that Clinton lost the election, again citing the popular vote in 2016 as a reason to fight Trump’s agenda.

“Winning the popular vote by nearly three million votes was not enough for Hillary Clinton to win the White House, but those votes nonetheless reflect the voices of a majority of Americans,” he said.

He urged Americans to work against the administration’s environmental agenda.

“As Americans, we need to do all we can to stop the Trump administration and Republican leaders in Congress from implementing the most anti-environmental agenda in decades,” he said, adding that “resistance works.”


Maybe on a similar note?

J Scott Armstrong: Fewer Than 1 Percent Of Papers in Scientific Journals Follow Scientific Method

Fewer than 1 percent of papers published in scientific journals follow the scientific method, according to research by Wharton School professor and forecasting expert J. Scott Armstrong.
Professor Armstrong, who co-founded the peer-reviewed Journal of Forecasting in 1982 and the International Journal of Forecasting in 1985, made the claim in a presentation about what he considers to be “alarmism” from forecasters over man-made climate change.

“We also go through journals and rate how well they conform to the scientific method. I used to think that maybe 10 percent of papers in my field … were maybe useful. Now it looks like maybe, one tenth of one percent follow the scientific method” said Armstrong in his presentation, which can be watched in full below. “People just don’t do it.”

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/03/29/j-scott-armstrong-fraction-1-papers-scientific-journals-follow-scientific-method/