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08-10-2007, 08:35 PM
But "I" am the only one that finds it offensive to BURN it out of all of us you mention. I that makes it a little more "MY" flag than yours.

It's not my fault she's uglier than a mud toad and a lezbo slit licker. Hag wondered what she looked like. I told him.

You're awful JUDGEMENTAL for a "Christian." You seem to pick your sides and apply your brand "Christianity" as YOU see fit. That's not very Christian like. You seem to have nose problems, sticking it in where it isn't needed. I'm glad I'm not your neighbor.
I doubt your Christianity, and with good reason. You can pretend like your actions are all a ok with the Lord, but i can assure you, they are not, and let no one on here think that your behavior is anything like it should be as a Christian following Christ.

And yes we are all sinners, and fall short of the glory of God, but you are very aware of your sins and scumminess like bringing your son to a prostitute, yet you repent not and say you're going to repeat it, while bitching like a baby about homosexuality being a sin....you are the perfect example of the hypocrites trying to stone the adulteress.... that Christ said, go ahead to, IF they felt they were free of sin themselves....

I am not going to sit here silent and let you give Christians and Christ himself a bad name, ....you can bet your booty on that...for sure! It would be a dereliction of my commitment to Christ.

IF you allowed PM's, which you don't, I would be having this discussion privately with you...one on one, if you would have permitted...but PM is not avail to me for such.


08-11-2007, 04:30 AM
Serious question here, not intended to be inflammatory.

If a young man who is single goes to a legal brothel and engages the services of a prostitute, how is that immoral according to Christ? As I said, I know that could be misconstrued as an inflammatory question but it's not meant to be. I am asking about the theology that denounces this behaviour. Sure, if the man was married and was seeing prostitutes it's immoral, I would consider that immoral because he is cheating on his wife (given the brothel is legal and well-run let's leave the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases out of it, someone gets the clap from a girl at one of those places and it's a pr disaster for the business).

08-11-2007, 06:09 AM
Serious question here, not intended to be inflammatory.

If a young man who is single goes to a legal brothel and engages the services of a prostitute, how is that immoral according to Christ? As I said, I know that could be misconstrued as an inflammatory question but it's not meant to be. I am asking about the theology that denounces this behaviour. Sure, if the man was married and was seeing prostitutes it's immoral, I would consider that immoral because he is cheating on his wife (given the brothel is legal and well-run let's leave the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases out of it, someone gets the clap from a girl at one of those places and it's a pr disaster for the business).

Sex without marriage is not permitted and considered Fornication, Immoral and unclean....and an abomination of God's given body.

Just as homosexual sex is considered immoral.

And Yes, I can understand how this seems foreign in this day and age, but it wasn't too long ago, a couple of decades ago, where this was still considered to be the case.

There were many reasons for this, back in the day of the Bible. Women did not work outside of the home, no way to support themselves without a spouce, no way to provide for a child if she got pregnant, no pennicillan at the time.....sexually transmitted disease would kill you, Tribal mentality and their sticking togetherness, and the overall need to produce and multiply was not condusive to a sex without commitment, society and not to mention that the Father was the most important unit of the Family back then, including the rearing of their children and the child's well being was major consideration too.

Women "holding out" on sex got them married.... ;)

Sex is considered a gift from God...fine to enjoy it all day long, but not without commitment.

red states rule
08-11-2007, 06:18 AM
Sex without marriage is not permitted and considered Fornication, Immoral and unclean....and an abomination of God's given body.

Just as homosexual sex is considered immoral.

And Yes, I can understand how this seems foreign in this day and age, but it wasn't too long ago, a couple of decades ago, where this was still considered to be the case.

There were many reasons for this, back in the day of the Bible. Women did not work outside of the home, no way to support themselves without a spouce, no way to provide for a child if she got pregnant, no pennicillan at the time.....sexually transmitted disease would kill you, Tribal mentality and their sticking togetherness, and the overall need to produce and multiply was not condusive to a sex without commitment, society and not to mention that the Father was the most important unit of the Family back then, including the rearing of their children and the child's well being was major consideration too.

Women "holding out" on sex got them married.... ;)

Sex is considered a gift from God...fine to enjoy it all day long, but not without commitment.

Well said, and how true

Some people will never get the message or the meaning

08-11-2007, 06:30 AM
Sex without marriage is not permitted and considered Fornication, Immoral and unclean....and an abomination of God's given body.

Just as homosexual sex is considered immoral.

And Yes, I can understand how this seems foreign in this day and age, but it wasn't too long ago, a couple of decades ago, where this was still considered to be the case.

There were many reasons for this, back in the day of the Bible. Women did not work outside of the home, no way to support themselves without a spouce, no way to provide for a child if she got pregnant, no pennicillan at the time.....sexually transmitted disease would kill you, Tribal mentality and their sticking togetherness, and the overall need to produce and multiply was not condusive to a sex without commitment, society and not to mention that the Father was the most important unit of the Family back then, including the rearing of their children and the child's well being was major consideration too.

Women "holding out" on sex got them married.... ;)

Sex is considered a gift from God...fine to enjoy it all day long, but not without commitment.

Thanks for the response, it is appreciated.

I agree with your reasoning. In a nomadic society (I'm thinking of the Jews in the desert) the rules regarding sex would have to be extremely strict. I'm not trying to be funny here just in case it looks that way. My reading of Leviticus tells me that it's a pretty good desert survival handbook. And similarly, in a small, mobile community that was on subsistence level it makes perfect sense - both from a social cohesion point of view and from the health point of view - to have very strict rules about sex.

But can't sexual morality shift and yet still be, for want of a better word, "honourable"? Where is the contemporary religious reasoning for frowning on a young, unmarried man who engages the services of a prostitute? No harm is done. It's a couple of consenting adults engaging in a transaction. As I said, no-one is harmed. He hasn't gone into a bar, got off his face and then glassed the bloke next to him.

08-11-2007, 06:48 AM
Thanks for the response, it is appreciated.

I agree with your reasoning. In a nomadic society (I'm thinking of the Jews in the desert) the rules regarding sex would have to be extremely strict. I'm not trying to be funny here just in case it looks that way. My reading of Leviticus tells me that it's a pretty good desert survival handbook. And similarly, in a small, mobile community that was on subsistence level it makes perfect sense - both from a social cohesion point of view and from the health point of view - to have very strict rules about sex.

