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View Full Version : The Trump Dogma at home

04-19-2017, 11:09 AM
Hi everybody

When I bought my house in 1995, I noticed that I'd hear funny noises coming from the attic. I would go up to look, wouldn't find anything, so I thought it was the pipes from the air conditioning unit expanding or something like that. A few years later, I saw little black things in my basement that I thought were dead ants, so I called in an exterminator... they were mouse droppings. I was shocked, I am a very clean person, how could I have mice?!?!??!

Anyway, fast forward to today... my exterminator found nothing in my attic (my problem area for these illegal immigrants of mine)... for 12 months straight

So, what did I do? I followed the Trump Dogma. I built a "wall" that excludes those monsters... 1/4 " hardware cloth under the ridge vents, steel wool at any identified entry point near the chimney in doors. The garage also has 1/4" hardware cloth at all identified entry points, I caulked every mortar joint (I have a brick house) that meets the sofitts. I caulked shut every soffit where it meets my windows (they were coming through there, too).

I also have bait stations around the house (kind of like the Hotel California Diner for mice, once you eat that warfarin, you aren't checking out)...

I spent hundreds, if not thousands, to keep those varmints out of my house... and so far, it seems like I'm succeeding (for now)..... I also inspect every window sill periodically, to make sure all the caulking I did is still holding up (it's like a one man border patrol)

So, the Trump Dogma DOES work, I've managed not only to keep out those illegal immigrants from my house, I've managed to deport them back to the woods where they came from.

I'm waiting to hear from the 9th circuit court of appeals telling me that what I'm doing is unconstitutional... but I've got that covered. I've written my Congressman, asking him to tell the 9th circuit that they can't hear any cases involving mice :)

04-19-2017, 11:20 AM
Well THAT was clever!:laugh:

And you do not even need to read them their 'Rights'!

04-19-2017, 06:02 PM
Well THAT was clever!:laugh:

And you do not even need to read them their 'Rights'!

Well, the local chapter of the ACLU (American Critter Liberties Union) hasn't filed suit yet, I guess I'm in the clear! :)

04-19-2017, 07:27 PM
Well, the local chapter of the ACLU (American Critter Liberties Union) hasn't filed suit yet, I guess I'm in the clear! :)

Nobody has RATTED on you?:laugh:

04-20-2017, 06:08 AM
That wasn't very mice

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