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View Full Version : 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women

04-10-2017, 10:59 PM
WOW! This guy is saying today more or less what I practiced 17-20 years ago. It works so well!


04-11-2017, 06:23 AM
WOW! This guy is saying today more or less what I practiced 17-20 years ago. It works so well!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBu6yHcqz-YDude ... you SERIOUSLY need some help. Do you just enjoy getting beat down, or what? Let's review:

Of the dozen or so regular posters on the board, at least 3 of them are women. Then you got a bunch 0f overprotective guys. Just nature. Girls are weird. I learned THAT in Jr Hi. How old are you? Ever occur to you those girls watch you do some dumbass typical guy sh*t and just shake their heads? They're thinking "why was it I picked this neanderthal?"

I like girls. I accept them for what they are. They're little emotional things that carry rolling pins. They probably think I drag my knuckles. It's the way it is.

What I DON'T appreciate is you insulting the ladies on this board. Aside from the fact they are my friends and I'm "that" overprotective guy, they are smarter than you. I would rather have a logical discourse the Kathianne, Abbey, or even Gabby than listen to this gender-biased BS. And don't tell me it was not your intent to insult the women on this board. BUt bubba, you ain't even close to being their equal.

04-11-2017, 10:42 AM
Nope. Just peeking at demographic groups that I gave up on decades ago. Thanks for confirming that I made the correct decision. I'm more than capable of defending me and my wife against racist Anglo women. That my wife's greatest point of distress as well. I remember this bitch at a clinic telling my wife that hired help can't bring in children for treatment when our son was sick. I gave that biotch the abuse she deserved. I then demanded that she beg for forgiveness unless she would prefer a Federal discrimination complaint.

04-11-2017, 10:53 AM
And another thing.... you all are just a curiosity to me, kind of like visiting a zoo. I don't care whether any of you live or die.

04-11-2017, 11:06 AM
And another thing.... you all are just a curiosity to me, kind of like visiting a zoo. I don't care whether any of you live or die.

I am sure the sentiment is largely mutual, because most often you are spreading bile and hate.

04-11-2017, 02:38 PM
Nope. Just peeking at demographic groups that I gave up on decades ago. Thanks for confirming that I made the correct decision. I'm more than capable of defending me and my wife against racist Anglo women. That my wife's greatest point of distress as well. I remember this bitch at a clinic telling my wife that hired help can't bring in children for treatment when our son was sick. I gave that biotch the abuse she deserved. I then demanded that she beg for forgiveness unless she would prefer a Federal discrimination complaint.

And another thing.... you all are just a curiosity to me, kind of like visiting a zoo. I don't care whether any of you live or die.Only thing I confirmed is you're a dumbass. You're NOT curiosity to us. We all look at you exactly the same when it comes to the way you denigrate women. There's no call for that bullshit. In case you missed it, women are people too. They have needs and wants the same as you. Their needs and and wants are no less than yours. I feel sorry for any woman that lives with you. I'd be planning your demise was it me. And you think women are dumb? They are way more innovative and devious at that crap than you'll ever be.

Abbey Marie
04-11-2017, 03:05 PM
Speaking of the zoo:




04-11-2017, 03:44 PM
Damn. I missed the boat on being a penguin. A pebble from the beach? That's getting off easy and beats the Hell out of a trip to Tiffany's.:laugh:

04-11-2017, 03:45 PM
Only thing I confirmed is you're a dumbass. You're NOT curiosity to us. We all look at you exactly the same when it comes to the way you denigrate women. There's no call for that bullshit. In case you missed it, women are people too. They have needs and wants the same as you. Their needs and and wants are no less than yours. I feel sorry for any woman that lives with you. I'd be planning your demise was it me. And you think women are dumb? They are way more innovative and devious at that crap than you'll ever be.

Exactly. This reminds me of the line in Casablanca, where Peter Lorre says "you hate me, Rick, don't you?" and Rick (Humphrey Bogart) replies "Well, I would if I gave you any thought". Tailfins is the Peter Lorre character, of course.

04-11-2017, 03:57 PM
It works so well that some folks purchase their wives from overseas...

Kind of makes the Mrs. nothing more than an indentured servant...

That's a special kind of loser... the man who buys a wife...

Abbey Marie
04-11-2017, 04:00 PM
Damn. I missed the boat on being a penguin. A pebble from the beach? That's getting off easy and beats the Hell out of a trip to Tiffany's.:laugh:


I heard the male penguin tried a diamond ring, but it kept falling off the female's flippers.