But can't sexual morality shift and yet still be, for want of a better word, "honourable"? Where is the contemporary religious reasoning for frowning on a young, unmarried man who engages the services of a prostitute? No harm is done. It's a couple of consenting adults engaging in a transaction. As I said, no-one is harmed. He hasn't gone into a bar, got off his face and then glassed the bloke next to him.I don't think men are capable of truely understanding women, when it comes to this...most of the women that are prostitutes, DON'T really want to be there doing what they are doing. It may seem as though it is "consentual" to you and to her, on the surface, but if you could take the time sometime and read a little more about it, most of these women feel they have no choice but to be in the proffession they are in, in order to provide for themselves, or pay for their college, or pay for their drug addition, or help pay for the well being of their child that they have had out of wedlock.

It is not the choice profession of the average or even nonaverage female....especially in this day and age where women can virtually hold any job they would like in society if they were able to apply themselves.....verses yesteryear.... where prostitution was one of the only sure things, if a woman needed a job.

Sure, there may be some nymphs out there....but this is NOT usually the case....most of these women have a sad story behind the great body....

Supporting this behavior, imho, is demeaning to women and their true innate desires of having one man, love them.

You guys are programed to spread your seed, we are programed to have one man at a time.... with the lengthy pregnancy, needing the father of her child to be around for the 15 years or so....

Women in general, are much more comfortable being a one man woman....having a mental attachment and commitment to their mate, who is usually the father or going to be the father of their children.

I say in general because all hell has broken loose the last few decades...who knows what long term damage there may be to women, for going against their inner wantings and needs....

08-11-2007, 07:16 AM
Points taken JD and not being facetious, you're entirely right, men don't understand women.

Evolutionary theory holds that we men will try and spread our seed where we can. But given the need for a woman and her child to be protected (for years) we've developed social rules that reward men for staying with the one woman (Desmond Morris clued me up on that).

Aside from the reinforcement of regular sex being available to the man, society has provided status rewards for the man who has fathered a child and stays with the mother and child to bring the child up. If anyone reading this doesn't believe me then contrast "single man" with "married father of two children" and remember the first impressions that came into your head when you read those phrases.

But - getting back - where is the contemporary theology that says a single man having sex with a prostitute is immoral?

08-11-2007, 07:33 AM
Points taken JD and not being facetious, you're entirely right, men don't understand women.

Evolutionary theory holds that we men will try and spread our seed where we can. But given the need for a woman and her child to be protected (for years) we've developed social rules that reward men for staying with the one woman (Desmond Morris clued me up on that).

Aside from the reinforcement of regular sex being available to the man, society has provided status rewards for the man who has fathered a child and stays with the mother and child to bring the child up. If anyone reading this doesn't believe me then contrast "single man" with "married father of two children" and remember the first impressions that came into your head when you read those phrases.

But - getting back - where is the contemporary theology that says a single man having sex with a prostitute is immoral?

i don't know that there is one.... we are not permitted to make up, contemporary rules for the times.

I am not a Church goer, i was excommunicated from the Catholic Church, nearing 20 years ago....I am just a Believer, moreso the last 10-15 years where I committed myself to reading the Bible and studying Christ, I was called back....i feel it was not even my choice, and i fought it all the way....especially with my defiant to rules behavior...God won.....eventually! lol :D

so in truth, i don't know what is going on in any of the Churches regarding this, i would doubt much, but who knows?

08-11-2007, 07:38 AM
i misread your post, but answer's the same....there is no taking out and no adding to, permitted so we are told, with the Bible

08-11-2007, 07:59 AM
Are you fucking blind or intentionally skipping over the substantiation I posted? My accusation of his hypocisy hasn't anything to do with homosexuality in this case. He started a thread about liberals. It was one long string of claims that liberals promote promiscuity and fornication among other immoral activities. He entered into this grandstanding assault on the morals of others after posting that he took his kid to a whorehouse and was making plans on attending the Grand Opening (wasn't my pun) of another. If you can't see the hypocrisy in that, you're blind.

No, I'm not blind, and you know it. I thought I'd interject myself into the middle of someone else's conversation and start hurling insults so I could see what it's like to be you.

Morals are subjective. What's your point? If pale was judging others for going to whorehouses while he too was going, THEN he would be a hypocrite. I must've missed the part where he has.

And liberalism by its very nature promotes the breaking down of moral barriers.

08-11-2007, 08:24 AM
i don't know that there is one.... we are not permitted to make up, contemporary rules for the times.

I am not a Church goer, i was excommunicated from the Catholic Church, nearing 20 years ago....I am just a Believer, moreso the last 10-15 years where I committed myself to reading the Bible and studying Christ, I was called back....i feel it was not even my choice, and i fought it all the way....especially with my defiant to rules behavior...God won.....eventually! lol :D

so in truth, i don't know what is going on in any of the Churches regarding this, i would doubt much, but who knows?

I'm at a loss myself, last time I went to Mass it was in Latin. I remember all the Catechism classes but given I was a bit young I would think the issue of sexuality was never touched upon (I certainly don't remember it).

I'll be frank. I believe that sexual pleasure is connected with biological imperatives and that we, humans, have put our own rules on how it's conducted in various societies, both historically and in contemporary times.

One thing that strikes me about Christ's teachings is almost a re-working of Hippocrates, "first, do no harm." I know Christ's teachings are more than that but it put me in mind of Hippocrates dictum. I don't see the harm in an unmarried man visiting a prostitute in a well-run brothel from a secular point of view and I've yet to be convinced that it's un-Christian.

08-11-2007, 09:31 AM
You're just about as self-righteous and full of it as you accuse Pale of being. There's a BIG difference between telling others how to live, and expressing an opinion that how they are living is wrong.

This board is for expressing opinions. I have not once seen you present an argument that wasn't based solely on your opinion, or some irrelevant game of semantics defelcting issues to suit your agenda rather than address them head on and call something what it is.

Homosexuals are abnormal, period. If that's what they want to be, fine, but don't tell me that 95%+ of the population should have to suffer the whims of less than 5% of the population because they don't know which fucking hole to stick it in.

As far as being hypocritical goes ... show me the evidence the Pale's a homosexual saying homosexuality is wrong, and I'll agree with you, Otherwise, you'er just posting rhetoric.

BTW Gunny. I've never said that PR isn't entitled to his opinion or the ability to express it. I've said that his credibility in regards to sexual morality, given his own documented actions, is totally lacking...that the moral outrage he expresses, with his vulgarities and giant-red-letters, rings as hollow as an empty oil-tanker.

08-11-2007, 10:00 AM
BTW Gunny. I've never said that PR isn't entitled to his opinion or the ability to express it. I've said that his credibility in regards to sexual morality, given his own documented actions, is totally lacking...that the moral outrage he expresses, with his vulgarities and giant-red-letters, rings as hollow as an empty oil-tanker.

It's indicative of a "painting by numbers" approach to morality. He doesn't know why he's saying it but the instructions say to do it. Visceral responses are a poor substitute for thinking but humans are very good at it. How else would we have been given Nazism?

Pale Rider
08-11-2007, 06:08 PM
Totally exposing you for the hypocrite you are isn't enough for you?
You've "exposed" me for what? Telling the truth? Yup. I'm guilty.

Is that your best answer to my substantiation? Your conduct is okay because you admit it's wrong? Your double standards and hypocrisy are okay because you admit you sin? That's gotta be the weakest excuse for an excuse I've ever seen. You wonder why some people think Christians are full of sheep dip? It's because of people, like you, who don't believe in their own morals enough to follow them. The same people demand that the rest of us live by them.
Hypocrit? You call me a hypocrit..... just.... "because?" NOTHING I have said is hypocritical. NOTHING.

If anyone has EVER been guilty of FISHING for something to BITCH about on this board, THIS IS IT! There is no "double standard." There is no "hypocrisy." I an who I am, and I tell no lies about that. THAT is called being "honest." THAT is a Christian trait. The Bible says that "in the end, those who shall cry out to the Lord, shall be saved." Will you be one of those missilhead? Probably not. You're too damn busy condeming those of us "ADMITTED" Christians for being HONEST to comprehend it.

You're a faggot lover and enabler asshole. You'll spend you're last breath of air defending all that is SICK, PERVERTED, or DEVIANT. But when it comes to a CHRISTIAN telling the TRUTH. Then all of a sudden you have a huge problem. You're pathetic son of a bitch Mm. Enjoy your time in HELL.

Pale Rider
08-11-2007, 06:11 PM
I doubt your Christianity
One of the liberals favorite tricks is to pretend that, "if you say it, it must be true." Well.... THANKFULLY.... what you doubt or believe has absolutey NO BEARING on what ACTUALLY IS.

I'm a Christian, and what you say or believe will NEVER change that.

Ignore her Lord, for she knows not what she says.

08-11-2007, 06:15 PM
Enjoy your time in HELL.

08-11-2007, 06:26 PM
You've "exposed" me for what? Telling the truth? Yup. I'm guilty.

Hypocrit? You call me a hypocrit..... just.... "because?" NOTHING I have said is hypocritical. NOTHING.

Damn dude, you really are a retard. Bashing liberals for being sexually immoral while you are taking trips to the local brothel to deliver your kid to a whore is the epitome of hypocrisy. Maybe the problem is you don't know what a hypocrite is...look it up.

If anyone has EVER been guilty of FISHING for something to BITCH about on this board, THIS IS IT! There is no "double standard." There is no "hypocrisy." I an who I am, and I tell no lies about that. THAT is called being "honest." THAT is a Christian trait. The Bible says that "in the end, those who shall cry out to the Lord, shall be saved." Will you be one of those missilhead? Probably not. You're too damn busy condeming those of us "ADMITTED" Christians for being HONEST to comprehend it.

You're a faggot lover and enabler asshole. You'll spend you're last breath of air defending all that is SICK, PERVERTED, or DEVIANT. But when it comes to a CHRISTIAN telling the TRUTH. Then all of a sudden you have a huge problem. You're pathetic son of a bitch Mm. Enjoy your time in HELL.

You've already got at least one other Christian who thinks you're full of shit when it comes to morality. The silence from the genuine Christians on the board speaks volumes too. Don't you find it strange that they aren't rallying to your defense?

As far as hell goes, if it exists, and if I wind up there, you'll be the sorry sack of shit at the bottom of the pile. :fu:

08-11-2007, 09:50 PM
One of the liberals favorite tricks is to pretend that, "if you say it, it must be true." Well.... THANKFULLY.... what you doubt or believe has absolutey NO BEARING on what ACTUALLY IS.

I'm a Christian, and what you say or believe will NEVER change that.

Ignore her Lord, for she knows not what she says.
and i praise you for your patience Pale....

I am not going to dwell on this, i said what I knew as a Christian, was important to say....you heard it, you can continue doing as you wish....though i pray you consider some of my criticism...

I would NOT have scolded you for your non christianlike nastiness to LN in public if you were accepting PM's....or Reps, just an fyi on that!


Pale Rider
08-11-2007, 10:19 PM
and i praise you for your patience Pale....

I am not going to dwell on this, i said what I knew as a Christian, was important to say....you heard it, you can continue doing as you wish....though i pray you consider some of my criticism...

I would NOT have scolded you for your non christianlike nastiness to LN in public if you were accepting PM's....or Reps, just an fyi on that!


And I hope your self grandious appointment of Christian morality counselour has made you feel good about yourself.

I deal directly with the Lord about what I do and say. I don't need you.

Pale Rider
08-11-2007, 10:26 PM
Damn dude, you really are a retard. Bashing liberals for being sexually immoral while you are taking trips to the local brothel to deliver your kid to a whore is the epitome of hypocrisy. Maybe the problem is you don't know what a hypocrite is...look it up.

You've already got at least one other Christian who thinks you're full of shit when it comes to morality. The silence from the genuine Christians on the board speaks volumes too. Don't you find it strange that they aren't rallying to your defense?

As far as hell goes, if it exists, and if I wind up there, you'll be the sorry sack of shit at the bottom of the pile.
Do you EVER get sick of hearing yourself spew this crap. I certainly do.

You think what you want, when you want, and no amount of truth or reasoning will affect that. You... mister god hating faggot lover... lecturing a Christian about morals.

I'll explain this once to you dumbass. Sex, between a man and woman, is what nature intended. Whether that sex is a negotiated meeting with payment up front, or you date a girl for a month and spend a small fortune on dinners, movies, gifts, one way or the other you're paying for it. Yes, it's a sin to have sex out of wedlock, but I've admitted I'm a sinner. Not only that, probably 99% of WORLDS POPULATION has sex outside of marriage. If you told me you didn't, you'd be a liar. Thus, there is no hypocrisy in anything I've said or done.

Now I don't know what else you want. You probably just want try and milk this out for another 75 pages railing away with NOTHING to bitch about, but you'll bitch and rant anyway. I believe you enjoy it.

Have at it you stupid fucking moron.

Pale Rider
08-11-2007, 10:31 PM
The silence from the genuine Christians on the board speaks volumes too. Don't you find it strange that they aren't rallying to your defense?

Oh... I see... so my rep going up from my comments in this thread isn't a sign of support... hmmmm.

No... I think what's going on is the "genuine" Christians here know better than to get into a pissing contest with the likes of you. Frankly, I think I'll join them and ignore you myself. You're a fucking retard.

