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05-01-2017, 10:50 AM
Donald Trump slams 'archaic' US constitution that is 'really bad' for the country

05-01-2017, 11:32 AM
Weird that I can't find the actual video of that interview instead of that 24-second clip. Scouring Britain's leading anti-Trump rag for hit pieces, eh? Attaboy. Sometimes CNN misses a few.

So, Petey, are you suggesting that our Government operates perfectly and doesn't need adjustments to some of the mechanisms / laws / rules / regs in place?

How about Congress being able to exempt themselves from stupid legislation such as 0bamacare? Seems to me that needs to be reviewed and fixed.

There's already been a much needed overhaul of the filibuster in the Senate for SCOTUS confirmations.

How about the rogue liberal Fed Judges that have deliberately ignored the law authorizing the President to block immigrants whenever he deems it necessary? I think that needs a good solid reviewing since it's their job to enforce actual law instead of ignoring it.

I think we could easily come up with a hundred examples of broken things in Government that need attention and adjustments.

05-01-2017, 11:58 AM
I would hardly say he slammed anything. SLAM is just another liberal buzz word
used to magnify any and all opposition comments that liberals want to pick apart.

Some things he said do make a lot of sense and have to be examined carefully and
with open minds on the part of all legislators. Liberals do not like that. Everything has to
be 'do it my way or I am taking my toys and going home' on their part.

05-01-2017, 12:14 PM
not sure what Rules Trump has in mind but I hope it's not constitutional rules,

however the senate has a lot of OTHER rules that they've made up over the years.

Rules and Procedure
The legislative process on the Senate floor is governed by a set of standing rules, a body of precedents created by rulings of presiding officers or by votes of the Senate, a variety of established and customary practices, and ad hoc arrangements the Senate makes to meet specific parliamentary and political circumstances. A knowledge of the Senate's formal rules is not sufficient to understand Senate procedure, and Senate practices cannot be understood without knowing the rules to which the practices relate.

Senate Rules and Administration Committee
<description>The Senate Rules Committee has jurisdiction over the internal management of the Senate, as well as responsibility for legislation establishing federal election laws.

<description>Among other things, the standing rules of the Senate allow senators to debate at length and preclude a simple majority from ending debate.
Standing Rules of the Senate
Senate Manual
The legislative process on the Senate floor is a balance between the rights guaranteed to Senators under the standing rules and the need for senators to forgo some of these rights in order to expedite business.....


I'm sure a lot of that crap was made up to BLOCK or EXPEDITE policies one group did or didn't like over the years. And has little to nothing to do with fairness, transparency or speed.</description></description>

Black Diamond
05-01-2017, 01:02 PM
How does Pete feel when the left slams the second amendment as archaic ?

05-01-2017, 01:52 PM
How does Pete feel when the left slams the second amendment as archaic ?

I'll wager it sends a thrill up his leg.

Chris 'Tingles' Matthews isn't feeling it anymore and someone has to take up the mantle.


05-01-2017, 03:45 PM
Donald Trump slams 'archaic' US constitution that is 'really bad' for the country

LOL!! Trump is talking about the 60 vote cloture rule here which is congressionally self-imposed, not a constitutional requirement. Not once did Trump mention changing congressional representation which IS part of the constitution and WOULD be a valid point of criticism. Pete, this is a new level in the realm of lost credibility moments for you. When do we celebrate.

Black Diamond
05-01-2017, 03:46 PM
LOL!! Trump is talking about the 60 vote cloture rule here which is congressionally self-imposed, not a constitutional requirement. Not once did Trump mention changing congressional representation which IS part of the constitution and WOULD be a valid point of criticism. Pete, this is a new low in lost credibility moments for you. When do we celebrate.

05-01-2017, 04:05 PM
LOL!! Trump is talking about the 60 vote cloture rule here which is congressionally self-imposed, not a constitutional requirement. Not once did Trump mention changing congressional representation which IS part of the constitution and WOULD be a valid point of criticism. Pete, this is a new low in lost credibility moments for you. When do we celebrate.

That's why I wanted to find the actual video instead of that 24-second clip... I suspected this was typically contrived liberal hit piece.

05-01-2017, 04:11 PM
That's why I wanted to find the actual video instead of that 24-second clip... I suspected this was typically contrived liberal hit piece.

What is funny is that The Hill (nobody's right wing publication) in 2013 was saying some of the same things with nobody complaining one little bit. (http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/politics/295859-senate-60-vote-rule-is-an-abuse-of-democracy)

05-01-2017, 04:17 PM
Donald Trump slams 'archaic' US constitution that is 'really bad' for the country

Poor petey, the fabricating, liberal, twisting of context, and rhetorical liar actually believes we are all as DUMB as he is. Bet petey could convince his dog that turds are actually good candy for LIBERAL DOGS.

05-01-2017, 04:28 PM
I've no doubt that Trump is finding the Constitution a bit difficult to get around-it was meant to be so. I think it was Pete, again, who brought up the first amendment 'considerations' which is the talking point for today. Sure, all presidents would like it to be 'easier' to get through what they want, but there were good reasons to make it so difficult to even pass legislation, much less amend the Constitution.

No worries.

05-02-2017, 11:30 AM
WTF? Take a 24 second clip and obliterate it into something else?

Again, the man ain't perfect, but he's talking about the entire system and the difficulty of getting things done.

"rules of senate"
"rules of house"

"archaic RULES"

Odd, I didn't even hear the word "constitution" in that clip. I wonder why that is?

05-02-2017, 01:23 PM
Donald Trump slams 'archaic' US constitution that is 'really bad' for the country

As usuakl when reading something written by a liberal, you have to check what was actually said.

And as usual for something written by the liberal, it's completely false.

Trump didn't say the Constitution was "archaic". Not even close.

He said the rules in Congress are archaic and bad for the country... rules that appear nowhere in the Constitution. Things like the filibuster, the rules of parliamentary procedure etc.

Keep it in mind. When a liberal says something that make the President look bad, he's nearly always making it up.