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View Full Version : Republican Congressman cries as he begs God to ‘forgive’ America for gay marriage

04-28-2017, 03:16 PM
Holy cringe-fest batman. What a loon lol


Black Diamond
04-28-2017, 03:18 PM
I don't blame him.

04-28-2017, 03:46 PM
I don't blame him.
lots to cry about, the gays are not one of them

04-28-2017, 04:21 PM
lots to cry about, the gays are not one of them

Murdering babies should make every decent human cry. Do you celebrate their slaughter?

Also, I'm still waiting for your sources in that other thread.

04-28-2017, 04:27 PM
Murdering babies should make every decent human cry. Do you celebrate their slaughter?

Also, I'm still waiting for your sources in that other thread.

I'm talking about him crying about gays.

I lost track of the other thread with all the banter. Link me to the post.

04-28-2017, 04:37 PM
I'm talking about him crying about gays.

I lost track of the other thread with all the banter. Link me to the post.

Let's not play silly games, Petey.

It's right there for your perusal.

Honestly, I would have thought you'd get tired of saying stupid things and getting pinched by it by now.

04-28-2017, 04:54 PM
Let's not play silly games, Petey.

It's right there for your perusal.

Honestly, I would have thought you'd get tired of saying stupid things and getting pinched by it by now.

Looks like your the idiot now

04-28-2017, 05:46 PM
Holy cringe-fest batman. What a loon lol


Petey. You should be happy, and proud to hear a Republican CRY FOR YOU.

04-28-2017, 05:48 PM
Looks like your the idiot now

O.K. I'll be the Grammar Nazi. Using YOUR instead of YOU'RE and calling someone an idiot?:laugh:

Black Diamond
04-28-2017, 06:05 PM
O.K. I'll be the Grammar Nazi. Using YOUR instead of YOU'RE and calling someone an idiot?:laugh:
Pride cometh before a fall.

04-28-2017, 08:52 PM
O.K. I'll be the Grammar Nazi. Using YOUR instead of YOU'RE and calling someone an idiot?:laugh:
Don't make a mistake. I'll be watching.

04-28-2017, 09:38 PM
Don't make a mistake. I'll be watching.

Go ahead. That is a meaningless statement.

04-28-2017, 09:44 PM
Looks like your the idiot now



04-29-2017, 06:24 PM
Don't make a mistake. I'll be watching.

So, pete finally admits to being the DP Peeping Tom???

04-29-2017, 09:47 PM
So, pete finally admits to being the DP Peeping Tom???
it's abouttime you put some pants on

04-30-2017, 03:00 PM
it's abouttime you put some pants on

Why would I do that? It would take away all of your CHEAP THRILLS for today.

04-30-2017, 06:08 PM
lots to cry about, the gays are not one of them

Holy cringe-fest batman. What a loon lol


So is this you being tolerant of all religions here Pete?

the Bible clearly says that homosexuality is a sin, as is adultery, incest and more.
So why shouldn't a christian ask God for forgiveness for the laws that now deny that it is a sin and protects it under new laws?

Should the congressman change the Bible or Change his religion to fit the law?
i'm just curious.

If you want to call a religion CRAZY that's your right of course but don't pretend that Homosexual marriage has EVER been anything close to a forgone conclusion in our cultures at anytime in the past 1000 years. Or that things like people trying to force society to go along with the delusions of men pretending to be a woman and visa versa is any LESS crazy.

Seems to me if a man can BELIEVE he's a woman with evidence of the opposite hanging between his legs and that's considered "SANE" by the left, then a man asking God for forgiveness for sins is WELL within the range of sanity and Non-cringeyness.

04-30-2017, 09:34 PM
So is this you being tolerant of all religions here Pete?

the Bible clearly says that homosexuality is a sin, as is adultery, incest and more.
So why shouldn't a christian ask God for forgiveness for the laws that now deny that it is a sin and protects it under new laws?

Should the congressman change the Bible or Change his religion to fit the law?
i'm just curious.