08-11-2007, 10:44 PM
And I hope your self grandious appointment of Christian morality counselour has made you feel good about yourself.

I deal directly with the Lord about what I do and say. I don't need you.oh but you do, and the Bible tells us, you do need more than just directly dealing with the Lord. Christianity, involves others, including those that speak up when you are being lead astray or are being a nimrod!


Pale Rider
08-12-2007, 12:28 AM
oh but you do, and the Bible tells us, you do need more than just directly dealing with the Lord. Christianity, involves others, including those that speak up when you are being lead astray or are being a nimrod!


I think not only do you have nose problems, but you're in love with yourself. Go fondle yourself butterball ass. Nobody needs to hear your diatribe, especially me.

08-12-2007, 12:52 AM
I'll explain this once to you dumbass. Sex, between a man and woman, is what nature intended. Whether that sex is a negotiated meeting with payment up front, or you date a girl for a month and spend a small fortune on dinners, movies, gifts, one way or the other you're paying for it. Yes, it's a sin to have sex out of wedlock, but I've admitted I'm a sinner. Not only that, probably 99% of WORLDS POPULATION has sex outside of marriage. If you told me you didn't, you'd be a liar. Thus, there is no hypocrisy in anything I've said or done.

You just verified what I've suspected all along...you have no idea what hypocrisy means.

Pale Rider
08-12-2007, 01:51 AM
You just verified what I've suspected all along...you have no idea what hypocrisy means.

Not by your twisted definition.

08-12-2007, 09:41 AM
I think not only do you have nose problems, but you're in love with yourself. Go fondle yourself butterball ass. Nobody needs to hear your diatribe, especially me.
So be it! Have a nice Sunday Pale!


08-12-2007, 11:44 AM
Damn dude, you really are a retard. Bashing liberals for being sexually immoral while you are taking trips to the local brothel to deliver your kid to a whore is the epitome of hypocrisy. Maybe the problem is you don't know what a hypocrite is...look it up.

You've already got at least one other Christian who thinks you're full of shit when it comes to morality. The silence from the genuine Christians on the board speaks volumes too. Don't you find it strange that they aren't rallying to your defense?

As far as hell goes, if it exists, and if I wind up there, you'll be the sorry sack of shit at the bottom of the pile. :fu:

There's a BIG difference between homosexuality and promiscuity. One does not necessarily include the other. Homosexuality is unnatural. Promiscuity is not.

Your attempt to equate them so you can call someone a hypocrite is pretty lame.

08-12-2007, 11:50 AM
There's a BIG difference between homosexuality and promiscuity. One does not necessarily include the other. Homosexuality is unnatural. Promiscuity is not.

Your attempt to equate them so you can call someone a hypocrite is pretty lame.

Any attempt to link promiscuity and homosexuality exists only in your mind, and not in ANYTHING I've written. The rant about liberals and their sexual immorality that PR posted is not in this thread, but that doesn't make it non-existent, nor does it makes it off limits to this discussion.

08-12-2007, 12:03 PM
Any attempt to link promiscuity and homosexuality exists only in your mind, and not in ANYTHING I've written. The rant about liberals and their sexual immorality that PR posted is not in this thread, but that doesn't make it non-existent, nor does it makes it off limits to this discussion.

Since you wish to introduce an off topic discussion with vaguery, what specifically did pale address as "liberal sexual immorality" as it compares to his going to a brothel?

08-12-2007, 02:08 PM
Since you wish to introduce an off topic discussion with vaguery, what specifically did pale address as "liberal sexual immorality" as it compares to his going to a brothel?

Enjoy the read.


08-12-2007, 03:02 PM
There's a BIG difference between homosexuality and promiscuity. One does not necessarily include the other. Homosexuality is unnatural. Promiscuity is not.

Your attempt to equate them so you can call someone a hypocrite is pretty lame.

Only in your own head!

Both are sins against God. Not one sin is greater than another and we are told such IN SCRIPTURE....breaking one Law of the Lord is though you have broken them all Gunny? So, where do you get your Scripture from regarding this....?

James 2
Favoritism Forbidden
1My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism. 2Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. 3If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, "Here's a good seat for you," but say to the poor man, "You stand there" or "Sit on the floor by my feet," 4have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
5Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6But you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7Are they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to whom you belong?

8If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself,"[a] you are doing right. 9But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. 10For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. 11For he who said, "Do not commit adultery,"[b] also said, "Do not murder."[c] If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.

12Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!

Pale Rider
08-12-2007, 06:05 PM
Only in your own head!

Both are sins against God. Not one sin is greater than another and we are told such IN SCRIPTURE....breaking one Law of the Lord is though you have broken them all Gunny? So, where do you get your Scripture from regarding this....?

So you two liberal nut bags don't like the fact that I find burning an American flag extremely offensive, along with the majority of the board, so you do your level best to deflect the issue. You can't defend one, so you brew up some off the wall bullshit issue.

Oh but how predictable. EVERY SINGLE TIME you liberals lose an argument, you call names, use personal attacks, and try character assassination in an attempt to destroy the messenger.

Neither of you two numskulls have ANYTHING on me. I've been to a brothel. SO WHAT? I've admitted I'm not perfect. I've admitted I'm a sinner. THAT IN NO WAY EFFECTS the fact that GODLESS FAGGOTS EXIST, AND THEY'LL BURN IN HELL. ABSOLUTELY NONE! Whatever you two morons are trying to cook up is BULLSHIT, and you look like a couple IDIOTS at the height of HYPOCRISY!!!

Do you know what a "born again Christian" is johnny? It's a person that's accepted Jesus Christ into his/her life with their mouth, and is forgiven their sins. That's me. I will go to heaven. I will have to answer for my sins. I'm OK with that. At least I'll go to heaven. Non repentant homos will NOT. They surely will burn in hell.

08-12-2007, 06:16 PM
Only in your own head!

Both are sins against God. Not one sin is greater than another and we are told such IN SCRIPTURE....breaking one Law of the Lord is though you have broken them all Gunny? So, where do you get your Scripture from regarding this....?

Preach to someone else. My comment has nothing to do with scripture. It has to do with Man, and what he does and does not define as abnormal and promiscuous.

While you may be duping yourself into playing partisan paisan to missileman, the first time you try and use scripture as a basis for anything he'll be all over you.

That of course wouldn't make HIM a hypocrite at all .... attempting to use the very belief he disavows to discredit another.

08-12-2007, 06:38 PM
So you two liberal nut bags don't like the fact that I find burning an American flag extremely offensive,

Nice strawman.

Oh but how predictable. EVERY SINGLE TIME you liberals lose an argument, you call names, use personal attacks, and try character assassination in an attempt to destroy the messenger.

Damned if I don't know exactly what you're talking about...I've seen that very thing before.

I eagerly await you saying that it's not the same thing.

Neither of you two numskulls have ANYTHING on me. I've been to a brothel. SO WHAT? I've admitted I'm not perfect. I've admitted I'm a sinner. THAT IN NO WAY EFFECTS the fact that GODLESS FAGGOTS EXIST, AND THEY'LL BURN IN HELL. ABSOLUTELY NONE! Whatever you two morons are trying to cook up is BULLSHIT, and you look like a couple IDIOTS at the height of HYPOCRISY!!!

You need to take your ass down to a local community college and take a couple "English as a second language" classes.

Do you know what a "born again Christian" is johnny? It's a person that's accepted Jesus Christ into his/her life with their mouth, and is forgiven their sins. That's me. I will go to heaven. I will have to answer for my sins. I'm OK with that. At least I'll go to heaven. Non repentant homos will NOT. They surely will burn in hell.

Is PLANNING on attending the Grand Opening of a whorehouse your idea of a repentent person? You really are a tool.

08-12-2007, 06:41 PM
At least I'll go to heaven. Non repentant homos will NOT. They surely will burn in hell.
Somehow I don't beleive you of all people are truely gods mouthpiece. In fact think ya might ought to go back and read over those scriptures again.

08-12-2007, 07:12 PM
So you two liberal nut bags don't like the fact that I find burning an American flag extremely offensive, along with the majority of the board, so you do your level best to deflect the issue. You can't defend one, so you brew up some off the wall bullshit issue.

Oh but how predictable. EVERY SINGLE TIME you liberals lose an argument, you call names, use personal attacks, and try character assassination in an attempt to destroy the messenger.

Neither of you two numskulls have ANYTHING on me. I've been to a brothel. SO WHAT? I've admitted I'm not perfect. I've admitted I'm a sinner. THAT IN NO WAY EFFECTS the fact that GODLESS FAGGOTS EXIST, AND THEY'LL BURN IN HELL. ABSOLUTELY NONE! Whatever you two morons are trying to cook up is BULLSHIT, and you look like a couple IDIOTS at the height of HYPOCRISY!!!

Do you know what a "born again Christian" is johnny? It's a person that's accepted Jesus Christ into his/her life with their mouth, and is forgiven their sins. That's me. I will go to heaven. I will have to answer for my sins. I'm OK with that. At least I'll go to heaven. Non repentant homos will NOT. They surely will burn in hell.

The entire thread I discussed the merits or nonmerits of flag burning being legal or not....and I listened to others, like you, and how you view the flag and its importance....

ONLY WHEN YOU ATTACKED LIBERAL NATION by trying to degade her or humiliate her by belittling her LOOKS, did i speak out against what you did.

LETS be clear and truthful regarding this, mr Palerider....

IT WAS YOU Pale, who got this thread off track by attacking LN'S looks...and you who took the thread down another road by doing that....let the truth be known to all!!!!


08-12-2007, 07:25 PM
Do you know what a "born again Christian" is johnny? It's a person that's accepted Jesus Christ into his/her life with their mouth, and is forgiven their sins. That's me. I will go to heaven. I will have to answer for my sins. I'm OK with that. At least I'll go to heaven. Non repentant homos will NOT. They surely will burn in hell.

YOU don't even KNOW what Born Again Christian is, so why are you so certain of your own fate?

You don't don't just profess to be Born Again WITH YOUR MOUTH and then so be it....that is pure made up bull SHIT....

You are Born again of water and the Spirit, not by just saying it and then doing whatever the HELL you please knowingly not repenting of this sin....KNOWINGLY Pale, YOU reject the Spirit and God's word and then appear to be laughing in God's face about it while you proclaim to be saved because you said you accepted Christ? Like I said, BULLSHIT!

.....and I am a Born Again Christian.


08-12-2007, 07:47 PM
Somehow I don't beleive you of all people are truely gods mouthpiece. In fact think ya might ought to go back and read over those scriptures again.

Where does it say that you can still go to heaven without repenting of the queer lifestyle choice kid?

Pale Rider
08-12-2007, 07:51 PM
YOU don't even KNOW what Born Again Christian is, so why are you so certain of your own fate?

You don't don't just profess to be Born Again WITH YOUR MOUTH and then so be it....that is pure made up bull SHIT....

You are Born again of water and the Spirit, not by just saying it and then doing whatever the HELL you please knowingly not repenting of this sin....KNOWINGLY Pale, YOU reject the Spirit and God's word and then appear to be laughing in God's face about it while you proclaim to be saved because you said you accepted Christ? Like I said, BULLSHIT!

.....and I am a Born Again Christian.


:laugh2: - - I've got you practically under my control, hook, line and sinker. No more than I post and you're here responding with your best line of liberal bullshit... :laugh2:

It's fun to see that I can affect you this way. I'm really bothering you, and being the nose problem, busy body, bitch that you are, you won't rest unless you've had the last word... LMAO! I've got you UNDER MY CONTROL!!!

You're expending FAR more energy than I am, thinking up your best line of insults. Problem for you is, in that little pea brain of yours, you actually believe what you're saying, when in reality, it's nothing more than a full load buffalo dung.

Really johnnydope... take some good advice, sober up, get back in touch with reality and get a life. You sound like a ranting maniac mad at your husband, mad at your job, mad at your life, and mad at the world. It bothers you to think there are people out here that actually enjoy, and are comfortable with their life, and you need to do your best to try and throw your brand of CRAP at them in an attempt to make them as miserable as you are. Well... sorry... pork butt, I'm happy, healthy, well adjusted, educated, good looking, and you can't touch that. Now I know that makes you mad, but you're going to have to just deal with it.

08-12-2007, 07:53 PM
I think it says god will judge us on that account not other people. Man can not say who will go to heaven and who will not.

Using Pales logic I could accept I was a sinner, trust in christ, and continue doing what I was doing same as always no prob.

On another not, I've seen serial killers on tv saying they will go to heaven anyway for their faith in christ. Whose to say they wont if gods so mercifull and all.

08-12-2007, 07:54 PM
It bothers you to think there are people out here that actually enjoy, and are comfortable with their life, and you need to do your best to try and throw your brand of CRAP at them in an attempt to make them as miserable as you are. Well... sorry... pork butt, I'm happy, healthy, well adjusted, educated, good looking, and you can't touch that.
Right back atcha big boy.

08-12-2007, 08:59 PM
I think it says god will judge us on that account not other people. Man can not say who will go to heaven and who will not.

