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05-04-2017, 04:29 PM
Look at that, even one of the leaders of kook central admits she/they can't find anything on Trump. :laugh:


Feinstein Hasn't Seen Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

A leading Democratic senator admitted this week there has yet to be concrete evidence presented that demonstrates a direct link between Russia and President Donald Trump.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California Wednesday evening if she has seen anything to make her believe there was collusion between the Trump campaign and America's Cold War foe.

"Not at this time," Feinstein said.

"Well, that's a pretty precise answer," Blitzer replied. "I know the investigation is continuing."

Critics of Trump have suggested either he or people close to him had improper connections to Russia around last fall's election, beliefs that have spurred allegations that Russia's actions helped Trump beat Democrat Hillary Clinton.

No hard evidence has been presented that suggests the Trump-Russia claims have any truth to them.


05-06-2017, 01:42 PM
Look at that, even one of the leaders of kook central admits she/they can't find anything on Trump. :laugh:


Feinstein Hasn't Seen Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

A leading Democratic senator admitted this week there has yet to be concrete evidence presented that demonstrates a direct link between Russia and President Donald Trump.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California Wednesday evening if she has seen anything to make her believe there was collusion between the Trump campaign and America's Cold War foe.

"Not at this time," Feinstein said.

"Well, that's a pretty precise answer," Blitzer replied. "I know the investigation is continuing."

Critics of Trump have suggested either he or people close to him had improper connections to Russia around last fall's election, beliefs that have spurred allegations that Russia's actions helped Trump beat Democrat Hillary Clinton.

No hard evidence has been presented that suggests the Trump-Russia claims have any truth to them.


The $M Question: WHAT exactly can Russia do to "influence" our election even it wanted to?

05-06-2017, 08:24 PM
Feinstein Hasn't Seen Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

None of the liberals have seen any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

So what? That's never held them back in the past, or prevented them from deciding Trump (or whatever Republican du jour) is a horrible, heartless, cruel, mean, eeeevil monster.

Why are they talking about evidence now? That's something liberals rarely if ever do.

05-06-2017, 10:17 PM
Feinstein Hasn't Seen Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

None of the liberals have seen any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

So what? That's never held them back in the past, or prevented them from deciding Trump (or whatever Republican du jour) is a horrible, heartless, cruel, mean, eeeevil monster.

Why are they talking about evidence now? That's something liberals rarely if ever do.

Do ANY of these investigative committees EVER come to a solid conclusion on anything? Seems to me they just get mired down in "politics as usual" and no one really has a vested interest in an outcome.

Just a waste if time, money and resources.