If you want to call a religion CRAZY that's your right of course but don't pretend that Homosexual marriage has EVER been anything close to a forgone conclusion in our cultures at anytime in the past 1000 years. Or that things like people trying to force society to go along with the delusions of men pretending to be a woman and visa versa is any LESS crazy.

Seems to me if a man can BELIEVE he's a woman with evidence of the opposite hanging between his legs and that's considered "SANE" by the left, then a man asking God for forgiveness for sins is WELL within the range of sanity and Non-cringeyness.

Separation of church and state. All men are created equal. A man crying about gays is fucking weak and pathetic.

Black Diamond
04-30-2017, 09:50 PM
Separation of church and state. All men are created equal. A man crying about gays is fucking weak and pathetic.
The bible forbids beastiality and incest. Don't scream when those are legalized. No one is crying about gays. They are crying about the nation contributing to the perversion of marriage and its promotion of perversion in general. Why should someone not cry over the loss of their nation?

04-30-2017, 10:07 PM
The bible forbids beastiality and incest. Don't scream when those are legalized. No one is crying about gays. They are crying about the nation contributing to the perversion of marriage and its promotion of perversion in general. Why should someone not cry over the loss of their nation?

I don't follow the bible. He is crying about gays. End of story. Pathetic. Weak. Dramatic. What I find perverted is your ideology.

Black Diamond
04-30-2017, 10:10 PM
I don't follow the bible. He is crying about gays. End of story. Pathetic. Weak. Dramatic. What I find perverted is your ideology.
You'll agree then those crying and screaming and putting vaginas on their heads when trump won were weak and dramatic ?

04-30-2017, 10:39 PM
You'll agree then those crying and screaming and putting vaginas on their heads when trump won were weak and dramatic ?


05-01-2017, 05:52 AM
Separation of church and state. All men are created equal. A man crying about gays is fucking weak and pathetic.
you didn't answer my questions
But Pete, there is no STATE Church.
I think you've pointed that out before.

However the Bible says "you shall not kill", so maybe all the laws about murder should be removed too?
Is that too far? the Bible say "you shall not lie", maybe all the laws on fraud should be removed? that too much?
Bible says people should not have sex with the dead or animals?
"Separation of "Church and State!!!!" right?
What UNIVERSAL Secular Atheist morals or standards would you apply to ban any of the above Pete?
fact is there are NONE that can rationally argue for in the end. Just vague feelings of morals we all have... well most of us.

Basic fact, the laws and morals of a culture come from somewhere. In the west case for the past 1000+ years Christianity has been THE standard for right and wrong. And without it there is NO standard. NONE. Just the fumes of Christianity.
Anything can be argued as "legal" and SANE on the basis of "FEELINGS".
That's what's Pathetic.

"ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL" yes that's true.
But where did that Idea COME FROM Pete? it came from the BIBLE.
the Greeks didn't believe that. the Romans didn't. the Pagans of Europe didn't. Christians fought hard for centuries to get that concept hammered into the wider public mind. It's a concept that they had to fight other christians over as well as pagans and atheist. Darwin didn't believe that all men were created equal (and some evolutionist today don't either). His book's subtitle is "Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" Not to mention that homosexuality, pragmatically speaking, does nothing to propagate the human species or human HEALTH, just the opposite.
Bottom line "all men are created equal" is you breathing the air of a Christain ethos and direct teachings that you want to generally reject.

Men crying over the sins and various lies, murders and corruptions of the nation is what we need MORE of.
Rather than men pretending that EVERYTHING they do is justified as long as they FEEL like it's OK.
from killing children, to sex with whoever and whatever, to lies in gov't and biz, to wars for profits, unfair treatment in courts, and other gov't corruptions.
It's wise and strong men and women know when they are wrong and can admit it. They all also know when to ask for help. And know that we're in God's universe and we can't ignore his morals standards and expect things to go well.

05-01-2017, 06:53 AM
Joke is on him - If he's a christian he should know God has already forgiven like...everything. It's already done.