Using Pales logic I could accept I was a sinner, trust in christ, and continue doing what I was doing same as always no prob.

On another not, I've seen serial killers on tv saying they will go to heaven anyway for their faith in christ. Whose to say they wont if gods so mercifull and all.

No, the only way you can go to heaven is to firc accept Christ as your saviour then ask forgiveness of your sins. You cannot continue to lick snatch and sin and ask forgiveness over and over, it don't work that way, God will consider you lukewarm and spit you out.

You can ask forgiveness all you want but if you take the dirt nap tomorrow and are still an active unrepentant dyke............you are going to hell to break rocks for Lucifer.

08-12-2007, 09:01 PM
You can ask forgiveness all you want but if you take the dirt nap tomorrow and are still an active unrepentant dyke............you are going to hell to break rocks for Lucifer.
lol another one who thinks he holds the keys to heaven.

08-12-2007, 09:40 PM
:laugh2: - - I've got you practically under my control, hook, line and sinker. No more than I post and you're here responding with your best line of liberal bullshit... :laugh2:

Ahhh, ye protest too much Pale, it is you responding to me! :D

It's fun to see that I can affect you this way. I'm really bothering you, and being the nose problem, busy body, bitch that you are, you won't rest unless you've had the last word... LMAO! I've got you UNDER MY CONTROL!!!

No, I am only here to defend Christ and Christianity of the likes of people like you and I am here to help you with love in my heart for you, not with any animosity, God willing.

You're expending FAR more energy than I am, thinking up your best line of insults. Problem for you is, in that little pea brain of yours, you actually believe what you're saying, when in reality, it's nothing more than a full load buffalo dung.

Have I insulted you with my best lines? It is you, that is insulting me, continually with comments like nose problem, busy body, bitch, pea brain, load of buffalo dung comments....you really do not in any way represent what believing in Christ and following Christ means, at least not here on this site, it is possible that you may be more Christlike off this board and this is just some persona that you have taken on, on the net? I will give you that...

As I have said previously, I am not condemning you to hell or even presuming you will end up there, there is only one judge that all of mankind will stand before and that is Jesus Christ...

even non believers will go through judgement before HIM and judgement is not for whether you believe in Christ or not, judgement is for your deeds to determine your gifts, if any, in your next life from what I understand?

Only Christ, thru His judgement and mercy, will anyone make it to the Heavens, to be with God....it is NOT for me to judge, even for non believers, it is thru Christ that even they can be saved, on judgement day, when they meet Him.

I think you have been extremely UNChrist like in this thread and I have the free will to say such and have the Christian duty to say such!

And to be fair, I would expect you to do the same, to me, if I had gotten out of hand, as a fellow Christian.

Really johnnydope... take some good advice, sober up, get back in touch with reality and get a life. You sound like a ranting maniac mad at your husband, mad at your job, mad at your life, and mad at the world. It bothers you to think there are people out here that actually enjoy, and are comfortable with their life, and you need to do your best to try and throw your brand of CRAP at them in an attempt to make them as miserable as you are. Well... sorry... pork butt, I'm happy, healthy, well adjusted, educated, good looking, and you can't touch that. Now I know that makes you mad, but you're going to have to just deal with it.

Oh, btw, how old are you? you act as though you are an adolecent by calling me more names, as if these names would really hurt me.... haven't you ever heard of the nursery rhyme, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names, will never hurt me?" lol!

I seriously doubt you are happy or well adjusted, but I could be wrong?

Nothing here has made me mad other than you acting like Satan's child while you proclaim to be a Christian or acting like a person that follows the Word of Christ would act.... Just don't want the world to think that your actions represent the actions of a good Christian, because they didn't, at that moment.

Johnny Dope :laugh2:

Pale Rider
08-12-2007, 10:09 PM
Oh, btw, how old are you? you act as though you are an adolecent by calling me more names, as if these names would really hurt me.... haven't you ever heard of the nursery rhyme, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names, will never hurt me?" lol!

I seriously doubt you are happy or well adjusted, but I could be wrong?

Nothing here has made me mad other than you acting like Satan's child while you proclaim to be a Christian or acting like a person that follows the Word of Christ would act.... Just don't want the world to think that your actions represent the actions of a good Christian, because they didn't, at that moment.

Johnny Dope :laugh2:

I've really got you on the defense now... that was too easy.

You have to think up some new angle jd... you're "I'm holier than you are" act is a wash out.

Pale Rider
08-16-2007, 01:14 AM
YOU don't even KNOW what Born Again Christian is, so why are you so certain of your own fate?

You don't don't just profess to be Born Again WITH YOUR MOUTH and then so be it....that is pure made up bull SHIT....

You are Born again of water and the Spirit, not by just saying it and then doing whatever the HELL you please knowingly not repenting of this sin....KNOWINGLY Pale, YOU reject the Spirit and God's word and then appear to be laughing in God's face about it while you proclaim to be saved because you said you accepted Christ? Like I said, BULLSHIT!

.....and I am a Born Again Christian.


You really need to read this johnny... you really don't appear to know much about it....

Question: "What does it mean to be a born again Christian?"

Answer: What does it mean to be a born again Christian? The classic passage from the Bible that answers this question is John 3:1-21. The Lord Jesus Christ is talking to Nicodemus, a prominent Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin (a ruler of the Jews). Nicodemus had come to Jesus at night. Nicodemus had questions to ask Jesus.

As Jesus talked with Nicodemus, He said "...Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?" Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, You must be born again...." (John 3:3-7).

The phrase "born again" literally means "born from above." Nicodemus had a real need. He needed a change of his heart--a spiritual transformation. New birth, being born again, is an act of God whereby eternal life is imparted to the person who believes (2 Corinthians 5:17; Titus 3:5; 1 Peter 1:3; 1 John 2:29; 3:9; 4:7; 5:1-4, 18). John 1:12,13 indicates that "born again" also carries the idea "to become children of God" through trust in the name of Jesus Christ.

The question logically comes, "Why does a person need to be born again?" The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 2:1 says, "And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins..." To the Romans in Romans 3:23, the Apostle wrote, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." So, a person needs to be born again in order to have their sins forgiven and have a relationship with God.

How does that come to be? Ephesians 2:8,9 states, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast." When one is "saved," he/she has been born again, spiritually renewed, and is now a child of God by right of new birth. Trusting in Jesus Christ, the One who paid the penalty of sin when He died on the cross, is what it means to be "born again" spiritually. "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation..." (2 Corinthians 5:17a).

If you have never trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, will you consider the prompting of the Holy Spirit as He speaks to your heart? You need to be born again. Will you pray the prayer of repentance and become a new creation in Christ, today? "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe on His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" (John 1:12-13).

