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View Full Version : Border Wall taking away american's land

04-04-2017, 11:19 AM

Black Diamond
04-04-2017, 11:32 AM
I am sure Pete whines every time a new highway goes through someone's yard and the family is forced to move. He's not just a whiny lib partisan hack....

04-04-2017, 11:37 AM
I am sure Pete whines every time a new highway goes through someone's yard and the family is forced to move. He's not just a whiny lib partisan hack....
ok as long as it aint your yard right?

Black Diamond
04-04-2017, 11:43 AM
ok as long as it aint your yard right?
Feel that wind over your head? That was my point.

04-04-2017, 12:01 PM
Trump has always been very clear, he loves eminent domain powers, whether for the public good or private.

04-04-2017, 12:58 PM
In any case, I don't care too much because many of these people who have their land taken are Trump voters.

04-04-2017, 01:10 PM
For a nation to put up security borders, whether fences or walls, that's much different than taking someone's property for a casino. Same as when it's a very much needed highway or railway. I can only wish I had property where such things need to run through, I would give them a very nice discount in return for their hard work on our much needed wall.

04-04-2017, 01:11 PM
In any case, I don't care too much because many of these people who have their land taken are Trump voters.

And they'll get paid with tax dollars - aka your money too - the same as with the wall. And something tells me that property owners are of a mixture and not ALL somehow Trump voters.

Black Diamond
04-04-2017, 01:13 PM
In any case, I don't care too much because many of these people who have their land taken are Trump voters.
So you're fine with people getting "screwed" as long as they voted for trump instead of the wicked bitch. Sounds like what you accused me of earlier in the thread.

04-04-2017, 02:21 PM
Generous! :shakegift:


Americans for their land on the border Christopher Woody (http://www.businessinsider.com/author/christopher-woody)

Mar. 16, 2017


04-04-2017, 02:36 PM
For a nation to put up security borders, whether fences or walls, that's much different than taking someone's property for a casino. Same as when it's a very much needed highway or railway. I can only wish I had property where such things need to run through, I would give them a very nice discount in return for their hard work on our much needed wall.
I think that it is natural that the State interests are prevailing whin they are in contradictions with the interests of certain individuals. And to provide this the mechanisms of compensation (when speaking about property) were worked out and applied many,many decades ago. If on the contrary the States stop existing.

04-04-2017, 03:39 PM
So you're fine with people getting "screwed" as long as they voted for trump instead of the wicked bitch. Sounds like what you accused me of earlier in the thread.Fact is, if you check the demographics, the people on the border are blue state voters. Joke's on Petey. Again. So we can play this. Dumbo-crats are paying for the wall.:laugh2:

FTR, I do NOT agree with imminent domain. Never have. But it's there. I'm just laughing at Petey-boy who thinks rightwingers are are the ones getting hosed. :laugh:

04-04-2017, 03:50 PM
I think that it is natural that the State interests are prevailing whin they are in contradictions with the interests of certain individuals. And to provide this the mechanisms of compensation (when speaking about property) were worked out and applied many,many decades ago. If on the contrary the States stop existing.Here's the secret answer ... there's already a wall. If Trump wants to make it taller or whatever it is irrelevant. It's not going to stop anything. Most illegals just walk through the gate. Hell, I know how to get across the river and where to do it. Build a wall? I'll bring a taller ladder and a shovel.

The whole "wall" thing appeals to a partisan crowd and Trump has to appease his partisan crowd. Unless he is prepared to militarize the border nothing he does is going to work.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-04-2017, 04:58 PM

Cried out , as you have no problem with what over 12 million illegals are taking away from we true citizens! And what carnage wrecked by them , assorted crime, and highway deaths they cause, tax dollars stolen -given them by dem morons etc.. ....

Here is a new word for you, Petey.
I am generous and will even give you something to help you understand..
Given to you because I am just a most kind and very giving sort of guy.. - ;)--Tyr


hypocrite play
noun hyp·o·crite \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\
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Definition of hypocrite

: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

hypocrite adjective

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The Origin of 'Hypocrite'
Gallery: Word of the Year 2015
Hypocrite: Trended on August 21, 2015
Examples of hypocrite in a sentence

We can learn a good deal about the manners and morals of the times from Lautrec, for he was neither a hypocrite nor a sentimentalist, and there is a matter-of-fact-ness about his vision … that precludes both nostalgia and prurience. —Elizabeth Cowling, Times Literary Supplement, 8 Nov. 1991

Holding up high moral, ethical, and social standards is very difficult, because if one falls short of being a perfect example, one becomes a target and a hypocrite, albeit a well-meaning one. —Mark Masters et al., New Dimensions, June 1990

Of all of these things and people Cilla knew nothing, nor could he tell her, yet he tried to show interest in what she had to tell him. Once he would have been very interested. Now he felt like a hypocrite, and because he was uncomfortable he blamed it in some way on Cilla. —Esther Forbes, Johnny Tremain, 1943

the hypocrites who criticize other people for not voting but who don't always vote themselves

Origin and Etymology of hypocrite

Middle English ypocrite, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritēs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai

First Known Use: 13th century

HYPOCRITE Defined for English Language Learners
hypocrite play
noun hyp·o·crite \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\
Definition of hypocrite for English Language Learners

: a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs

HYPOCRITE Defined for Kids
hypocrite play
noun hyp·o·crite \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\
Definition of hypocrite for Students

: a person who acts in a way that goes against what he or she claims to believe or feel She's a hypocrite who complains about litter and then litters herself.

hypocritical \ˌhi-pə-ˈkri-ti-kəl\ adjective
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04-04-2017, 08:21 PM

petey. If you feel this strongly about the loss of land from Americans. Why aren't you even madder, or angry that ILLEGALS who steal across those lands Illegally, and rape, rob, transport drugs, and kill innocent Americans...because all you see is your own selfishness, and hatred rising above LIFE???

04-05-2017, 08:21 AM
petey. If you feel this strongly about the loss of land from Americans. Why aren't you even madder, or angry that ILLEGALS who steal across those lands Illegally, and rape, rob, transport drugs, and kill innocent Americans...because all you see is your own selfishness, and hatred rising above LIFE???I'm actually not for building a wall and don't support the idea a bit. My idea of a "wall" is take away the incentive to come here. Want a pay for a wall? Stop with the slap on the wrist fines for employers and hammer their butts. We already have the laws. They're just not enforced. And money can buy you a LOT of looking the other way.

The money guys will hire a go-between that will bring in the bodies. And they pretend to know nothing. The fines are a joke.

04-05-2017, 09:36 AM
petey. If you feel this strongly about the loss of land from Americans. Why aren't you even madder, or angry that ILLEGALS who steal across those lands Illegally, and rape, rob, transport drugs, and kill innocent Americans...because all you see is your own selfishness, and hatred rising above LIFE???

Because uh studies generally show otherwise.

04-05-2017, 01:26 PM
Because uh studies generally show otherwise.

I see petey. So, you actually place STUDIES as more important than ACTUAL Illegal actions, murders, drug cartels, and robberies?
How Liberal can you get?

04-05-2017, 02:14 PM
Because uh studies generally show otherwise.Not sure what studies you are referring to. Try living here and watching it in action first hand. They come over here, take our pay without paying taxes, take our money hack to Mexico on the weekends, and will literally pack as many people into an apartment as they can.

And it is not about racism. Some of my best friends are Mexican Americans. They're here LEGALLY and pay the same taxes the rest of us do.