God doesn't give two shits about sin because sin and hell and death are already gone; they are no more. Because it's already happened. Everything in one big cosmic 'now' - that's where god lives.

On top of that bombshell - anyone publicly showing how holy they are or how much they hurt "for God" might have arrogance issues.

05-01-2017, 07:13 AM
Separation of church and state. All men are created equal. A man crying about gays is fucking weak and pathetic.

So in your mind someone who seems to be genuinely lamenting the sin of the country and asking for forgiveness is a new target for the separation of church and state argument? He is not allowed to have his own beliefs? Just further proof that the modern leftists are the fascists that they want to claim those around them are.

05-01-2017, 07:26 AM
Joke is on him - If he's a christian he should know God has already forgiven like...everything. It's already done.


God doesn't give two shits about sin because sin and hell and death are already gone; they are no more. Because it's already happened. Everything in one big cosmic 'now' - that's where god lives.

On top of that bombshell - anyone publicly showing how holy they are or how much they hurt "for God" might have arrogance issues.
But his 'arrogance' is already forgiven... and "God" doesn't give 2 craps about it. right?
So why should you?
Also, do you have issues in pointing it out?

05-01-2017, 07:45 AM
But his 'arrogance' is already forgiven... and "God" doesn't give 2 craps about it. right?
So why should you?
Also, do you have issues in pointing it out?

Of course it's forgiven. My issues are my own - I don't preach holiness nor stand in front of a group and show them how holy-hurt I am at other people's sin.

The whole point of my post is this:

God doesn't need to forgive our 'nation' - God already forgave everything - and anything we do is already done and over with from His perspective. UNLESS one believes god travels at the behest of Earth's point of view of Time.

05-01-2017, 08:19 AM
Of course it's forgiven. My issues are my own
so aren't the congressman's issues his own too?
why is "preaching holiness" worse than other issues since ALL is already forgiven?

doesn't that finally mean that it doesn't really matter what anyone does?
cheat on your wife, kick stray dogs or preach holiness.
it's all forgiven.
no one should comment on ANYONE's "issues" if they believe that right?

Or are you saying that REAL holiness is NOT to "preaching" old fashion holiness but to preaching universal forgiveness and correcting people every chance you get.
And those who don't buy it are ..bad..well "have issues".

05-01-2017, 08:20 AM
so aren't the congressman's issues his own too?
why is "preaching holiness" worse than other issues since ALL is already forgiven?

doesn't that finally mean that it doesn't really matter what anyone does?
cheat on your wife, preach holiness.
it's all forgiven.
no one should comment on ANYONE's "issues" if they believe that right?

Or are you saying that REAL holiness is NOT to "preaching" old fashion holiness but to preaching universal forgiveness and correcting people every chance you get.
And those who don't buy it are ..bad..well "have issues".

Not even in the same ballpark. By your example and "logic" Jesus himself was wrong to call-out the religious leaders of the day when they would stand in front of people and portend a level of holiness.

Take it up with your God. Not my issue.

05-01-2017, 10:06 AM
Not even in the same ballpark. By your example and "logic" Jesus himself was wrong to call-out the religious leaders of the day when they would stand in front of people and portend a level of holiness.

Take it up with your God. Not my issue.
I'm just following your statements out to their logical conclusions.

But your response here? aren't you denying that Jesus said and Meant this as well.
"When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Jesus called people "sinners" and compared them with the SICK.
Seems it'd be OK to REPEAT what Jesus said. That sinners NEED Jesus.

Jesus told a blind man he healed
“See, you have been made well! Do not sin any more, so that nothing worse happens to you.”
did Jesus have "an issue"?
Seems we should be able to Repeat Jesus, COPY Jesus to try and Heal and to tell people NOT to Sin.
It's also interesting to see one reason Jesus gives to the healed man for not sinning..anymore. Because Sin can lead to problems, health problems and otherwise.
And BTW he doesn't say the man is INCAPABLE of sinning anymore, or that he should not regard sin anymore.

