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04-13-2017, 08:03 AM

North Korea may be capable of sarin-tipped missiles: Japan PM

04-13-2017, 09:20 AM
Japan is already reportedly within range of NK missiles.

Whether those missiles are a Potemkin village or not, too soon to know.

BUT !!

It's possible NK has been sending missiles without payload for maximum range; a range that would be shorter if there was actually a bomb aboard.

But the Achilles Heel here is Seoul, within easy range of NK artillery, which could level Seoul without breaking a sweat.

04-13-2017, 10:43 AM
Japan is already reportedly within range of NK missiles.

Whether those missiles are a Potemkin village or not, too soon to know.

BUT !!

It's possible NK has been sending missiles without payload for maximum range; a range that would be shorter if there was actually a bomb aboard.

But the Achilles Heel here is Seoul, within easy range of NK artillery, which could level Seoul without breaking a sweat.
A couple of off-topic questions to you, please.
1. Where are you from?
2. What is your background?

04-13-2017, 11:44 AM
A couple of off-topic questions to you, please.
1. Where are you from?
2. What is your background?

Don't hold your breath waiting for answers. Several others
have asked the same and got uninformative replies.

04-13-2017, 11:50 AM
Don't hold your breath waiting for answers. Several others
have asked the same and got uninformative replies.
You see... It was rather specific expression that drew my attention and caused these couple of question. In general I don't care about anybody's background. For me it is more or less clear. :slap:

04-13-2017, 11:53 AM
and for good reason.
I'm not the topic.

But even if I were it wouldn't matter.
There is no "need to know" here.
When it's relevant, I reserve the right to disclose.

It's not relevant.

And candidly, the less time wasted on discussing sear, the more time, energy, & attention posters can devote to THE TOPIC !!

04-13-2017, 12:00 PM
and for good reason.
I'm not the topic.

But even if I were it wouldn't matter.
There is no "need to know" here.
When it's relevant, I reserve the right to disclose.

It's not relevant.

And candidly, the less time wasted on discussing sear, the more time, energy, & attention posters can devote to THE TOPIC !!
As I've said I don't care about anybody's background, but as I know Americans too few of them know what the Potemkin's villages are and are able to put it in a proper place to illustrate the idea in a manner you did. http://s19.rimg.info/aee19e2775457d135efdf745e7d94e15.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-1224821991.html)

04-13-2017, 12:19 PM
I have no excuse B #7.
A person that reads a lot might be familiar with such terms.

But I read extremely little, probably only a few books a decade.

But I try to surround myself with intelligent & or well educated people; diversities *.

A little of it "rubs off".

Some here have already accused me of posting to impress, rather than express.

However well-meaning such accusation may be, it's simply outright wrong.

* I gather you're from Eastern Europe. I'm very glad you participate / post here. Particularly because of Putin's recent shenanigans I find your insights particularly valuable / relevant. And if you don't mind my saying so, if English is not your native tongue, you have an impressive command of it.
BTW, not relevant, but perhaps of some interest to you, my grandparents were born in Eastern Europe, and I gather, entered New York through Ellis Island.

04-13-2017, 01:03 PM
...BTW, not relevant, but perhaps of some interest to you, my grandparents were born in Eastern Europe, and I gather, entered New York through Ellis Island.

Thank you for your detailed post and your kind words to my address. The underlined has satisfied my guess. :slap:

04-13-2017, 01:13 PM

BUT !!

I doubt my lineage has anything at all to do with my knowing what a Potemkin village is.
I probably learned it from a history documentary on TV.

I still haven't figured out your avatar B.
My best guess, a sow transporting her infant cub.
I can make the connection to :
Russian > bear
Beyond that ... http://www.debatepolicy.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=9841&stc=1

04-13-2017, 01:43 PM

I still haven't figured out your avatar B.

The avatar is clear and evident - an old retired sad bear who once was young and fancy. http://s19.rimg.info/aee19e2775457d135efdf745e7d94e15.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-1224821991.html)

04-13-2017, 01:55 PM

a) apropos of what?

b) what's in its mouth?

04-13-2017, 02:07 PM

a) apropos of what?

b) what's in its mouth?
You are frightening me! Have you ever read the story 'Flowers for Algernon'?
I'll try to describe the picture of the avatar.
The sad bear muzzle lies on two crossed paws that are on the logs presumably parts of its lair. :laugh:

04-13-2017, 02:24 PM
"Have you ever read the story 'Flowers for Algernon'?" B

a) No.

b) What % of this cyber-population do you suppose has?

c) It was assigned reading when I was in public school, but I didn't read it. I didn't begin to read assigned texts until I got to college.

d) There may have been classroom discussion about it; but that would have been a half-century ago, long since forgotten.

No worries.
But at that size & resolution, it looks like a bear eating stool.

04-14-2017, 02:15 AM
Sarin, while deadly as Hell, is a proximity weapon. Being attached to a missile would defeat its purpose. The explosion of the missile would kill the sarin. The missile would do more damage. Sarin is a nerve agent that has to be breathed in. It has no shelf life. It's best used as a spray in a crowd so it will be inhaled.

Now come the f- on back, Balu, runaway commie twat. Let's play Army. I get to be the good guys. And I know my sh*t, punk.

04-14-2017, 05:18 AM
Sarin, while deadly as Hell, is a proximity weapon. Being attached to a missile would defeat its purpose. The explosion of the missile would kill the sarin. The missile would do more damage. Sarin is a nerve agent that has to be breathed in. It has no shelf life. It's best used as a spray in a crowd so it will be inhaled.

Now come the f- on back, Balu, runaway commie twat. Let's play Army. I get to be the good guys. And I know my sh*t, punk.

The difference between WMD and being used for terrorism. For good reason, the threat is enough.

04-14-2017, 05:51 AM
The difference between WMD and being used for terrorism. For good reason, the threat is enough.The FEAR is enough for the uneducated. I would be more concerned with mustard or chlorine gas. It clings to the ground and doesn't dissipate without a wind. Sarin, while deadlier, will dissipate on impact. You would have to have very sophisticated delivery system to use sarin in a warhead. Saddam used mustard. You can stick that crap in an artillery round.

Like I said, junior needs to come out and play. Know why little Boy No Clue ignores me? I know more bout his sh*t than he does. I'm trained to.

Y'know, I'm a combat commander at wee wee contests. Ain't no contest if you cant even whip yours out.

04-14-2017, 06:22 AM
The FEAR is enough for the uneducated. I would be more concerned with mustard or chlorine gas. It clings to the ground and doesn't dissipate without a wind. Sarin, while deadlier, will dissipate on impact. You would have to have very sophisticated delivery system to use sarin in a warhead. Saddam used mustard. You can stick that crap in an artillery round.

Like I said, junior needs to come out and play. Know why little Boy No Clue ignores me? I know more bout his sh*t than he does. I'm trained to.

Y'know, I'm a combat commander at wee wee contests. Ain't no contest if you cant even whip yours out.

I don't doubt what you're saying. Indeed your repeated my point regarding terrorism, the threat for most is enough. Thankfully most of us never had to learn about these weapons. I likely know more than many, for the simple reason of my eclectic reading choices. Both mustard and chlorine gases are something we want no part of.

Now Sarin is something else, the worry of panic in Japan is understandable given their experience with it. It's also why the threat is taken seriously.