If you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and be born again, here is a sample prayer. Remember, saying this prayer or any other prayer will not save you. It is only trusting in Christ that can save you from sin. This prayer is simply a way to express to God your faith in Him and thank Him for providing for your salvation. "God, I know that I have sinned against you and am deserving of punishment. But Jesus Christ took the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. I place my trust in You for salvation. Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness - the gift of eternal life! Amen!"


Pale Rider
08-16-2007, 01:22 AM
IF you allowed PM's, which you don't,

Yes I do... but you have to be on my "friends list." Don't expect to be on that anytime soon.

Pale Rider
08-16-2007, 01:44 AM
I am not going to sit here silent and let you give Christians and Christ himself a bad name, ....you can bet your booty on that...for sure! It would be a dereliction of my commitment to Christ.

Well little miss holier than thou... there are a couple major differences between me as a Christian, and you as a Christian. "I" tell the TRUTH. "YOU" like to spread lies and inuendo. "I" have NOT sat in "judgement" as YOU have. "Judge ye not, lest ye be judged." I haven't judged YOU, and I haven't judged FAGGOTS. "GOD" has. "NATURE" has. "MORALITY" has. "I" haven't. It has merely been my prerogative to point out the sickness and perversion of it here. I have not judged. But YOU.... oooooohhh now YOU.... you sit there just BASHING AWAY in judgement.... "OOOHH you're not a Christian, I'm a BETTER Christian than YOU are.... YOU give Christians a BAD NAME... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!" And then you have the GALL to call ME a hypocrite. You're a sons a bitchin' LAUGH johhnyjingletits. An utter laugh. You haven't even a saving grace. You've been such a hypocrite about everything since this thread started, how you can sit at your computer and type out the CRAP your spewing, with straight face, is really REMARKABLE!

Truly, the only thing I can tell myself is, "well, she's a liberal, and liberals are all off kilter." Your thinking process is askew. YOU are right, and everybody else is ALWAYS wrong. Yup. You're a busy body broad, a control freak, and you're probably used to hen pecking and shouting down who ever would dare confront you. Well, have a beer, chill out, take a deep breath and calm down. Then THINK for minute what not only I but others, early on, have said to you in this thread. Maybe even read back through it to refresh your memory. You should be able to see how off your rocker you've been, because your hypocrisy is blaring like a fog horn.

08-16-2007, 02:56 AM
Well little miss holier than thou... there are a couple major differences between me as a Christian, and you as a Christian. "I" tell the TRUTH. "YOU" like to spread lies and inuendo. "I" have NOT sat in "judgement" as YOU have. "Judge ye not, lest ye be judged." I haven't judged YOU, and I haven't judged FAGGOTS. "GOD" has. "NATURE" has. "MORALITY" has. "I" haven't. It has merely been my prerogative to point out the sickness and perversion of it here. I have not judged. But YOU.... oooooohhh now YOU.... you sit there just BASHING AWAY in judgement.... "OOOHH you're not a Christian, I'm a BETTER Christian than YOU are.... YOU give Christians a BAD NAME... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!" And then you have the GALL to call ME a hypocrite. You're a sons a bitchin' LAUGH johhnyjingletits. An utter laugh. You haven't even a saving grace. You've been such a hypocrite about everything since this thread started, how you can sit at your computer and type out the CRAP your spewing, with straight face, is really REMARKABLE!

Truly, the only thing I can tell myself is, "well, she's a liberal, and liberals are all off kilter." Your thinking process is askew. YOU are right, and everybody else is ALWAYS wrong. Yup. You're a busy body broad, a control freak, and you're probably used to hen pecking and shouting down who ever would dare confront you. Well, have a beer, chill out, take a deep breath and calm down. Then THINK for minute what not only I but others, early on, have said to you in this thread. Maybe even read back through it to refresh your memory. You should be able to see how off your rocker you've been, because your hypocrisy is blaring like a fog horn.

Keep :dance: ing

You know, what you did and how you are acting is wrong.

And I surmise that it is you that is bothered by all of this because you have made several attemps to draw me back in to this thread...just with your last three posts alone.....

if this is the case, then what I 'called' you on, was worth it....cuz maybe it rattled the inner you, the one that did accept Christ as Savior... and guilt is setting in...

and maybe some day, you will thank me, for actually being your sister in Christ.


Pale Rider
08-16-2007, 03:35 AM
You know, what you did and how you are acting is wrong.

And I surmise that it is you that is bothered by all of this because you have made several attemps to draw me back in to this thread...just with your last three posts alone.....

if this is the case, then what I 'called' you on, was worth it....cuz maybe it rattled the inner you, the one that did accept Christ as Savior... and guilt is setting in...

and maybe some day, you will thank me, for actually being your sister in Christ.


Well jd... you've talked so much garbage at this point, and been so full of yourself doing so, I'm concerned for you. Have you repented lately for being so arrogant and judgemental?

Yes, you've noticed no one else wants anything to do with you anymore in this thread. They probably see that you lie and spew innuendo like you had actual knowledge of the person for real, and they'd just rather avoid you. Not good. Now you've got a reputation as a shit talker and hypocrite, like your liberal sister gabby. Enjoy that.

I will however pray for you. Maybe the Lord can enlighten you that when it comes to me, you don't know shit from shinola. But since you've spewed so much crap about my door step being dirty, YOUR'S must be SPOTLESS!!! Ppphhhtt.... hardly. You're just a hypocrite johnny... just a hypocrite, and Christ ain't happy with that, I guarantee it.

Stop and think about what you're doing... it ain't pretty.

08-16-2007, 06:21 AM
lol another one who thinks he holds the keys to heaven.

lol another one who thinks she can rewrite the rules to suit her desires.

08-16-2007, 04:20 PM
Well jd... you've talked so much garbage at this point, and been so full of yourself doing so, I'm concerned for you. Have you repented lately for being so arrogant and judgemental?

Yes, you've noticed no one else wants anything to do with you anymore in this thread. They probably see that you lie and spew innuendo like you had actual knowledge of the person for real, and they'd just rather avoid you. Not good. Now you've got a reputation as a shit talker and hypocrite, like your liberal sister gabby. Enjoy that.

I will however pray for you. Maybe the Lord can enlighten you that when it comes to me, you don't know shit from shinola. But since you've spewed so much crap about my door step being dirty, YOUR'S must be SPOTLESS!!! Ppphhhtt.... hardly. You're just a hypocrite johnny... just a hypocrite, and Christ ain't happy with that, I guarantee it.

Stop and think about what you're doing... it ain't pretty.