04-11-2017, 04:06 PM

I heard the male penguin tried a diamond ring, but it kept falling off the female's flippers.That cracked me up. And tell the hubbycap I own TWO copies of Casablanca just in case one screws up. :)

Abbey Marie
04-11-2017, 04:17 PM
That cracked me up. And tell the hubbycap I own TWO copies of Casablanca just in case one screws up. :)

:salute: :cool:

04-11-2017, 04:32 PM
Sorry, I hate to say this, but the guy in the video makes some very good points.

There are female assholes, just like male assholes... the difference is in how they project it.

The court system in this country is biased against men in many ways because they seem to be dedicated to the idea of wealth redistribution. Come to think of so are the lawyers, but they get the distribution.

If I had known what I know now forty years ago, I never would have married my ex-wife... However, I never would have know that wonderful person who is my son.... so, which hell is worse?

As for me, I feel like a total loser, because in the one thing that matters the most, love and a family... I've flunked out... and no accomplishment, no amount of wisdom, no amount of wealth can make up for it.

I hear a lot about men who don't respect women and what terrible people they are. Maybe so... but it seems to be OK for women to disrespect men, in fact it's applauded....

Remember that "I am a nasty woman" speech from January 21st... and you'll see what I mean.

Anyway, that's my two cents

(oh by the way, male lions don't hunt, they sponge off of the female lions who do... they also will kill any baby lions that are not their own... they aren't the best role models )

04-11-2017, 05:26 PM
And another thing.... you all are just a curiosity to me, kind of like visiting a zoo. I don't care whether any of you live or die.

Another one that likes to address the community as a whole, instead of perhaps those he takes issue with. Either that, or apparently you can't really learn the difference, and therefore must treat us all as one? I dunno.

What I do know, is that what you just wrote there is kinda fucked up. You don't care if we live or die? And now what if one of our long time members passes away in the next week? Wouldn't something like that somehow weigh on you after making your comments?

Does it not bother you that you are making such comments towards some folks that have never said an ill word towards you? Some that have actually in fact been friendly with you?

You must not have any friends outside of your family if this is how you treat people that may potentially disagree with you. Well, other than the coders you speak so highly of, or I suppose anyone that doesn't speak English.

And hating people so much, for simply words on a screen - knowing your stances and words about women - it seriously makes me wonder what happens if your wife should yell or disagree with/at you.

04-11-2017, 05:42 PM
...You must not have any friends outside of your family if this is how you treat people that may potentially disagree with you. Well, other than the coders you speak so highly of, or I suppose anyone that doesn't speak English.

Or the friends he pays for...

04-11-2017, 06:47 PM
And another thing.... you all are just a curiosity to me, kind of like visiting a zoo. I don't care whether any of you live or die.

tailfinhead. The feelings are MUTUAL from most of us. We all know, you have NO feelings, except how lonely you would feel if you couldn't visit a ZOO to see your relatives. Speaking of curiosity. Imagine how many Women would tag you the same way, and probably do, avoid you like a walking plague...advertising your STD's.


Here are your closest friends, and relatives tailfins....

04-12-2017, 02:20 AM
Another one that likes to address the community as a whole, instead of perhaps those he takes issue with. Either that, or apparently you can't really learn the difference, and therefore must treat us all as one? I dunno.

What I do know, is that what you just wrote there is kinda fucked up. You don't care if we live or die? And now what if one of our long time members passes away in the next week? Wouldn't something like that somehow weigh on you after making your comments?

Does it not bother you that you are making such comments towards some folks that have never said an ill word towards you? Some that have actually in fact been friendly with you?

You must not have any friends outside of your family if this is how you treat people that may potentially disagree with you. Well, other than the coders you speak so highly of, or I suppose anyone that doesn't speak English.

And hating people so much, for simply words on a screen - knowing your stances and words about women - it seriously makes me wonder what happens if your wife should yell or disagree with/at you.I was getting worried sh*tless bout CSM. Sergeant Major I'm Going on Vacation didn't bother to pick up his leave papers. I was about to request an Admin search party when he popped back up.

What can you say about Tailfins? He's weird. Seems to me he spends a lot of time trying to prove what a man he is. I tell my Sears and Roebuck catalogue order wife what to do. I don't care who lives or dies. Do you kick your dog? You're a real bad man.

You've mind-fucked me tailfins. How can you not care about other people? Especially ones you've known for years? I'm probably tougher and colder than you could even dream of being but I know when to turn the light on and when to cut it off.

You don't know jack ass shit about death. Now you're disrespecting ME. Bet you polish a chair with your ass back here in the World, don't ya? Does it have arms and a beer holder? Or do you just command the wife to make sure you have a fresh one?