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04-17-2017, 01:17 PM
It doesn't take much to be more transparent than the Obama administration was. Way too early to judge this administration, but I don't see any issues as of yet. Far from perfect, but much better than the last folks - so far.


Trump Administration: One Of The Most Transparent In US History, Open To Media

Over the past few days, the MSM has once again gone on a propaganda filled rampage against the Trump Administration. The charge this time? They are claiming there is a lack of transparency because visitor logs are currently kept secret. Knowing the left’s history of demonizing, boycotting, or rallying against, every business leader, politician, and individual who is supportive of this administration, this comes as little surprise.

While we’re talking about transparency, however, let’s flash back to a comparison of the current Trump administration and the Obama administration.

The Trump administration is extremely transparent. In fact, this is the first time in decades (yes, including Obama) wherein this Presidency is so transparent that the entire American public is privy to information that otherwise is kept secret.

Despite Obama’s promise of media and public transparency to the American people, such was the opposite of the case. Barrack Obama hid military confrontations and attempted to pin them on other foreign leaders and he clearly was spying on the American people and rivals (yes, for politically motivated reasons) – he was anything BUT transparent, a platform he maintained throughout his eight years in office. Even the predictably biased and liberal propaganda filled Washington Post lambasted the former President over his claims of transparency. Via The Washington Post:

[…]the Obama administration itself has been part of a different know-nothing problem. It has kept the news media — and therefore the public — in the dark far too much over the past 7 1/2 years.

After early promises to be the most transparent administration in history, this has been one of the most secretive. And in certain ways, one of the most elusive. It’s also been one of the most punitive toward whistleblowers and leakers who want to bring light to wrongdoing they have observed from inside powerful institutions.

Do you want to see how many times Obama faced the American public and lied to them about his promise of transparency?


Obama lied about casualties relating to drone strikes. Were they terrorists? Militants? Civilians? What actually happened, Obama?

Now, we have a President in Donald Trump who is willing to legitimately be transparent. He bombed Syria. We knew all about it. He used the M.O.A.B. in Afghanistan. We knew all about it. He was public about his interaction with Chinese President Xi – we saw the success.

The mainstream media won’t have it. Because the left and the MSM are in cahoots, they try absolutely anything to undermine the President. Their recent hissy-fit came in the form of complaints about visitor logs at the White House – visitor logs. They don’t care that we know about the internal drama, they don’t care that we know more about this President than almost any other, they don’t care that Trump is as transparent as they can possibly hope for, so they resort to finding nonsense to be mad about.

We’re witnessing a frenzied state of media ignorance and insecurity. The left is quickly deteriorating any and all credibility they had. When it comes to who visits the White House, who cares if those logs are kept private? When it comes to actual government transparency, THAT is what is of actual chief public interest and THAT is where this administration shines.

Rest here - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/04/trump-administration-one-transparent-us-history-open-media/