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View Full Version : Illegal Alien(Mexican) Rapes 11 year old little boy

08-05-2007, 11:27 PM
Santos Was Trusted Member Of The Community; Illegal Alien

William Roberto Santos worked as a laborer at a horse farm in Owensboro, Ky. Nobody seemed to know much about his past, but his behavior and personality quickly made him a trusted member of the community.

He attended church regularly, and parents felt safe leaving their young children in his care. One child in particular, who spent time at the same horse farm where Santos worked, spent four or five nights at a time at Santos' apartment.

Nobody had any reason to suspect anything sinister was going on until the 11-year-old boy confessed to his mother that something bad had happened, and that it had happened many times.

An Abuse Of Trust
By the time the 11-year-old told his mother what had happened and the police were contacted, Santos was already gone. Through interviews with the victim and his mother, the police were able to establish that Santos had sodomized the boy multiple times over the course of two weeks.

Santos was also implicated by his gay lover, who went to the police and told them that Santos had confided to him what he had done to the little boy. Unfortunately, Santos did not tell his lover where he planned on going when he disappeared from Kentucky.

When the police went to Santos' apartment, they found he had left in a hurry, leaving most of his belongings behind. But nothing was able to point them towards where Santos was now.

Where Is He Now?
Police believe it is possible that Santos may be trying to find work at a horse farm in New York, perhaps near a racetrack. Cops say Santos used to talk about wanting to work near a large racetrack in New York, and think he might be trying to fulfill this wish.

There have been sightings of Santos in Phoenix and New Albany, Miss., but once again, there was nothing to lead police to his current location. Even though Santos is in the U.S. illegally, cops do not think that he would return to his native home of Mexico. Police say he has been ostracized by his family members in Mexico because of something he did to a young boy there before he moved to the United States.
Information valid as of last update.

Wanted For...............
Sodomy - 10 counts, Owensboro, KY

More information and pictures of this scumbag............

What a surprise an Illegal commiting crimes here. This SOB needs to be killed. I hope everyone on here looks at his pics especially if you live in Kentucky and New York as those are the two places they think he could be. He also would be around a Horse Track. LN arn't you from KY and don't you work at a track?!? I hope they catch this guy and put him in jail then deport him. He is scared to go back to Mexico as he did the same thing to a little boy down there and hes afraid to go back. Im sure they kill child rapists down there.

08-05-2007, 11:41 PM
Send them home. NOW.

08-06-2007, 01:25 AM
Castrate the bastards with swords

red states rule
08-06-2007, 08:24 AM
Castrate the bastards with swords

Then send him to a Super Max prison

Abbey Marie
08-06-2007, 09:25 AM
Wow. This thread manages to combine two of the hottest topics on the board- illegals and gay pedophiles. All we need is a US flag burning by the illegal, and we will have the perfect storm of posting.

08-06-2007, 09:28 AM
Wow, a fag and a pedophile. Who woulda ever thought?

We have enough problems with our own pedophiles, we don't need to be importing more.

08-06-2007, 09:34 AM
You know whats really scary I have seen that guy before at Brewske's. It's been quite awhile ago but I recall seeing him! oh for those of you wondering Brewske's is a Hispanic Nightclub that I was bar tending at for about 2 years.

08-06-2007, 09:52 AM
Wow. This thread manages to combine two of the hottest topics on the board- illegals and gay pedophiles. All we need is a US flag burning by the illegal, and we will have the perfect storm of posting.


08-06-2007, 09:53 AM
I am amazed the Libereals haven't blamed this on President Bush yet.........

Hagbard Celine
08-06-2007, 09:56 AM
Wow. This thread manages to combine two of the hottest topics on the board- illegals and gay pedophiles. All we need is a US flag burning by the illegal, and we will have the perfect storm of posting.

A gay, illegal Mexican who converted to Islam while in prison who escaped prison and raped a white, American boy on top of the US flag on the fourth of July in a church. THAT'S the perfect storm.

08-06-2007, 10:11 AM
A gay, illegal Mexican who converted to Islam while in prison who escaped prison and raped a white, American boy on top of the US flag on the fourth of July in a church. THAT'S the perfect storm.

Nope, Illegal Mexican's commiting crimes showing people the criminals that they all are. Thats the perfect story.

Hagbard Celine
08-06-2007, 10:17 AM
Nope, Illegal Mexican's commiting crimes showing people the criminals that they all are. Thats the perfect story.

