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View Full Version : SpaceX: Elon Musk, reuseable rockets, reducing $costs, &...

03-31-2017, 04:37 AM
There are two topics here.
a) Scientific innovation. &
b) Who should $pay, and how.

I've seen video of these SpaceX rockets returning to a soft landing.
It looks nearly CGI.
I'm not a rocket surgeon, but I consider it an amazing engineering feat.

NASA originally persuaded congress to fund the shuttle fleet on basis that it would reduce the cost per pound of payload to low Earth orbit (LEO).
The idea was, a reusable vehicle would be cheaper to operate than disposable rockets.
I gather, in part due to how delicate and expensive the shuttle's complicated heat-shield was, among other reasons, the shuttle didn't save much if any money.

Privatizing our space program may have turned out to be a fairly cost-effective move, shifting risk and burden of innovation to the private sector.


BUT !!

In this era of $20 $Trillion $dollar debt, does it really make sense for us to be playing space adventure games, funded by citizens yet unborn?

"What's pernicious about deficits for conservatives is this. It makes big government cheap. What we're doing, we're turning to the country, the "conservative" administration turns to the country and says: We're going to give you a dollar's worth of government, we're going to charge you seventy five cents for it. And we're going to let your kids pay the other quarter." George Will Nov 30, 2003

"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt." John Adams

The U.S. was Founded in part in protest against KG3's taxation without representation.
The indebted at conception had no vote on this unrestrained binge on astronomical spending.
Yet they're over $50K in the $hole before the doctor swats their behind?

Do we need a balanced budget amendment (BBA)?
Will the Republicans shut down the government at the next debt ceiling deadline fast approaching?
And if they don't, what will the next reset ceiling level, duration to next crisis be? 3 months? 6 months? Election day 2018?