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View Full Version : FBI Police Are De-Policing

05-05-2017, 05:13 PM
As I've said for a long time in many of the cities with high and rising shooting/murder rates, the police are no long proactive. That means they will respond to calls, but are avoiding contacts that might result in problems for them-especially anything that may involve the possibility of conflicts. Why? They do not believe they will be backed by city hall and they know the media will attack. By just reacting, the narrative is more difficult to spin, in most cases it involves investigating what has already happened, picking up the pieces.

I suppose in some ways there are those that will be happy, though the carnage is unmistakeable. It does mean that fewer youth will be harassed by cops for doing nothing wrong.


FBI Study: Police Scared, Demoralized, Less Proactive Due to Anti-Cop Activism BY: Charles Fain Lehman (http://freebeacon.com/author/charles-lehman/) May 5, 2017 12:37 pm

Police officers are "scared and demoralized" and have reduced "proactive policing" due to intense criticism from the public and national politicians amid heightened anti-cop activism, according to a recent FBI study.

The demoralization is in part due to the spike in attacks on police last year, which is partly driven by an anti-police narrative spread by the media and not discouraged by elected officials, the agency found.

The report (http://media.washtimes.com.s3.amazonaws.com/media/misc/2017/05/04/study.pdf), titled "Assailant Study–Mindsets and Behaviors," was first reported (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/may/4/fbi-report-officers-de-policing-anti-cop-hostility/) Thursday by the Washington Times. It was written in April, according to FBI spokesman Matthew Bertron, and examined 50 of the 53 incidents last year in which police officers were killed on duty.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-05-2017, 06:25 PM
So not policy those areas is exactly what the obama/media/libs and Dem party wanted wanted....

Can not have their bought out voters(BLACKS) forced to obey --stinking white man's laws!!!

And less justice in the land leads to further degradation and weakening of this nation-- another important goal of those behind this...-Tyr

05-07-2017, 12:50 AM
I kind of sit in the middle on this one. I understand law enforcement has a job to do. Being military, I understand the need for rules and regulations and enforcing them.

On the other hand, any of you ever watch COPS or any of these other live action law enforcement shows? They're a bunch of bullies and use mob tactics. They use excessive force on nationwide TV and there is no outrage. You start screeching at me like you're God and we ain't going to get along.

Then they want to lecture you mugging for the camera. I'd be like "f*ck YOU. Shut your face and take me to jail. You boring me to death playing wannbe movie star should count as the death sentence and I get time served."

"Duh, why did you run? Du-u-u-h ...."

"Because I was trying to get away? Novel concept, huh?"

05-07-2017, 08:27 AM
We seem to be watching the escalating consequences of a decaying society and the police are just evidence of the reach of that decay. The family has collapsed and young people are growing up without proper parenting. A child-run-wild takes his or her actions to higher and higher levels of action without discipline. Such activity is met with action from law enforcement that is ever more harsh in response. The cycle of violence and violent response is not going to de-escalate until we as a people step back, take a long look at what we have created, and commit ourselves to one-again prizing and valuing the family.

Just my 2 cents worth, and when you account for inflation....