It just seems to me dmp that your POV doesn't hold up to ALL the words of Jesus or your POVs own natural conclusions.

05-01-2017, 12:45 PM
God doesn't give two shits about sin because sin and hell and death are already gone; they are no more. Because it's already happened. Everything in one big cosmic 'now' - that's where god lives.

The Bible argue vehemently against your assertion.

05-01-2017, 04:21 PM
Separation of church and state. All men are created equal. A man crying about gays is fucking weak and pathetic.

So tell us petey. Why do you keep coming back here to continue crying about gays? Your weakness, is pathetic, and you are the only one who is fucked up. You should read your own crap before trying to force feed it here..like your Hero..Nancy Pelosi.

05-02-2017, 12:28 AM
The Bible argue vehemently against your assertion.

Only if the bible isn't read would it disagree with what I wrote - which is bible-based. :)

I'm just following your statements out to their logical conclusions.

You are not following the statements to their logical conclusions. You are changing the subject and building a strawman.

First lets talk about the issue - That man crying and begging God to forgive people for sin.

That's a problem on two fronts:

The first front is this: Assuming God needs that man to cry for forgiveness before God actually forgives.

And even that has problems - because:

1. It assumes God 'needs' anything from mankind.

2. It assumes God hasn't already 'forgiven'.

1 - An all-powerful God cannot be in Need of anything. If God has un-met needs that cause him to act, God cannot be all-powerful and complete.

2. Everything that has happened has already happened outside the perspective of time from humans on this planet.

The other problem is what Christ lamented against - Public showing of 'holiness'. That congressman was wailing and crying and putting on a show of his holiness. Christ hated that shit. Look it up.

But your response here? aren't you denying that Jesus said and Meant this as well.
"When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Jesus called people "sinners" and compared them with the SICK.
Seems it'd be OK to REPEAT what Jesus said. That sinners NEED Jesus.

He also said ALL mankind will profess him as Lord. He said Death and hell will be cast aside and consumed within the fire of God's love - god's existence. And he also freed the captives from Hell - and death and the devil have no more control over hell. And God said people will 'Sin no more' and He said "(humans) WILL love each other more than themselves AND love God with all their hearts and minds"

Jesus told a blind man he healed
“See, you have been made well! Do not sin any more, so that nothing worse happens to you.”
did Jesus have "an issue"?
Seems we should be able to Repeat Jesus, COPY Jesus to try and Heal and to tell people NOT to Sin.
It's also interesting to see one reason Jesus gives to the healed man for not sinning..anymore. Because Sin can lead to problems, health problems and otherwise.
And BTW he doesn't say the man is INCAPABLE of sinning anymore, or that he should not regard sin anymore.

It just seems to me dmp that your POV doesn't hold up to ALL the words of Jesus or your POVs own natural conclusions.

So next you want to talk about the consequences of our choices? Is that the next topic?

If I am a manwhore and Christ heals my genital warts he might be right to say "Stop fucking around or you might catch herpes". That's what your chosen verse means. And you've made no case that has anything to do with the topic of this thread.

Let's recap:

First - we know God doesn't need that man blubbering on begging forgiveness for God to 'forgive' - because all the work of forgivenss is complete within the cross. That's done. It covers humanity for all "time" - for lack of a better word. And from some perspectives of time, that event hasn't happened yet - and for other perspectives it's been millions of years perhaps. It's done. Heaven and hell are cast aside - and hell and punishment and death are all consumed within God's love. Not from our perspective maybe, because we are trapped in our own perspective of time.

Secondly - I wish you were as-correct as you are passionate.

05-02-2017, 09:20 AM
You are not following the statements to their logical conclusions.

hmm well I think I'm on track, here's how i see it.
you said
"Joke is on him - If he's a christian he should know God has already forgiven like...everything. It's already done. :)God doesn't give two shits about sin because sin and hell and death are already gone; they are no more. Because it's already happened. Everything in one big cosmic 'now' - that's where god lives.
On top of that bombshell - anyone publicly showing how holy they are or how much they hurt "for God" might have arrogance issues."

