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05-07-2017, 12:32 PM
I love this woman!!! :) :)


Judge Jeanine Slams Hillary Clinton: ‘You’re a Loser’ — ‘Face It, and Get Back In the Woods!’

During her opening statement on Saturday’s edition of the Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” Judge Jeanine Pirro ripped into 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton after she blamed WikiLeaks and Jim Comey’s letter on October 28th for losing the election to President Donald Trump.

Judge Jeanine called Clinton a “loser” and told her to go back into hiding.

“Hillary, snap out of it,” Pirro said. “I’m tired of going through this with you. You’re a two-time loser who lost because you were a lousy candidate, you didn’t have a message, you lied every time you opened your mouth; you didn’t know what states to campaign in, you put our national security at risk with your amateur email setup, you were in a foundation that was nothing more than an organized criminal enterprise parading as a charity, four men died under your watch as you lied about a video, and there [were] a billion dollars missing from the State Department when you left. And I could go on and on, but I just don’t have the time. So, stop with the poor me nonsense. We’ve had it with you Clintons always claiming victimhood. The two of you haven’t followed the rules since the day you both showed up in your bell bottoms in Arkansas.”

She later warned, “Be careful, Hillary. Be very, very careful. You pulled the wool over Jim Comey’s eyes once, and you actually got the president to say you’re a nice lady. Don’t be so sure you’re going to get away with your new game, given your illegal, ill-advised, and incompetent instincts. You’re a loser, Hillary. Face it. Face it, and get back in the woods!”


05-07-2017, 04:50 PM
I don't like Judge Jeanine. But when she's right .... hard to argue with THIS one.

05-07-2017, 09:18 PM
I don't like Judge Jeanine. But when she's right .... hard to argue with THIS one.

Well...she sure did sum it up!:laugh: