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View Full Version : The Greatest Threat to America Isn’t Islam – It’s the Left

04-20-2017, 10:52 PM
As in the other thread, but parties reversed in this one. I like the rest of what he's got to say. And while comparing to Islam and not ISIS at least, I just don't want either party to go overboard and make accusations about being worse than ISIS or similar.


The Greatest Threat to America Isn’t Islam – It’s the Left

These days, many people are anxious about the threat that Islam poses to the West. The fear is understandable but misplaced. And there are a host of reasons why this proves to be true.

Islam is a religion stuck in pre-medieval times and has rarely produced any civilizational, scientific or technological advancements. Around 40 percent of Muslims worldwide are illiterate. Muslim nations are unable to manufacture even the most elementary of things without the aid of Western engineering, knowledge, and technology. To a great and powerful civilization, Islam can never pose a threat.

The only reason Islam was ever able to conquer two-thirds of the Christian territories after the death of Muhammed was because the Roman and Persian empires had weakened themselves and each other through centuries of warfare. Also, plague and famine had decimated the population in the Mediterranean region, leaving them vulnerable to attack.

The problems we are now facing with Islam are only symptoms of the left’s success in paralyzing the West and preventing it from asserting itself. Islam was never strong. The West has become weak. That is why fear of Islam is misplaced. The real enemy of the West is the ideological left, an adversary from within which slowly but surely destroys western civilization by debilitating its cultural and political immune system. In many ways, the left is like HIV, and Islam is like a cold. A cold is annoying but hardly life-threatening to someone with a healthy immune system. To someone ravaged by the HIV, however, even a common cold can be lethal.

For more than a century, the left has waged a relentless jihad on the West. In the 19th century, Karl Marx saw Christianity as the cultural carrier and defender of capitalism and launched an intentional attack on religion in general, and Christianity in particular. He believed that, if Christian values could be undermined, it would be much easier to replace capitalism with utopian socialism. As an articulate intellectual, Karl Marx attracted many academics to his cause, and gradually left-wing radicals took over western universities. From this position of intellectual power, they were slowly able to poison the minds of most young people by feeding them lies that effectually turned them into enemies of their own civilization.

Rest here - http://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/onar-m/left-americas-greatest-threat-not-islam

04-21-2017, 07:22 AM
I was waiting for this. Let the Civil War 2.0 commence. What happens when all your boogeymen are gone? Guess that is when the rodents rule the world.

04-21-2017, 09:07 AM
I was waiting for this. Let the Civil War 2.0 commence. What happens when all your boogeymen are gone? Guess that is when the rodents rule the world.


What I wrote:

As in the other thread, but parties reversed in this one. I like the rest of what he's got to say. And while comparing to Islam and not ISIS at least, I just don't want either party to go overboard and make accusations about being worse than ISIS or similar.

I made it clear that I disagree with comparing folks to ISIS, that's insane. I said the same in another thread. I made it clear I didn't want EITHER side going overboard with that crap. You must have ran straight to the article and ignored my comment.