1st you questioned his Christianity
2nd you said EVERYTHING is forgiven already.
3rd you said GOD doesn't CARE about SIN HELL or DEATH..now.
4th you said the man might have arrogance 'ISSUES' because by your reckoning he's "publicly showing how holy" he is.

So one has to assume that YOU at least think he has "issues" and that Arrogance is one.
But GOD doesn't care about sin like arrogance... even though in the Bible it's says that GOD hates Arrogance...
BUT since GOD doesn't care about sin NOW you shouldn't either.
there's NO NEED to for you to mention the mans Issues because GOD doesn't care, ALL is forgiven... NOW

no straw man here AT ALL.

First lets talk about the issue - That man crying and begging God to forgive people for sin.
That's a problem on two fronts:
The first front is this: Assuming God needs that man to cry for forgiveness before God actually forgives.
And even that has problems - because:
1. It assumes God 'needs' anything from mankind.
2. It assumes God hasn't already 'forgiven'.
1 - An all-powerful God cannot be in Need of anything. If God has un-met needs that cause him to act, God cannot be all-powerful and complete.
2. Everything that has happened has already happened outside the perspective of time from humans on this planet.

Here you're basically saying that you believe the man has bad theology and you want to PUBLICLY CORRECT his ideas about GOD here. While he was simply Stating and acting on his views.

And you assert your view is true and his is false. I have no problem with your right to express your view. But I have to wonder why you get to publicly correct him and you're ISSUE FREE for telling him/us what GOD really thinks, but when he expresses his view about what GOD thinks he "might have arrogance issues" and is trying to show OFF holiness because he showed a bit of emotion.

That's where your comments seem to be contradictory logically.
And especially when you mix it with your assertion that there is NO MORE sin to be concerned over anyway.

The other problem is what Christ lamented against - Public showing of 'holiness'. That congressman was wailing and crying and putting on a show of his holiness. Christ hated that shit. Look it up.
OK here's one place
Luke 18
“Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!’ I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
DMP, neither one of us can know the man's heart during that prayer or otherwise but it seems clear to me that congressman was praying in a form more like the Tax Collector rather than Pharisee. He was asking God to forgive US as a nation, to forgive and have mercy on US... with some emotion. He wasn't bragging about his own holiness as far as i saw. Jesus said the sinful man that asked for mercy was justified. Not the man who thought he was better than others and did no wrong. Or who thought there's no need to be concerned about sin anymore.

Secondly - I wish you were as-correct as you are passionate.
Frankly, i wish the same for you.

05-02-2017, 12:17 PM
Only if the bible isn't read would it disagree with what I wrote - which is bible-based. :)

Start a thread on this false assertion and we can discuss it.

05-03-2017, 12:23 AM
hmm well I think I'm on track, here's how i see it.
you said
"Joke is on him - If he's a christian he should know God has already forgiven like...everything. It's already done. :)God doesn't give two shits about sin because sin and hell and death are already gone; they are no more. Because it's already happened. Everything in one big cosmic 'now' - that's where god lives.
On top of that bombshell - anyone publicly showing how holy they are or how much they hurt "for God" might have arrogance issues."

1st you questioned his Christianity
2nd you said EVERYTHING is forgiven already.
3rd you said GOD doesn't CARE about SIN HELL or DEATH..now.
4th you said the man might have arrogance 'ISSUES' because by your reckoning he's "publicly showing how holy" he is.

1.Christians are known by the symptoms of their faith. His shows none.
2. EVERYTHING is already forgiven. Because "already" is a statement of Time. We don't have a word that better suits. See, time doesn't exist where god 'does the forgiving'- thus 'already' For God to be present past and future simultaneously in God's 'future-existence, which is happening right now from his perspective, everything is done. All sin, death, hell are washed and cleaned in god's consuming love (lake of fire ring a bell?)
3. Because God doesn't care about things that are done-with. He can't. Of course i'm assuming but since from his perspective 'all this' is likely over, there can't be any cause for concern.
4. Christ lamented those who weep and cry and pray and make a scene. Maybe direct your issues to him, as he taught me to be like this.