Wow, it's before noon and you've already posted the most ignorant, racist thing you could've posted today. Kudos, you've outdone yourself nm.

08-06-2007, 10:23 AM
Wow, it's before noon and you've already posted the most ignorant, racist thing you could've posted today. Kudos, you've outdone yourself nm.

It's not racist, it's the truth. Every illegal has committed atleast one crime, which makes them criminals.

08-06-2007, 10:44 AM
I am amazed the Libereals haven't blamed this on President Bush yet.........

I'm amazed you and RSR haven't blamed this on the Liberals yet...........

Jokes aside, put this scumbag to death. Santos, I mean, not nevadamedic!

Abbey Marie
08-06-2007, 10:53 AM
A gay, illegal Mexican who converted to Islam while in prison who escaped prison and raped a white, American boy on top of the US flag on the fourth of July in a church. THAT'S the perfect storm.

You win! :laugh2:

08-06-2007, 10:55 AM
I'm amazed you and RSR haven't blamed this on the Liberals yet...........

Jokes aside, put this scumbag to death. Santos, I mean, not nevadamedic!

Actually it is the Liberals who are fighting to keep assholes like this in the country.

08-06-2007, 09:26 PM
Wow, it's before noon and you've already posted the most ignorant, racist thing you could've posted today. Kudos, you've outdone yourself nm.

Hey jackass they are here ILLEGALY wich means they broke the law in coming here brain child. So yes he is correct it is a fact that they all broke a law... :lame2:

red states rule
08-06-2007, 09:28 PM
I'm amazed you and RSR haven't blamed this on the Liberals yet...........

Jokes aside, put this scumbag to death. Santos, I mean, not nevadamedic!

Libs are willing to welcome them here with open arms - and the open wallets of the US taxpayers

red states rule
08-06-2007, 09:28 PM
Hey jackass they are here ILLEGALY wich means they broke the law in coming here brain child. So yes he is correct it is a fact that they all broke a law... :lame2:

Don't you know not to confuse a liberal with facts?

08-07-2007, 12:39 AM
Don't you know not to confuse a liberal with facts?

A liberal knows what a fact is??? That was news to me :laugh2:

red states rule
08-07-2007, 05:06 AM
A liberal knows what a fact is??? That was news to me :laugh2:

Facts to a lib is whatever the NY Slimes, Dead Air Amercia, or Keith Overbite tells them

08-07-2007, 09:46 PM
Whatever is in their favorite rag of a liberal paper. Our local newspaper is a liberal rag thats why I wont buy it and I wont read it. Its called the Gazzette Journal.. I call it the "urinal"

red states rule
08-08-2007, 04:11 AM
Whatever is in their favorite rag of a liberal paper. Our local newspaper is a liberal rag thats why I wont buy it and I wont read it. Its called the Gazzette Journal.. I call it the "urinal"

Yet some say there is no liberal bias in the MSM.

Go figure

red states rule
08-08-2007, 04:24 AM
Whatever is in their favorite rag of a liberal paper. Our local newspaper is a liberal rag thats why I wont buy it and I wont read it. Its called the Gazzette Journal.. I call it the "urinal"

Here is another example of the liberal media and how they "report" the news

ABCNews.com: Sex Offender Faces Life in Prison for Being Homeless
By Jason Aslinger | August 8, 2007 - 00:24 ET
Yes - ABCNews.com actually did title their article "Sex Offender Faces Life in Prison for Being Homeless," giving a convicted sex offender the status of heroic martyr for facing a potenital life sentence under Georgia's sex offender registry laws.

Larry W. Moore, Jr. was convicted of the felony sex offense known as "indecent liberty with a child" in North Carolina in 1994. Moore later moved to Georgia, where he came within the jurisdiction of Georgia's sex offender registry laws. Moore failed to properly register and was convicted for a first violation in 2005. Moore has now been convicted of a second violation, and faces a penalty of life in prison under the Georgia statutes.

Despite being a felony sex offender and two-time registry violator, the ABCNews.com article paints Moore as a victim because he was allegedly homeless at the time of his arrest. According to the article, Moore's homelessness was the product of Georgia's strict residency restrictions.

Georgia's new sex offender law -- one of the nation's toughest to date -- prohibits offenders from living and working within 1,000 feet of not just schools and day care centers, but also churches, public or community swimming pools, public or private parks, bus stops and any other places "where minors congregate."

