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04-05-2017, 02:56 PM
A friend posted this on Facebook. I followed the link, read it, and now posting it. :)


California is home to millions of immigrants… more than any other state, especially from Asia and Mexico. In fact, 27% of all people who immigrate to America end up in California, as the state’s immigrant population continues to increase.

But more people are seeing an easy way in. Instead of following the rules and getting in line, millions of illegal aliens break America’s immigration laws, while taking advantage of publicly-funded programs.

With California’s immigrant population growing so quickly, you would think the state would be eager to slow down the rate of people entering the state. However, that is incorrect.

Instead, the California Senate just passed a bill which declares California a “sanctuary state!”

This is outrageous:

The California Senate passed a bill barring local and state law enforcement from helping federal immigration enforcement.

Approval of the bill is seen as defiance of President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.

Senate Bill 54, the “sanctuary state” bill, was passed by a 27-12 vote along party lines on Monday evening, with Democrats supporting the measure and Republicans opposing it. The bill will go to the State Assembly, where Democrats hold a majority, and if approved, to Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown.

Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, who introduced the bill, called its passage a “rejection of President Trump’s false and cynical portrayal of undocumented residents as a lawless community.”

The bill bars state and local law enforcement agencies from using their resources to help in federal immigration enforcement. Inquiring about immigration status, providing federal immigration authorities access to interview a person in custody or assisting in immigration enforcement would be prohibited under the bill.

Rest here - http://thepoliticalinsider.com/state-california-sanctuary-state-just-became/?source=stream

04-05-2017, 03:07 PM
A friend posted this on Facebook. I followed the link, read it, and now posting it. :)


California is home to millions of immigrants… more than any other state, especially from Asia and Mexico. In fact, 27% of all people who immigrate to America end up in California, as the state’s immigrant population continues to increase.

But more people are seeing an easy way in. Instead of following the rules and getting in line, millions of illegal aliens break America’s immigration laws, while taking advantage of publicly-funded programs.

With California’s immigrant population growing so quickly, you would think the state would be eager to slow down the rate of people entering the state. However, that is incorrect.

Instead, the California Senate just passed a bill which declares California a “sanctuary state!”

This is outrageous:

Rest here - http://thepoliticalinsider.com/state-california-sanctuary-state-just-became/?source=streamIt depends on which side of the topic you fall on. If that's what CA wants do, let them. Then cut off their Federal funding. You want States Rights? You got 'em. Pay for your own crap.

04-05-2017, 03:10 PM
It depends on which side of the topic you fall on. If that's what CA wants do, let them. Then cut off their Federal funding. You want States Rights? You got 'em. Pay for your own crap.

I agree on states rights. Every state should be able to have their own rights, no question there. But our federal government doles out lots of $$$ to the states for various reasons. This is an illegal immigration and security issue. I think they should even put it into law, that under certain circumstances, if they don't meet some criteria - they don't meet the money either!

04-05-2017, 03:28 PM
I agree on states rights. Every state should be able to have their own rights, no question there. But our federal government doles out lots of $$$ to the states for various reasons. This is an illegal immigration and security issue. I think they should even put it into law, that under certain circumstances, if they don't meet some criteria - they don't meet the money either!It already is law. Just not enforced.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-05-2017, 04:03 PM
California is a fast sinking ship-- thus the dem/lib solution to that problem is shoot more holes to let the incoming water rush out!
Just who the hell told these morons the water will-rush out!??
Somebody did.... as no explanation has merit, except the utter stupidity and rampant insanity of dem/lib ideology!-Tyr

04-05-2017, 04:18 PM
California is a fast sinking ship-- thus the dem/lib solution to that problem is shoot more holes to let the incoming water rush out!
Just who the hell told these morons the water will-rush out!??
Somebody did.... as no explanation has merit, except the utter stupidity and rampant insanity of dem/lib ideology!-TyrDon't know how it is now, but one of the times I was stationed there their deficit was higher than all 49 other states combined. They survive off Federal money/everyone else's tax dollars. I say cut them off. Let them secede. Trump will just need a bigger wall. Problem is, cut their funding or they secede and all the welfare chumps will just flee there and flood our states.

04-05-2017, 06:26 PM
I saw in the Lost Coast Outpost that the city of Arcata city council is voting on declaring itself
a sanctuary city.

Not surprising at all. It is already a sanctuary for homeless, panhandlers, strung out druggies,
aging hippies, and people on the run from the law.

I could not stand that place when I lived 7 miles North of there.