Here you're basically saying that you believe the man has bad theology and you want to PUBLICLY CORRECT his ideas about GOD here. While he was simply Stating and acting on his views.

Just as you are doing to me?

And you assert your view is true and his is false. I have no problem with your right to express your view. But I have to wonder why you get to publicly correct him and you're ISSUE FREE for telling him/us what GOD really thinks, but when he expresses his view about what GOD thinks he "might have arrogance issues" and is trying to show OFF holiness because he showed a bit of emotion.

This board is not 'publicly correcting' anyone. What this board is doing: Gives a voice to 20 people who regularly post. There is no faulty logic in a guy making a spectacle of his 'holiness' and me pointing out he's doing the wrong thing.

That's where your comments seem to be contradictory logically.
And especially when you mix it with your assertion that there is NO MORE sin to be concerned over anyway.

Dude, nobody is more logical than me. Seriously. Me and Socrates once had a debate. He quit the board and changed his name out of embarrassment.

When you use words like 'contradictory logically' what that means is: You dont or wont understand the biblical points of view that destroy however-many-percent of what Modern Christianity has become. Instead of "you might be on to something" your replies are centered around "I must protect the hive"

OK here's one place
Luke 18
“Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!’ I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
DMP, neither one of us can know the man's heart during that prayer or otherwise but it seems clear to me that congressman was praying in a form more like the Tax Collector rather than Pharisee. He was asking God to forgive US as a nation, to forgive and have mercy on US... with some emotion. He wasn't bragging about his own holiness as far as i saw. Jesus said the sinful man that asked for mercy was justified. Not the man who thought he was better than others and did no wrong. Or who thought there's no need to be concerned about sin anymore.

He was the pharisee. He doesn't need to make a spectacle. Or "lead others' in prayer. 'Intent' is not the a great white-washing brush that cleanses repercussions. Because Christ paid the price for our sin, we can stop worrying about 'sin' and focus on the only two important commands - and edicts - Love one another and love God. That's the focal point. NOT grandstanding righteous fury or sadness.

God loves people more than he cares about sin that's already taken-care-of.

05-03-2017, 08:17 AM
Just as you are doing to me?

the thing is DMP, I never claimed that there's an "issue" in correcting people publicly, or in asking God for forgiveness publicly.
you did.
it's your own standard or "holiness, love" and 'truth' that YOU are contradicting.

This board is not 'publicly correcting' anyone. What this board is doing: Gives a voice to 20 people who regularly post.
this is Public forum, not a private club.
it's on the internet so by default it's public, folks from around the world walk in on this stuff.

He was the pharisee. He doesn't need to make a spectacle. Or "lead others' in prayer. 'Intent' is not the a great white-washing brush that cleanses repercussions. Because Christ paid the price for our sin, we can stop worrying about 'sin' and focus on the only two important commands - and edicts - Love one another and love God. That's the focal point. NOT grandstanding righteous fury or sadness.

SO was Jesus being a Pharisee when he prayed in public? often? when he weep in public? what about Peter when he prayed in public? John the Baptist? John even told people what to do on their jobs, with their money and bodies. Jesus, Peter and Paul did too. Maybe the Deacon Stephen was being a Pharisee when he spoke in public about, Israel's national sins against the prophets and the sin of killing Jesus. And when he Prayed Publicly ... as the Pharisees stoned him to death.

Your idea that the ACT of praying in public is by itself Pharisaically is FALSE on it's face DMP.
Jesus did it! And the Apostles and the followers of Jesus.
Jesus had a problem with the SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS, DO as I say not as DO-ism and the insincere 'look at me' spectacle that the Pharisees made of public prayers.
Not the simple act of public prayers.

And he never said DON"T pray Publicly.