I stopped and I thought about it and I researched it:

This Bible study was written and submitted in April 2001 by: Joseph M. Willmouth, Pastor of Trinity Bible Church in Biloxi, Mississippi 39532. This contributed article is copyright protected, and the sole property of the contributing author. It may be freely copied and used provided the above credits are included. Document expiration: indefinite.

Today, one of the most quoted verses that we hear thrown out by people is "Judge not, that ye be judged." Therefore meaning, "who are you to judge me?" "Don't you know that you are not supposed to judge people?" Usually this is what comes out of a person's mouth when confronted about their behavior, their personal beliefs, or for what they are teaching. Is this really what the New Testament teaches, or is this just a smoke screen to cover-up unbiblical behavior or teachings? Let's look at what the New Testament teaches concerning a Christian's position when it comes to making judgments...


Areas that we should make judgments on.

a. Christians are to judge disputes between members of the local body of believers so they can settle these disputes (1 Corinthians 6:1-8). This is so that the problem doesn't spill over into the non-believing world, which discredits the church's witness to the lost.

b. The local church is to judge the unrepentant sins of its members, and to take the appropriate actions. Unconfessed sin needs to be publicly judged rightly and condemned (1 Corinthians 5:3-5). When we do this, it must be done according to God's Word (see Matt.18:15-20). The purpose of this judgment is not to condemn, but to restore the sinful believer into useful service (Galatians 6:1-5). If the sinful believer refuses to repent, then we are to break fellowship with them until they do repent (1 Corinthians 5:11-13; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; 3:6). Christ rebuked the church of Thyatira for not judging a woman who was a false teacher and prophetess, and who was sinning (Revelation 2:20-24).

c. We are to rightly judge the doctrinal teaching of preachers and teachers by God's Word (Matthew 7:15-20; Acts 17:10-11; 1 Corinthians 14:29; Titus 1:10-16; 3:10; Hebrews 13:7; 1 John 4:1; Revelation 2:20-24). Peter and John both told the Jewish leaders to judge what they were saying to see if it was true or not according to God's Word (Acts 4:19). Paul tells the Corinthians to judge what he was saying (1 Corinthians 10:15). It does need to be pointed out that we are not to listen to accusations against our pastor/leaders unless there are at least two or three witnesses (1 Timothy 5:19-20).

d. We are to rightly judge potential Elders/Pastors and Deacons to see if they measure up to the qualifications given in the Scripture (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9). The reason why many churches have the problems that they have is because they fail to obey God's Word and appoint people who are not qualified according to God's Word. This means that we have to discern or judge others by God's standards in order to be obedient to God's Word.

e. We are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:14 to "admonish the unruly." In verse 15, we are told to "see to it that no one repays another with evil for evil." So it is clear that we as believers have to be discerning about other believers. This doesn't mean that we are to go around looking for every little speck or flaw, but that when we see people doing things that are clearly unbiblical then we are to speak up and say something.

f. We are to examine or scrutinize ourselves to see if our faith is real (2 Corinthians 13:5-7). This testing is to see if we are truly saved and if we are doing right in the sight of God. We are also told to judge (scrutinize) ourselves before we partake of the Lord's Supper to see if our spiritual condition is correct (1 Corinthians 11:31).

Conclusion. The reason why so many Christians today think that they don't have a right to judge anyone is because they have been indoctrinated with the worldly teaching of "tolerance." To the world tolerance means that truth is subjective, and there is no absolute truth. This means no one has to right to tell someone else that they are wrong, because one person's opinion is just as good as someone else's. Therefore we hear such things as, "who are you to judge me, or to tell me if I am right or wrong?" According to the latest statistics (The New Tolerance, by Josh McDowell and Bob Hostetler, pages 173-174) 50% of Christians youth do not believe that an objective standard of truth exists, while 53% of the adults do not believe in absolute truth; Two-thirds of the 70% of Americans who say it is important to follow the teachings of the Bible reject moral absolutes. This is why many Christians today think that no one has the right to say anything to them, because that is judging them. When you bring this attitude into the church you have to ignore the Scriptures, because they do teach that there are absolute truths. Scriptures plainly teaches that believers are not to walk around blindly, ignoring sinful behavior or false teaching; and if we do then we are in direct conflict with clear teaching of God's Word. Christians need to take to heart the words of Peter and other apostles in Acts 5:29 when told that we are not to judge anyone, "...We ought to obey God rather than men." Christians, nor churches can afford to ignore God's Word and turn a blind eye to those who propagate the false teaching that no Christian has a right to judge another. To do so will only lead to confusion and division among the church body, and shows a contempt for God's Word. But we must also acknowledge that when it comes to judging, we need to always check our motives before we say something to another believer. If what we are doing is not based squarely upon God's Word and a love for our brother or sister in Christ, then it is best to keep our mouths shut.


Pale Rider
08-16-2007, 04:40 PM
I stopped and I thought about it and I researched it:

Well... after all that... then if you believe what you've posted, that it is our job as Christians to judge, then I am fully within Christian teachings to judge homos. And you, you are also fully within Christian teachings to judge me if I went to a brothel. So be it.

Only difference with this whole line of debate is, I never denied anything. I was completely honest and forthright about everything. You however, wanted to play a different game, where only I was to be scrutinized by you, but not you by me. That is where I separate myself from you as a Christian. I don't lie, and I'm not a hypocrit.

08-17-2007, 11:46 AM
Well... after all that... then if you believe what you've posted, that it is our job as Christians to judge, then I am fully within Christian teachings to judge homos. And you, you are also fully within Christian teachings to judge me if I went to a brothel. So be it.

Only difference with this whole line of debate is, I never denied anything. I was completely honest and forthright about everything. You however, wanted to play a different game, where only I was to be scrutinized by you, but not you by me. That is where I separate myself from you as a Christian. I don't lie, and I'm not a hypocrit.I think we are getting ssomewhere Pale...

And yes, i stated in one of these posts, that if I were to do something out of line as a Christian, I wwould expect yoou to call me on it! Didn't you see that post of mine? I can look for it....?

And believe it or not, this was probably all a good thing that we just went through.

And trust me, I think I have have been worse than you in some of my sins from the past....before I was born again....they are in my past now though, and good riddance as far as I am concerrned....though I continually feel I need to make up or make amends for those sins, even though I KNOW they were washed, and for the life of me, I can't stop feeling that way....

It waas not the brothel thing that set me off you know? It was the personal attack on LN's looks, instead of debating the issue at hand, it was personal and vicious imo, and she is only 17 and my mother instinct also came out, regardless of her preference in future mates.... I could not stop myself from attacking you for your attack on her! :( jd