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05-08-2017, 11:15 AM
Wow. So Obama sure knows who to hang with! And folks worry about others who don't talk nice on Trump's team. Where was all the outrage with this piece of shit? (a secondary article on bottom). The liberals were likely thrilled with this guy. Maybe something ran up the leg? :laugh:


Islamic State Threatens More Attacks on Egypt's Christians, Obama DHS Adviser Says They Have It Coming

In December, the Islamic State claimed a suicide bombing in a church inside Cairo's Coptic cathedral compound that killed 29 (all but one were women and girls). On Palm Sunday, two separate Islamic State suicide bombings killed nearly 50 worshippers.

Over the weekend, the group threatened more attacks on Christians:


That renewed threat prompted interesting commentary from former Obama Homeland Security Advisory Council member Mohamed Elibiary. He claims that the Coptic Christians in Egypt -- the largest Christian population in the Middle East -- have it coming:

Reading ISIS's latest mag "otherizing" Egypt's Copts. Subhanallah how what goes around comes around. Coptic ldrs did same to MB Egyptians

What has Elibiary upset? Many in the Coptic Christian community backed the removal of the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi in 2013. In his tweet, he references "MB Egyptians" -- Muslim Brotherhood Egyptians.

He is drawing an analogy between being anti-Muslim Brotherhood, and mass murder.

His past anti-Christian statements have been denounced by Coptic church leaders:

Read the garbage here - https://pjmedia.com/homeland-security/2017/05/08/islamic-state-threatens-more-attacks-on-egypts-christians-obama-dhs-adviser-says-they-have-it-coming/


Homeland Security Adviser Mohamed Elibiary Goes on Hate-Filled Anti-Christian Rant, Attacks Jindal as 'Bottom Feeder'

Obama administration Muslim adviser Mohamed Elibiary is no stranger to regular PJ Media readers.

In September, Elibiary was unceremoniously removed from his fellowship position with the Department of Homeland Security, which he tried to spin as a "resignation," but letters sent to members of Congress by DHS officials indicated he would not be reappointed.

Undoubtedly, one of the chief reasons for DHS cutting ties with Elibiary was a long string of extremist statements he had been making on Twitter, including talking about the inevitability of the return of an ISIS-style caliphate -- tweets that were subsequently used by ISIS supporters for recruiting purposes.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-09-2017, 06:59 AM
Wow. So Obama sure knows who to hang with! And folks worry about others who don't talk nice on Trump's team. Where was all the outrage with this piece of shit? (a secondary article on bottom). The liberals were likely thrilled with this guy. Maybe something ran up the leg? :laugh:


Islamic State Threatens More Attacks on Egypt's Christians, Obama DHS Adviser Says They Have It Coming

In December, the Islamic State claimed a suicide bombing in a church inside Cairo's Coptic cathedral compound that killed 29 (all but one were women and girls). On Palm Sunday, two separate Islamic State suicide bombings killed nearly 50 worshippers.

Over the weekend, the group threatened more attacks on Christians:


That renewed threat prompted interesting commentary from former Obama Homeland Security Advisory Council member Mohamed Elibiary. He claims that the Coptic Christians in Egypt -- the largest Christian population in the Middle East -- have it coming:

Reading ISIS's latest mag "otherizing" Egypt's Copts. Subhanallah how what goes around comes around. Coptic ldrs did same to MB Egyptians

What has Elibiary upset? Many in the Coptic Christian community backed the removal of the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi in 2013. In his tweet, he references "MB Egyptians" -- Muslim Brotherhood Egyptians.

He is drawing an analogy between being anti-Muslim Brotherhood, and mass murder.

His past anti-Christian statements have been denounced by Coptic church leaders:

Read the garbage here - https://pjmedia.com/homeland-security/2017/05/08/islamic-state-threatens-more-attacks-on-egypts-christians-obama-dhs-adviser-says-they-have-it-coming/


Homeland Security Adviser Mohamed Elibiary Goes on Hate-Filled Anti-Christian Rant, Attacks Jindal as 'Bottom Feeder'

Obama administration Muslim adviser Mohamed Elibiary is no stranger to regular PJ Media readers.

In September, Elibiary was unceremoniously removed from his fellowship position with the Department of Homeland Security, which he tried to spin as a "resignation," but letters sent to members of Congress by DHS officials indicated he would not be reappointed.

Undoubtedly, one of the chief reasons for DHS cutting ties with Elibiary was a long string of extremist statements he had been making on Twitter, including talking about the inevitability of the return of an ISIS-style caliphate -- tweets that were subsequently used by ISIS supporters for recruiting purposes.


Yes but we that pointed out how obama gave allegiance , support and his heart to the muslims--to this nation's enemies were ridiculed and called morons and racists for doing so.
We that pointed out constantly the dangers Islam poses to this nation were constantly attacked and ridiculed by the dems, the libs, the leftists, their allies-- by certain members here too.. Yet time eventually shines light upon the TRUTH THAT HAS BEEN TOLD!-Tyr




05-09-2017, 09:35 AM
I don't think Obama's "legacy" is going down exactly like he thought it would. This Elderberry dude should NEVER have held a position in US government and in fact should be on the terrorist watch list.