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View Full Version : Kitty has bad manners

04-06-2017, 02:42 PM

04-06-2017, 02:50 PM
http://i.imgur.com/zoO5oU0.jpgALL kitties have bad manners. You think you own them when they just let you live there :laugh:

Abbey Marie
04-06-2017, 02:52 PM

What bad manners? He's just letting you know he is in charge and it's his house. And it is. :)

Black Diamond
04-06-2017, 02:56 PM
What bad manners? He's just letting you know he is in charge and it's his house. And it is. :)
Same here. Frankie is the head of the household.

04-06-2017, 02:58 PM
Nero was sleeping in case you can't see his fur ruffled... he was in the front closet. Then he followed me in there, jumped on the table and decided he would relax a tad. :)

04-06-2017, 03:08 PM
My kitty thinks I'm her damned kitten. She wlll wait until bedtime, commandeer the bed, then I have to hide under a blanket because she'll knead me for 15 minutes. Because of the anemia I can't afford to let her scratch me. I bleed REAL well. But if I get a can of Coke and open it because it sounds like a cat food can being opened? I got 3 new best friends.:laugh:

04-06-2017, 06:20 PM
Pippin sits on the other side of the room and meows for attention. When I go to him, he gets up and trots off.

Yeah....I know who runs this house, and it is not me!:laugh:

04-06-2017, 10:54 PM
More proof that no one owns cats. They own you. Anyone who takes a cat into their home voluntarily relinquishes control of the premises. :cool:

04-07-2017, 09:51 AM
More proof that no one owns cats. They own you. Anyone who takes a cat into their home voluntarily relinquishes control of the premises. :cool:

Funny thing is, mine owns the dog too. Tells him when it's ok to eat, when it's allowable to go up the stairs, and even tells him when it's ok to sleep on the couch or not!

04-07-2017, 05:20 PM
And my daughter has this one stupid cat that lives in the middle of my bedroom door and has to bring a stuffed animal with him. What the Hell is up with THAT? Part of the gay rights movement? :laugh: