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05-07-2017, 12:07 PM
If this were coming from the right, they would all be labeled racists. The left is often too stupid to realize that millions of Americans don't feel the same as they do. So often when the right votes based on what their constituents want - immediately it's blamed on the white men. Idiots. Or that us on the right don't like or respect women and want them dead somehow. :rolleyes:

I guess this nitwit thinks the right should be banned from voting, too many damn white men!


Andrea Mitchell to Price: You Have White Men Cutting Heath Care for Women

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” guest host Andrea Mitchell told Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price that the House Republicans who voted for the American Health Care Act are “mostly all men and white men at that.”

Partial transcript as follows:

MITCHELL: Well, let’s talk about women. When we looked at the rose garden and the celebration of this on Thursday, they were all — mostly all men and white men at that. There was no diversity there. Women’s health issues arguably are going to be disproportionately affected. Obamacare includes maternity and newborn care, preventative care, mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, birth control, all of this under the essential package no longer required under this house bill.

PRICE: Andrea, come on. Look at that picture. Congresswoman Diane Black, the chair of the budget committee I was standing next to her. Seema Verma, the administrator of CMS I was standing next to her.

MITCHELL: Out of a group of dozens and dozens of people, you can cite two or three — two or three women?

PRICE: These are prominent individuals who are leading — who are leading in this area of health care. But the goal as I mentioned is to make certain every American, men, women, rich, poor, old, young, have the kind of coverage that they want for themselves and for their families. not that government forces them to buy. That’s the change.


05-07-2017, 12:09 PM
And then add in this half brain dead 'tard...

Can't just say they are worried that replublicans may do this or that - but it has to be WHITE MEN, as if there are none of those crazy bastards on the left. And quite frankly, when they say shit like this, which is OFTEN, I think THEY are being racist.


Feinstein: I’m Worried What 13 White Republican Men Will Do to Health Care

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said she is “very worried” what Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and the working group of “13 white men” will do the heath care.”

Feinstein said, “This is just come over to the Senate. It has no score. It’s probably one of the biggest bills that the senate will ever consider. We don’t know its breadth and depth as analyzed professionally. We don’t know its cost as analyzed professionally. And there are a lot of major changes which are going to have a dramatic impact on the health care marketplace which is now one-fifth of the economy.”

She continued, “I don’t know what the leader McConnell has in mind. I don’t know what the 13 white men when you have five Republican women who are excluded from that, that these 13 men are supposed to sit down and put something together.”

She added, “I’m really very worried that in the rush to judgment we create a major health care problems for people and we lose a lot of jobs in so doing and we create a whole atmosphere of unpredictability.”


05-07-2017, 04:00 PM
If this were coming from the right, they would all be labeled racists. The left is often too stupid to realize that millions of Americans don't feel the same as they do. So often when the right votes based on what their constituents want - immediately it's blamed on the white men. Idiots. Or that us on the right don't like or respect women and want them dead somehow. :rolleyes:

I guess this nitwit thinks the right should be banned from voting, too many damn white men!


Andrea Mitchell to Price: You Have White Men Cutting Heath Care for Women

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” guest host Andrea Mitchell told Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price that the House Republicans who voted for the American Health Care Act are “mostly all men and white men at that.”

Partial transcript as follows:

MITCHELL: Well, let’s talk about women. When we looked at the rose garden and the celebration of this on Thursday, they were all — mostly all men and white men at that. There was no diversity there. Women’s health issues arguably are going to be disproportionately affected. Obamacare includes maternity and newborn care, preventative care, mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, birth control, all of this under the essential package no longer required under this house bill.

PRICE: Andrea, come on. Look at that picture. Congresswoman Diane Black, the chair of the budget committee I was standing next to her. Seema Verma, the administrator of CMS I was standing next to her.

MITCHELL: Out of a group of dozens and dozens of people, you can cite two or three — two or three women?

PRICE: These are prominent individuals who are leading — who are leading in this area of health care. But the goal as I mentioned is to make certain every American, men, women, rich, poor, old, young, have the kind of coverage that they want for themselves and for their families. not that government forces them to buy. That’s the change.


Ummmm ..... did something zoomie over Gunny's head? I didn't know any cuts targeted a specific ethnicity/gender nor give privilege to another.

"All white males get unlimited free healthcare at Johns Hopkins and the rest of you get the free clinic. As IF you deserve the same as us." :rolleyes: