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05-04-2017, 04:36 PM
Antifa Chick Goes to Turkey With Muslim Loverboy, Gets Raped and Beaten

Lacy MacAuley is a well known radical left-wing Antifa organizer in Washington D.C. She was featured in Project Veritas’ undercover videos which exposed the #DisruptJ20 plot to violently disrupt President Trump’s inauguration.

Just like every other lunatic leftist, Lacy fell in love with Islam and became obsessed with helping Syrian ‘refugees’, wholeheartedly believing that Islam is the religion of peace. MacAuley details her experience dating a Turkish Muslim man, describing the hell and fear she lived in because he controlled every move she made, beat and raped her.

Islam is still the ‘religion of peace’, eh Lacy?

From Lacy Macauley’s archived blog post:

I am a radical activist based in Washington DC. I fell in love with an energetic, charismatic activist I met in November when I was present to write about resistance to the G20 Summit, a global event in Antalya, Turkey. After I came home to the US, we talked every day. He was lovely and charming, I thought at the time. He offered a ready smile, engaging kindness, and intelligent conversation. He said all the right things to convince me that he cared about women’s rights and activism. In February, I decided to return to Turkey with the promise of love driving me forward. I couldn’t have known things would turn sour.

The first two weeks were quite the love story. I observed that he was drinking heavily, and called him an “alky,” but it was just a joke at first. We went to the beach and historic sites, and he introduced me to his friends. All seemed to be going well, and I felt that the romance was solidly moving forward.

Then came our first fight. I had wanted to interview a local woman for an article on Syrian refugees. He did not approve. He knew the woman and did not like her, so he strictly forbade me from speaking with her. After I questioned his rationale, he yelled and stormed out of the room to go smoke a cigarette. I just stood in the middle of the room not knowing what to do. Of course, as a Western woman, no one had ever forbidden me from speaking with anyone else. It was a strange feeling: Don’t I have a mouth to speak? Why can I not use it as I wish?

Rest here - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/05/antifa-chick-goes-turkey-muslim-loverboy-gets-raped-beaten/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-04-2017, 05:01 PM
Antifa Chick Goes to Turkey With Muslim Loverboy, Gets Raped and Beaten

Lacy MacAuley is a well known radical left-wing Antifa organizer in Washington D.C. She was featured in Project Veritas’ undercover videos which exposed the #DisruptJ20 plot to violently disrupt President Trump’s inauguration.

Just like every other lunatic leftist, Lacy fell in love with Islam and became obsessed with helping Syrian ‘refugees’, wholeheartedly believing that Islam is the religion of peace. MacAuley details her experience dating a Turkish Muslim man, describing the hell and fear she lived in because he controlled every move she made, beat and raped her.

Islam is still the ‘religion of peace’, eh Lacy?

From Lacy Macauley’s archived blog post:

I am a radical activist based in Washington DC. I fell in love with an energetic, charismatic activist I met in November when I was present to write about resistance to the G20 Summit, a global event in Antalya, Turkey. After I came home to the US, we talked every day. He was lovely and charming, I thought at the time. He offered a ready smile, engaging kindness, and intelligent conversation. He said all the right things to convince me that he cared about women’s rights and activism. In February, I decided to return to Turkey with the promise of love driving me forward. I couldn’t have known things would turn sour.

The first two weeks were quite the love story. I observed that he was drinking heavily, and called him an “alky,” but it was just a joke at first. We went to the beach and historic sites, and he introduced me to his friends. All seemed to be going well, and I felt that the romance was solidly moving forward.

Then came our first fight. I had wanted to interview a local woman for an article on Syrian refugees. He did not approve. He knew the woman and did not like her, so he strictly forbade me from speaking with her. After I questioned his rationale, he yelled and stormed out of the room to go smoke a cigarette. I just stood in the middle of the room not knowing what to do. Of course, as a Western woman, no one had ever forbidden me from speaking with anyone else. It was a strange feeling: Don’t I have a mouth to speak? Why can I not use it as I wish?

Rest here - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/05/antifa-chick-goes-turkey-muslim-loverboy-gets-raped-beaten/

If you sleep with dogs you will wake up with fleas, as the old saying goes.
She got what she deserved for being a stupid leftist moron.
These people--leftist/libs hate Christians and love evil..
So evil got a hold of her..
Sweet justice--what tis thy name!???
Yes, I celebrate-- WHAT HAPPENED TO HER, BECAUSE SHE AND HER KIND DESTROY, WILLINGLY, DECENT FOLKS--WHILE THEY PROTECT AND AID WORTHLESS EVIL SCUM, AND NOW FINALLY JUSTICE HAS BITTEN BACK!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::c lap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::cla p::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:-TYR

05-04-2017, 05:56 PM
I don't care how misguided or ignorant a person's beliefs might be, I don't care opposite from mine their views are from mine, no one, I repeat NO ONE, deserves to be beaten and raped. If you are celebrating what befell this woman...

Go fuck yourself.

Pray that none of your loved ones ever has to deal with the aftermath of rape.

Go fuck yourself.

05-04-2017, 06:19 PM
I don't care how misguided or ignorant a person's beliefs might be, I don't care opposite from mine their views are from mine, no one, I repeat NO ONE, deserves to be beaten and raped. If you are celebrating what befell this woman...

Go fuck yourself.

Pray that none of your loved ones ever has to deal with the aftermath of rape.

Go fuck yourself.

Thank you. I agree. She is likely still a militant that doesn't justify making it a cause of celebration that she was beaten and raped.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-04-2017, 10:26 PM
I don't care how misguided or ignorant a person's beliefs might be, I don't care opposite from mine their views are from mine, no one, I repeat NO ONE, deserves to be beaten and raped. If you are celebrating what befell this woman...

