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View Full Version : Tiny Houses and "Poverty Appropriation"

04-26-2017, 06:44 PM
There are days that I sit back and shake my head as I read just how widespread the crazy has become. The gist of this one is that if you choose to live in a one of the tiny houses that seem to be getting more and more popular today that you are appropriating the culture of the poor. The cuckoo-pants is strong with this one.

...This background, this essential part of who I am, makes it particularly difficult to stomach the latest trend in “simple” living — people moving into tiny homes and trailers. How many folks, I wonder, who have engaged in the Tiny House Movement have ever actually lived in a tiny, mobile place? Because what those who can afford homes call “living light,” poor folks call “gratitude for what we’ve got.”

And it’s not just the Tiny House Movement that incites my discontent. From dumpster diving to trailer-themed bars to haute cuisine in the form of poor-household staples, it’s become trendy for those with money to appropriate the poverty lifestyle — and it troubles me for one simple reason. Choice.
