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04-18-2017, 10:36 AM


APRIL 18, 2017

WHERE FREE SPEECH GOES TO LIVE: The University of Chicago has issued another warning to snowflakes. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx9cAuE2YBE) When a high school student is accepted, the first thing he or she sees on the school website is a video reaffirming Chicago’s commitment to let anyone on campus speak freely even if others are offended. It’s an impressive video — one of the few inspiring things to be found on any campus these days — devoted to the motto, Audiatur et Altera Pars (Listen Even to the Other Side).

This should solidify Chicago’s hold on the number one spot in Heterodox Academy’s ranking of universities (http://heterodoxacademy.org/resources/guide-to-colleges/)according to their commitment to free speech and ideological diversity. The next best schools in the rankings are Purdue, Washington University in St. Louis, Carnegie Mellon and William and Mary.

The worst schools — in a tie for last — are Georgetown, Harvard, NYU and Mizzou. It’s been a hotly contested battle for the cellar, thanks to the efforts of aggrieved social-justice warriors and spineless administrators at Yale, Northwestern, Berkeley, Emory, Notre Dame, Rice, Penn, Georgia Tech and a depressingly long list of other schools.

04-18-2017, 10:56 AM
I was pretty confident in what I'd see, but admit to not having watched the video until after posting. I would suggest it is well worth watching, especially if one has a child entering college soon. While U of C is not a school for most, the video makes the point that 'freedom' and 'education' are dependent upon people able to speak and listen effectively-it uses the history of the school to illustrate why. Interesting from a historical point of view at minimum.

04-18-2017, 11:00 AM
I was pretty confident in what I'd see, but admit to not having watched the video until after posting. I would suggest it is well worth watching, especially if one has a child entering college soon. While U of C is not a school for most, the video makes the point that 'freedom' and 'education' are dependent upon people able to speak and listen effectively-it uses the history of the school to illustrate why. Interesting from a historical point of view at minimum.

LOL! Probably because of getting old, but must say I do remember my mom warning me to 'be aware' that some or even many of my profs would likely be lecturing the wonders of communism. Yes, the school has always had the left well represented, then again, must remember that some of the most conservative thinkers in law, politics, economics, and foreign affairs have also come from the university.

10-05-2021, 05:36 PM
Still chugging away...


So O of C and Princeton still allowing disagreement. Guess they're still encouraging thinking.

10-11-2021, 03:27 PM
Still chugging away...


So O of C and Princeton still allowing disagreement. Guess they're still encouraging thinking.

So waddya know! The Princeton offer leads to record turn out to hear the U of C prof, give the same address planned for MIT on the same day. Demand so great, with special invites to those blocked out by MIT. Congrats!

What can free speech not do?
