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04-19-2017, 01:07 PM
GOP Sen Graham: I’m ‘Happiest Dude In America’ With Trump’s Foreign Policy, ‘I Am All In’

FOX & friends ✔ @foxandfriends
"In 80 days, [President Trump] has done more to correct the world than President Obama did in 8 years." -@LindseyGrahamSC

@LindseyGrahamSC says he's now "all in" with President Trump

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said that on foreign policy “I am like the happiest dude in America right now. We’ve got a president and a national security team that I have been dreaming of…he’s done more to correct the world — President Trump — than Obama did in 8 years. … I am all in. Keep it up, Donald.”

Graham began by saying, “I think we dodged a bullet with healthcare. I’m not so sure the House bill would have done much better fixing Obamacare. It was probably Obamacare-lite, some people say. I would let it collapse because it will. It’s so poorly designed. I would tell the Democrats, you created this mess, let me help you fix it.” And “When it comes to taxes, we better cut your taxes, or we’ll pay a price in 2018. If you can’t get all Republicans on board for a tax idea, then we’re going to have to maybe marry it up with infrastructure.”

When the discussion turned to foreign policy, Graham stated, “I am like the happiest dude in America right now. We’ve got a president and a national security team that I have been dreaming of for 8 years. So, in 80 days he’s done more to correct the world — President Trump — than Obama did in 8 years. We sent a letter to our good buddy the Ayatollah, hey, knock it off. … North Korea, if I were Kim Jong-un, whatever his name is, I would listen to Mike Pence. The fact that the vice president of the United States went to the DMZ, looked across the way, and said, we’re watching you. Donald Trump is not going to let this nutjob in North Korea get a missile to hit America, and if I were North Korea and China, I’d start thinking anew about the president of the United States.”

He added, “I am really pleased what he’s done to rebuild our military, to restore our standing. I want to cut taxes and reform healthcare. He’s got the best national security team I’ve seen since I’ve been in government. I am all in. Keep it up, Donald.”


Abbey Marie
04-19-2017, 01:29 PM
How can he not mention the Wall? Does he know something we don't?

04-19-2017, 02:26 PM
I'm surprised he was able to get any words out with his lips glued to Trumps ass.

04-19-2017, 02:57 PM
I'm surprised he was able to get any words out with his lips glued to Trumps ass.

Another great way to get a thread off to a good start! :rolleyes:

Good things are happening, and it's got to suck to be sitting back and just crossing ones fingers and hoping for bad things instead. The only thing preventing even more good things from happening - are the democrats who have vowed to obstruct everything and anything that may have Trump's name on it within a 600 mile square radius.

Abbey Marie
04-19-2017, 04:08 PM
Another great way to get a thread off to a good start! :rolleyes:

Good things are happening, and it's got to suck to be sitting back and just crossing ones fingers and hoping for bad things instead. The only thing preventing even more good things from happening - are the democrats who have vowed to obstruct everything and anything that may have Trump's name on it within a 600 mile square radius.

Oh hell, they even criticized Melania for her accent while reading a storybook to children around Easter. Meanwhile, the woman speaks 5 languages. I'm not sure there is anything they won't say or do.

04-19-2017, 05:03 PM
Oh hell, they even criticized Melania for her accent while reading a storybook to children around Easter. Meanwhile, the woman speaks 5 languages. I'm not sure there is anything they won't say or do.

Well, they have sure been shuffling the deck to find a card that is meaningful.

04-19-2017, 06:45 PM
Oh hell, they even criticized Melania for her accent while reading a storybook to children around Easter. Meanwhile, the woman speaks 5 languages. I'm not sure there is anything they won't say or do.
Who is they? "They" don't represent me.

Abbey Marie
04-19-2017, 07:48 PM
Who is they? "They" don't represent me.

Are you on FB? It was all over there.

04-20-2017, 08:16 AM
Yes Graham has been wanting to send troops all over the M.E., Africa and ASIA (and have the military kill american citizens) for a looong time now.
so yes He's very happy that Trump has FLIPPED.
Hillary's Happy too. It's the same Foreign policy she proposed as well.

Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs are ecstatic about the looming prospect of several new foreign wars.


Black Diamond
04-21-2017, 01:06 PM
Are you on FB? It was all over there.
How many folks have you unfollowed in the last year and a half?

Abbey Marie
04-21-2017, 03:32 PM
How many folks have you unfollowed in the last year and a half?

Oh man, it was rough there. I guess about 3 or 4.