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View Full Version : It's As If DP Is A Mini-Me Of Tillerson/Russia Meeting!

04-14-2017, 05:48 PM
There are some striking similarities thanks to our little commie friend, especially regarding frustration and condescension:


How the Syria Strike Flipped the U.S.-Russia Power Dynamic
If Moscow had grown accustomed to being the unpredictable partner in the relationship, it will have to make adjustments.

JULIA IOFFE (https://www.theatlantic.com/author/julia-ioffe/)

<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2017-04-13T16:09:14">APR 13, 2017</time>

MOSCOW—The American airstrike on the Shayrat air base in Syria didn’t do all that much. A day and 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles later, Bashar al-Assad was still in power, his planes were still taking off from Shayrat (http://www.reuters.com/article/mideast-crisis-syria-airport-idUSL8N1HF5PT), still flying and still dropping bombs and killing people in the same areas of Idlib Province where a sarin gas attack killed more than 80 people last week.

What the strike did do, though, was radically alter the power dynamic between Moscow and Washington that Vladimir Putin had spent the last three years establishing: one in which Putin acts and Washington, gobsmacked, scrambles to react.
<aside class="callout-placeholder" data-source="curated" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: &quot;Lyon Text&quot;, Georgia, Times, serif; font-size: 18px;"></aside>By the time Secretary of State Rex Tillerson landed here on Tuesday night, it was Moscow that was trying to find the right response to an American president who, in 63 hours (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/07/us/politics/syria-strike-trump-timeline.html?_r=0), completely inverted an isolationist message he had stuck to for nearly two years, a message his administration had been trumpeting just days prior (https://www.rt.com/usa/382839-tillerson-assad-syrian-people/). And by the time Tillerson wrapped up his meetings in Moscow, Trump was singing hosannas to Xi Jinping, leader of a country he had previously vowed to label a currency manipulator, while taking the stage with NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg and declaring that, suddenly, NATO was “no longer obsolete,” as Trump had maintained during the campaign.

“We have to figure out what this country’s strategy is,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said (https://tvrain.ru/teleshow/harddaysnight/zakharova-432097/) on a political talk show on TVRain, an independent Russian channel, just hours after Tillerson touched down in Moscow, and hours before meetings were set to begin. “No one understands it right now. If you do, share your appraisal with us,” she said, flustered, to us journalists interviewing her. “We don’t understand what they’re going to do in Syria, and not only there. No one understands what they’re going to do in the Middle East, which is a very complicated region. … No one understands what they’re going to do with Iran, no one understands what they’re going to do with Afghanistan. Excuse me, and I still haven’t said anything about Iraq.”


04-14-2017, 07:12 PM
“We have to figure out what this country’s strategy is,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said (https://tvrain.ru/teleshow/harddaysnight/zakharova-432097/) on a political talk show on TVRain, an independent Russian channel, just hours after Tillerson touched down in Moscow, and hours before meetings were set to begin. “No one understands it right now. If you do, share your appraisal with us,” she said, flustered, to us journalists interviewing her. “We don’t understand what they’re going to do in Syria, and not only there. No one understands what they’re going to do in the Middle East, which is a very complicated region. … No one understands what they’re going to do with Iran, no one understands what they’re going to do with Afghanistan. Excuse me, and I still haven’t said anything about Iraq.”

Perfect. This is deliberate and the Russians are certainly not the only ones.

About the only thing that can be known for sure is that it's a wise policy to be counted among America's allies.

04-14-2017, 07:16 PM
[/I][/COLOR]Perfect. This is deliberate and the Russians are certainly not the only ones.

About the only thing that can be known for sure is that it's a wise policy to be counted among America's allies.

Wise or not, at least America is acting like America. No more 'leading from behind.'

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-15-2017, 01:19 PM
There are some striking similarities thanks to our little commie friend, especially regarding frustration and condescension:


We would be better served if we showed a strong hand, primarily against our enemies.Russia at the moment is not one but Islamic terrorists in several locations are.
I note this, if my neighbors are over on the North hill shooting at the people on the South hill that are shooting at my home-- perhaps would be wise to not fire upon them!
Facing a common enemy, tis best to get clear certain things.....
Russia became our ally in WW2, we didnt bomb them because they didnt fit our idea of how to deal with Germans when captured.

My hesitation in celebrating Trump's new strongman actions are based upon my understanding of history and my understanding of the need of alliances and greater need of dealing with true enemies first.
Not a criticism of others, rather is just an explanation why I am not cheering Trump's recent hit on Syrian military forces.
Based upon my 50+ year history of studying wars, great battles/leaders and empires and failures in alliances that brought about massive defeats..

Clarity most often is a positive, helpful and good thing, IMHO... AND DARKNESS --AS IN LACK OF IT , FAR TOO OFTEN IS BAD AND TRAGIC.

For me Trump, needs to form a more concise and easily understood position--both with allies and those that obama deliberately led to think that we are cowardly and weak..-Tyr

04-15-2017, 01:50 PM
"our enemies.Russia at the moment is not one but Islamic terrorists in several locations are." TZ #4

a) Islamic terrorists in ALL locations are.

b) "enemy" is defined as:

enemy (čn´e-mę) noun
plural enemies
One who feels hatred toward, intends injury to, or opposes the interests of another; a foe. *
Russia / Putin has been working against U.S. interests for years.

- The annexation of Crimea.

- The occupation and domination of Ukraine.

- Major trouble-making in Syria.

- Russian hacking U.S. computers, and suspected

- tinkering with the outcome of a U.S. presidential election.

Several Trump administration operatives including Manafort are under criminal justice scrutiny or investigation because of it.

Stolichnaya is fine and dandy. But even a klod like Trump has awakened to smell the coffee. Putin is a bad guy.
Don't take my word for it. Ask:
Alexei Devotchenko
Natalya Estemirova
Sergei Magnitsky
Stanislav Markelov
Anna Politkovskaya
Alexander Litvinenko
Boris Nemtsov

You can't.
They've all been murdered in or near Moscow.

* Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.

04-15-2017, 01:55 PM
I never would say that we don't share some commonalities with Russia, contrary to our now departed little commie friend's nonsense, neither country would toss around nukes at each other-well aware neither would survive.

With that said, outside of that mutual understanding, there's little to see us become allies. I thought it might have been possible with the fall of the USSR, but the trust even then just couldn't be had. Our businesses didn't trust to invest and their strong men in politics, business, and mafia all joined together.

Thus Putin. What sear summed up was pretty spot on.