And i have to ask, are you being loving when you ASSUME the man's prayer are "GRANDSTANDING" and "ARROGANT"?
And if the congressman's acts are NOT even SIN by your standard why are you so exercised by it?
Just love the guy ... no matter what he does.... and move on.

That's part of what i really don't get with your dismissive and negative characterizations of the his actions.

The congressman is praying to God asking for mercy for what he understands STILL to be the sins of the Nation.
Generally lamenting about people not following Jesus.

You seem upset that he's Lamenting about "sins" you don't think are sins and you say HE'S NOT following Jesus the RIGHT WAY. You say He's not only Wrong ,He's wrong to do it public, (sin?) And he's Arrogant for doing int in public (sin?) He should be loving People and God and NOTHING else (sins of commission and omission).
You may want to equivocate over the word 'sin' but sin only means falling short of God's standards/going against God's will. Which you are definitely accusing the congressman of.

SO yes again IF God has forgiven all sin then you SHOULD NOT MENTION the congressman's or ANYONE'S issues.
God NOW is taking care of ALL of the lack of love. period.
He doesn't need the congressman OR you to point out flaws of any kind.

But all you really seem to want to do is redraw the circle of sins/issue to complain about to your own standards DMP.
Not really JUST LOVE everyone ..no matter what they do... as you're preaching to others to to do.

DMP honestly, it really seems to me you're just cherry picking certain words of Jesus to suit your taste, and applying were where you like.
But hey DMP based on your replies so far it looks like to me that you're not really open to honestly reviewing you're own position here.
so i guess well just have to disagree.

05-03-2017, 08:29 AM
the thing is DMP, I never claimed that there's an "issue" in correcting people publicly, or in asking God for forgiveness publicly.
you did.
it's your own standard or "holiness, love" and 'truth' that YOU are contradicting not me..

I never claimed an issue with correcting people - YOU did. I'm saying A guy getting in front of a camera blabbering on like he did smells exactly of what Christ hated most. A show of "holiness" for the masses. Take it up with god.

SO was Jesus being a Pharisee when he prayed in public? often? when he weep in public? what about Peter when he prayed in public? John the Baptist? John even told people what to do on their jobs, with their money and bodies. Jesus, Peter and Paul did too. Maybe the Deacon Stephen was being a Pharisee when he spoke in public about, Israel's national sins against the prophets and the sin of killing Jesus. And when he Prayed Publicly ... as the Pharisees stoned him to death.

SO were you being a retard talking about different situations and trying to make them about the point at hand? The point at hand is the framework i described above. If you wish to apply context to those other areas do it. if you don't, maybe try to become a more-mature debater?

Your idea that the ACT of praying in public is by itself Pharisaically is FALSE on it's face DMP.

Your idea I think the ACT of praying in public is wrong is FALSE on its face because you are willingly removing the context I mentioned about the 'prayers'.

Jesus did it! And the Apostles and the followers of Jesus.
Jesus had a problem with the SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS, DO as I say not as DO-ism and the insincere 'look at me' spectacle that the Pharisees made of public prayers.
Not the simple act of public prayers.

Nobody in this thread has ever had issue with simply saying a prayer. But you can't debate the merits of my argument so you try to re-frame the argument into something you want to talk about so you feel smart.

That part of what i really don't get with you negative characterizations of the his actions.

Because it wreaks of 'holiness' and public contrition for something he didn't do. Something that is NOT his "sin" to ask forgiveness for....

The congressman is praying to God asking for mercy for what he understands STILL to be the sins of the Nation.
Generally lamenting about people not following Jesus.

God has already forgiven the sins of the nation. Everyone has already declared him lord. Bible speaks to it. #research.

You seem upset that he's Lamenting about "sins" you don't think are sins and you say HE'S NOT following Jesus the RIGHT WAY. You say He's not only Wrong ,He's wrong to do it public, (sin?) And he's Arrogant for doing int in public (sin?) He should be loving People and God and NOTHING else (sins of commission and omission).
You may want to equivocate over the word 'sin' but sin only means falling short of God's standards/going against God's will. Which you are definitely accusing the congressman of.