While many states have registry requirements, Georgia's 2006 sex offender law added school bus stops and churches to the list of places 1,000 feet from which registered sex offenders couldn't live or work, leaving them with only a handful of hotels and shelters to choose from, policy experts said. And although there is a court-ordered hold on the bus stop limitation, the church provision is in place.

The article continues by citing to unnamed critics who "say the law places people in a catch-22 by rendering nearly the entire state unlivable for sex offenders, while at the same time insisting that they register a permanent address."

Under these punitive conditions, the ABCNews.com columnist concludes that "[a] convicted sex offender in Georgia was pulled off the street and now faces life in prison -- not for committing a crime -- but because he was homeless."

The entire discussion is preposterous. First of all, the author's gratuitous statement that Moore faces life in prison "for being homeless" ignores his conviction for the hideous crime of "indecent liberty with a child." Moore's criminal jeopardy stems from his felony criminal act upon a child - not his "homelessness."

And while is undisputed that convicted sex offenders have restricted residency in Georgia (and particularly in some metropolitan areas), it is appalling to argue that "nearly the entire state [is] unlivable for sex offenders." Are there no rural areas in Georgia ?

By virtue of his conviction in the State of North Carolina, Moore was presumably already subject to reporting requirements in that state. Moore voluntarily moved the Georgia, where he subjected himself to the more stringent laws. And any argument that he was ignorant of the Georgia statutes (not a valid legal excuse anyway) went out the window when he was convicted of a first violation.

While the ABCNews.com article is heavy on rhetoric, it is also short on facts.As to Moore's specific violation, the article only states that "an Augusta investigator found out that [Moore] registered a false address; he actually lived on the street." But where was Moore living when he was properly registered ? And did he do something to lose that residence ? Was he really "living on the streets" or merely moving from place-to-place without making the proper reporting ? It is easy to imagine how the facts might not support the author's overall theme.

The ABCNews.com article also stated in conspicuously vague terms that "[a] conviction for the second violation occurred last week." In actuality, Moore presented his "homelessness" defense to a jury, and the jury rejected it finding Moore guilty.

The article, however, goes far beyond Moore's case in a broad attack upon Georgia's sex offender statutes.

In an effort to frame the Georgia law as bigotry, the articles cites to elderly, ill, and disabled people who have supposedly been displaced.

Last fall, the Southern Center for Human Rights and the American Civil Liberties Union asked a court to prevent nine elderly and severely disabled offenders who lived within 1,000 feet of a church from being evicted.

The SCHR said that among those who faced eviction were residents of nursing homes, persons with Alzheimer's disease, and a resident of a hospice care facility who was told he had six months to live, according to court documents. They argued that the law incorrectly makes no exception for those who "by virtue of their advanced age and/or physical conditions & are not a danger to anyone." The case is pending.

Of course any media implication of bigotry must be accompanied by a citation to the Republican who made it all possible:

In an interview with the L.A. Times, the Georgia law's Republican sponsor Rep. Jerry Keen acknowledged the law would be "an inconvenience" for "some folks" who would have to move. "But," he said, "if you weigh that argument against the overall impact, which is the safety of children, most folks would agree this is a good thing."

The article also criticizes the Georgia law for creating "clusters" of sex offenders.

And paradoxically, [Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Sheriff Don] Zeller said, the new restrictions are also creating sex offender "clusters'' -- like the Ced-Rel Motel in Lynn County, where more than two dozen sex offenders lived at one time.

But wait - couldn't you argue that it's a good thing to have the sex offenders in clusters where they can be more easily monitored ?

Finally (and amusingly), the article is punctuated by an absurd, double-negative assertion that can neither be proved nor disproved. What's even better, the author liked the quote so much that she cited to it twice and attributed it to two different people !

Early in the article:

Studies also show that sex offenders have a lower recidivism rate than other types of criminals. Jill Levenson, a professor of human services at Lynn University in Florida, told ABC Law & Justice Unit that there is not one case in the entire United States where a child or adult was not assaulted because of residency restrictions and called these laws "one of the largest wastes of resources and false sense of security things we've done yet."

But at the end of the article:

"There's not one case in the entire U.S. where a child or adult was not assaulted because of residency restrictions -- it's one of the largest wastes of resources and false sense of security things we've done yet," [Nancy Sabin, executive director of the Jacob Wetterling Foundation] said.

This claim takes the prize. The effectiveness of the Georgia statutes is measured by sexual assaults which have been avoided, and of course, there is no evidence of events that did not occur. Or in other words - you can not prove a negative. But the author here is not above semantic games to advance her viewpoint.