Go fuck yourself.

Pray that none of your loved ones ever has to deal with the aftermath of rape.

Go fuck yourself.

I celebrated one of life's hard lessons she learned--which she learned the hard way..
Now perhaps her eyes are opened.
By the way, I didnt send her there or tell the ffing slime to do that--your anger would be better served directed at the monster that did the evil, IMHO.



Unsaddle your high horse hoss.
Until I see you being that vocal, outraged and angered by other true and evils--like muslims being aided by leftists/libs/dems, gays being promoted by the same idjits and the many attacks she and her kind launch on decent people ,I will chalk your reply up to grandstanding and being unable to govern your temper..

However , on the suggestion given--feel free to travel to my neck of the woods and try to say such to my face..
I can promise you this, after doing so you will never dare do so again.
A lesson I've taught ,even truly tough men , many dozens of times.. and hoss, I do not think there is not a damn thing tough about you..-Tyr

05-04-2017, 11:31 PM
I just stood in the middle of the room not knowing what to do. Of course, as a Western woman, no one had ever forbidden me from speaking with anyone else. It was a strange feeling: Don’t I have a mouth to speak? Why can I not use it as I wish?

She must be the only person in the Western world who doesn't know the answers to these questions. Anyone who hasn't been living under a rock, is well familiar with them.

Will she change her opinion of the man and his "culture"? Or will she just go back under the same rock, ignore what happened, and "remain puzzled"?

Abbey Marie
05-05-2017, 01:37 PM
She must be the only person in the Western world who doesn't know the answers to these questions. Anyone who hasn't been living under a rock, is well familiar with them.

Will she change her opinion of the man and his "culture"? Or will she just go back under the same rock, ignore what happened, and "remain puzzled"?

Exactly what crossed my mind. The answer, which we see over and over with liberals today, is that she chose not to see or understand reality because it didn't fit her world view. And I'll bet she will still make excuses for the behavior- either the guy was an anomaly, or it is somehow the West's fault that he is that way.

05-06-2017, 01:08 PM
I don't care how misguided or ignorant a person's beliefs might be, I don't care opposite from mine their views are from mine, no one, I repeat NO ONE, deserves to be beaten and raped. If you are celebrating what befell this woman...

Go fuck yourself.

Pray that none of your loved ones ever has to deal with the aftermath of rape.

Go fuck yourself.

Based on your Western Judeo-Christian beliefs. I don't know WHAT IT TAKES to get those of you just as immersed in your one-way idealism that they ARE NO less fervent in their beliefs.

There ARE consequences for one's actions. THAT IS HOW IT IS OVER THERE. Your one little do-gooder ass ain't going to change 14 centuries of a way of life that has changed little.

Celebration? No. Neither do I feel sorry for her.

05-06-2017, 01:19 PM
Thank you. I agree. She is likely still a militant that doesn't justify making it a cause of celebration that she was beaten and raped.

I don't care whether or not she's a militant. I don't care about her politics. She's a dumbass from Hell. If I walk into an ISIS compound wearing a USMC tee-shirt I shouldn't expect to get my head chopped off?

Although is does resonate more with the La-La Land Left, if you stick upiur hand in the fire you get burned no matter WHICH cloud your head is stuck in.

Black Diamond
05-06-2017, 02:12 PM
I don't care whether or not she's a militant. I don't care about her politics. She's a dumbass from Hell. If I walk into an ISIS compound wearing a USMC tee-shirt I shouldn't expect to get my head chopped off?

Although is does resonate more with the La-La Land Left, if you stick upiur hand in the fire you get burned no matter WHICH cloud your head is stuck in.
I am hoping the country learns from this. We don't want Middle eastern refugees here. I still can't figure out the Left's tolerance of Islam. Islam is perpendicular to their beliefs. They hate gays and treat women like dogs.

05-06-2017, 07:39 PM
I am hoping the country learns from this. We don't want Middle eastern refugees here. I still can't figure out the Left's tolerance of Islam. Islam is perpendicular to their beliefs. They hate gays and treat women like dogs.th

No one's going to learn anything. Take this woman as an example. She's a "world activist" but doesn't know what's going on in it? I wouldn't trust her judgement to babysit 0ne of my grandkids, much less make world policy. Women are chattel over there. Don't let reality get in the way of your idealism. "Let's be a dumbass white girl and go to Turkey to meet up with some Turk and wonder what went wrong:rolleyes:"

Black Diamond
05-06-2017, 09:14 PM

No one's going to learn anything. Take this woman as an example. She's a "world activist" but doesn't know what's going on in it? I wouldn't trust her judgement to babysit 0ne of my grandkids, much less make world policy. Women are chattel over there. Don't let reality get in the way of your idealism. "Let's be a dumbass white girl and go to Turkey to meet up with some Turk and wonder what went wrong:rolleyes:"
Everyone is the same. That's what she tried to prove. How did it work out?

05-06-2017, 10:34 PM
Everyone is the same. That's what she tried to prove. How did it work out?

Sssshhhhhh ... It's a secret. :laugh:

But where do you win? I've been called a racist for saying it before. I lived in Turkey for 2 years. Anyone want to match up resume's with me? Got 5 WesPac's to the ME under my belt too. I think as far as deployed sea time goes, AT is probably the only one with more than me on this board.

Some cherry-ass white girl is going to go in there and it will be "different". "It's not like that with us". Yeah, it is.

And some dumbass Jewish girl who's probably never been out of Manhattan wants to call me racist for calling it as I saw it.