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View Full Version : Soldier Prevented From Speaking at YearlyKos Convention

red states rule
08-04-2007, 03:30 PM
At the Daily Kos convention a US soldier was censored and escorted out of the hall

Here I thought, the kook left supported the troops - or is that as long as they agree with what the moonbats say and do?

See the video here


08-04-2007, 03:33 PM
At the Daily Kos convention a US soldier was censored and escorted out of the hall

Here I thought, the kook left supported the troops - or is that as long as they agree with what the moonbats say and do?

See the video here


He was in uniform and that seems to have been wrong. On the other hand, what he said was right.

red states rule
08-04-2007, 03:48 PM
He was in uniform and that seems to have been wrong. On the other hand, what he said was right.

If he was not in uniform - they would have said he was not a member of the military

Yet, the liberal media flocks to those who are in the service and voice their opposition tot he war - this guy is told to shut up

red states rule
08-05-2007, 07:38 AM
Don't try telling the Daily Kos panel anything they do not want to hear

Much like libs here - they get very offended and angry when you try to confuse the issue with facts

red states rule
08-05-2007, 07:44 AM
'Progressive' conference shuts down military man
At event attended by leading Democrat candidates moderator cuts off questioner because of uniform

Posted: August 3, 2007
7:24 p.m. Eastern

© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

moderator at a conference of "progressive" bloggers attended by leading Democratic presidential candidates engaged in an unusual confrontation with a man in military uniform, refusing to let him speak and demanding he identify himself.

The panel, "The Military and Progressives," took place today at the YearlyKos in Chicago, an annual event run by influential blogger Markos Moulitsas of the DailyKos.

The confrontation was captured on video posted by blogger Ian Schwartz, beginning at about the 40-minute mark.


'Progressive' conference shuts down military man
At event attended by leading Democrat candidates moderator cuts off questioner because of uniform

Posted: August 3, 2007
7:24 p.m. Eastern

© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

Democratic National Committee chief Howard Dean, seen on accompanying video screen, stirs up YearlyKos conference crowd (Photo DailyKos)
A moderator at a conference of "progressive" bloggers attended by leading Democratic presidential candidates engaged in an unusual confrontation with a man in military uniform, refusing to let him speak and demanding he identify himself.

The panel, "The Military and Progressives," took place today at the YearlyKos in Chicago, an annual event run by influential blogger Markos Moulitsas of the DailyKos.

The confrontation was captured on video posted by blogger Ian Schwartz, beginning at about the 40-minute mark.

Ezra Klein of the American Prospect, who witnessed the incident called it an "odd close" to the panel, reporting that at the end "a young man in uniform stood up to argue that the surge was working, and cutting down on Iraqi casualties."

"The moderator largely freaked out," Klein wrote. "When other members of the panel tried to answer his question, he demanded they 'stand down.'"

The moderator, Klein said, "demanded the questioner give his name, the name of his commander and the name of his unit. And then he closed the panel, no answer offered or allowed, and stalked off the stage."

Panelist Wesley Clark, the former NATO commander and 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, "took the mic and tried to explain what had just occurred," Klein said.

Klein said "the argument appears to be that you're not allowed to participate in politics while wearing a uniform, or at least that you shouldn't, and that the questioner was engaging in a sort of moral blackmail, not to mention a violation of the rules, by doing so."

He concluded: "Knowing fairly little about the army, I can't speak to any of that. But it was an uncomfortable few moments, and seemed fairly contrary to the spirit of the panel to roar down the member of the military who tried to speak with a contrary voice."

Democratic presidential candidates expected to attend the conference are former Sens. John Edwards and Mike Gravel; Sens. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Chris Dodd; and Rep. Dennis Kucinich. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid also are expected.


08-05-2007, 08:54 AM
Panelist Wesley Clark, the former NATO commander and 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, "took the mic and tried to explain what had just occurred," Klein said.

Klein said "the argument appears to be that you're not allowed to participate in politics while wearing a uniform, or at least that you shouldn't, and that the questioner was engaging in a sort of moral blackmail, not to mention a violation of the rules, by doing so."

yeah, Clark really hates that....


red states rule
08-05-2007, 09:06 AM
yeah, Clark really hates that....


Clark is a twit who had a battle plan to be Presidnet in 04

We know how that plan worked out

08-06-2007, 12:38 AM
The kook left does not support the troops, any more then they supported the troops when they spit in the them during the vietnam war, and physically assaulted them, and even killed one during this war.

At the Daily Kos convention a US soldier was censored and escorted out of the hall

Here I thought, the kook left supported the troops - or is that as long as they agree with what the moonbats say and do?

See the video here


red states rule
08-06-2007, 04:03 AM
The kook left does not support the troops, any more then they supported the troops when they spit in the them during the vietnam war, and physically assaulted them, and even killed one during this war.

Libs no longer try to hide their hate for the US military - at least they are being honest on this issue

red states rule
08-06-2007, 04:27 AM
YearlyKos Hypocrisy: Markos Supports Soldiers Wearing Uniforms at Anti-war Rallies
By Noel Sheppard | August 5, 2007 - 21:01 ET

As the folks at Daily Kos scramble to explain what transpired at their convention in Chicago Friday morning when a soldier in uniform tried to speak at a breakout session called "The Military and Progressives: Are They Really That Different," it has been revealed that Markos Moulitsas supports such attired military members attending anti-war rallies.

In fact, so do many Kossacks.

Quite fortuitously, Moulitsas posted on this very subject on June 2, 2007 (emphasis added, h/t Charles Johnson):

So they'll prosecute me if I wear my Army uniforms to an anti-war protest? Really?

But that's not the point. As we've seen time and time again, we see military personnel, in uniform, all the freakin' time as backdrops to Republican pro-war events -- including with Mr. 28% -- and there haven't been any prosecutions of those folks.

Marine Cpl. Adam Kokesh has already been discharged. He has every right enshrined under the Constitution, including those of free speech and peaceful assembly.

And anyone that thinks otherwise, quite frankly, is legitimately and objectively un-American.

Well, Markos, if that's the case, then John Soltz, the gentlemen who wouldn't let the soldier in question continue to speak during your convention's breakout session Friday morning is legitimately and objectively un-American.

And, so is the representative of his group VoteVets.org who posted this explanation at Daily Kos Sunday morning (emphasis added):

Many civilians may not understand that, but it's important to those who serve and who have served in the military. Do we get stern with rule breakers? Yep. Do we value discipline? Yep, we do. And we do it for a reason. So Jon may have gotten a little "excited" over the whole thing, but regardless, he was correct: The soldier is not allowed under military law to do what he was attempting to do.

So, it appears it's okay to the Kossacks for soldiers to wear their uniforms at anti-war rallies, but not at their own convention if they are going to defend what's going on in Iraq.

Dontcha just love it?

In fact, if you look at the comments after Markos' June post saying that Kokesh had the Constitutional right to protest in his uniform, the Kossacks were all behind him. For instance:

The laws are written, many become outdated, but, they can (and have been) trotted back out to selectively enforce persecuting people. This military law is no different.

Yet, two months later, when this issue came right into their own living room, the comments changed dramatically:

Clarity, self-discipline, respect for institutions larger than oneself. We are desperate for these traits, traits which are undermined and even ridiculed by the self-indulgent, self-righteous, self-justifying rantings of the rightwing wurlitzer. And in these lying times, it's crucial to set the record straight. Thanks so much.

Exquisitely delicious hypocrisy, wouldn't you agree?

Finally, for those that are interested, the name of the mystery soldier has been revealed. Rick Moran of Pajamas Media interviewed Sgt. David D. Aguina this morning.