I am not upset but I am sad that the fucker is out crying about bullshit stuff when he could spend his platform energy loving people. I'm saying the guy is short-sighted and sort of negating Christ's work on the cross.

SO yes again IF God has forgiven all sin then you SHOULD NOT MENTION the congressman's or ANYONE'S issues.
God NOW taking care of ALL of the lack of love. He doesn't need the congressman OR you to point out flaws.

Why should I not mention it? I'm not god? I'm not forgiving the guy's sin. I don't care about the guy's sin. The guy isn't even really sinning - he's just being foolish.

But all you really seem to want to do is redraw the circle of sins/issue to complain about to your own standards DMP.
Not really JUST LOVE everyone ..no matter what they do... as you're preaching to others to to do.

Except I'm telling whomever will listen Christ doesnt' give a shit about sins - his focus is to bring Love to mankind. Love is God. God is Love. When we stop worrying about people's "OMG SIN!" that has already been forgiven, and just LOVE people things will be easier. The 'Sins' God gives us are meant to keep us from having a hard time loving, living, and experiencing his Glory more than they are somehow 'simply offensive' to God.

DMP honestly, it really seems to me you're just cherry picking certain words of Jesus to suit your taste, and applying were where you like.

But hey DMP based replies it seems to mean that not really open to honestly reviewing you're own position here. so i guess well just have to disagree.

Except I'm doing the opposite of that - I am merely prioritizing Christ's words. Some mean more than others. Most of the words we see in red font are simply words - but without contextual understanding of 'why' and 'what else Christ likely meant' we become the church we have today. And it's sad.

05-03-2017, 09:09 AM
DMP honestly, it really seems to me you're just cherry picking certain words of Jesus to suit your taste, and applying were where you like.
Except I'm doing the opposite of that - I am merely prioritizing Christ's words. Some mean more than others. Most of the words we see in red font are simply words - but without contextual understanding of 'why' and 'what else Christ likely meant' we become the church we have today. And it's sad.

And you, of course, get to determine what words of Jesus are more important and what's not and what he really.. likely... meant.
And that's the exact opposite of "cherry picking".

05-03-2017, 09:17 AM
And you, of course, get to determine what words of Jesus are more important and what's not and what he really.. likely... meant.
And that's the exact opposite of "cherry picking".

of course I determine what words are more important because I am a human being with a mind. Here's an example:

Jesus says: "Hi Peter - nice to see you"


Jesus says: Greatest commandment? Shit....look, Love god with ALL Your heart and your neighbor as yourself. that's what you need to be looking at.

which is more important?

As for the rest - like - what he MEANT - dude, do some fucking research. Start with the videos about Hell I posted in the new thread in the religious forum. Consider his interpretation which seems to make pretty good sense to me.

05-03-2017, 11:14 AM
of course I determine what words are more important because I am a human being with a mind. Here's an example:
Jesus says: "Hi Peter - nice to see you"
Jesus says: Greatest commandment? Shit....look, Love god with ALL Your heart and your neighbor as yourself. that's what you need to be looking at.
which is more important?

"hi Peter nice to see you."?
um come on man, is that the kind of quote we're talking about?

"This is the Greatest commandment..."
"But I say unto you, That whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."
"No man comes to the Father but by me"
"Whosoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only son."
"I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again"
"But I say unto you, That whosoever shall divorce his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causes her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced commits adultery."
"But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne"
"But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."
"This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

I have to ask.
when Jesus says that the 1st 2 commandments are 'the greatest' does that mean that the others are to be ignored?
Or that the the others are SO Unimportant that they shouldn't be preached or followed?

"hi Peter nice to see you?"

05-04-2017, 09:54 AM
Looks like your the idiot now

Obama Jr? "We have won and are pulling out".

05-04-2017, 01:57 PM
Obama Jr? "We have won and are pulling out".

Gunny. Have you noticed? Petey keeps talking about himself, and thinks we will fall for it.???:laugh:

Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
''Looks like your the idiot now''