View Full Version : So why are you people so ticked off at all the bullets I have dodged?

05-09-2017, 11:48 PM
More than one person has told me that I'm unbelievably lucky. I have a darned good 17 years and counting marriage even with impaired social skills, a six figure job and two very nice sons. I look around at all the supposedly fully functional men that come home to a house that's all emptied and their wife gone. There are plenty of stories even here on DP of guys that got burned. I see that 80+% of the population earns less than I do.

Are people jealous? It's like y'all resent the bullets I have dodged. This can't be just dumb luck. I had to have done something right. However, I get this strange attitude that some of you WANT to get hit by life's bullets and don't think you can learn anything from my experiences.

One big social turning point was 26 years ago, the first time that I visited it Brazil. I was desperate for companionship and started showing interest in the server at the lunch counter at the Rio de Janeiro airport. I hadn't even been in Brazil for my first hour. When she told me that she lived in Rochinha, one of the most dangerous slums in the country, I didn't care. I figured that I would finally start a social life or get a knife in my ribs, I didn't care. She was so impressed that I would risk my safety to be with her. I think it was the first time that my interest in a female was reciprocated.

Fast forward another nine years. Some of you all think that I "purchased" my wife. Well, if I did, I must have gotten a really good deal. How much is 17 and counting years of happiness worth?

05-10-2017, 09:25 AM
.... https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d8/db/cf/d8dbcf89a56cca2843e383c1116f55f3.png

05-10-2017, 09:36 AM
One big social turning point was 26 years ago, the first time that I visited it Brazil. I was desperate for companionship and started showing interest in the server at the lunch counter at the Rio de Janeiro airport. I hadn't even been in Brazil for my first hour. When she told me that she lived in Rochinha, one of the most dangerous slums in the country, I didn't care. I figured that I would finally start a social life or get a knife in my ribs, I didn't care. She was so impressed that I would risk my safety to be with her. I think it was the first time that my interest in a female was reciprocated. Fast forward another nine years. Some of you all think that I "purchased" my wife. Well, if I did, I must have gotten a really good deal. How much is 17 and counting years of happiness worth? By the way, this is an abrupt change from your previous story that you met your wife while she was working in a hotel in her previous home in Omaha. :rolleyes:

05-10-2017, 09:43 AM
More than one person has told me that I'm unbelievably lucky. I have a darned good 17 years and counting marriage even with impaired social skills, a six figure job and two very nice sons. I look around at all the supposedly fully functional men that come home to a house that's all emptied and their wife gone. There are plenty of stories even here on DP of guys that got burned. I see that 80+% of the population earns less than I do.

Are people jealous? It's like y'all resent the bullets I have dodged. This can't be just dumb luck. I had to have done something right. However, I get this strange attitude that some of you WANT to get hit by life's bullets and don't think you can learn anything from my experiences.

One big social turning point was 26 years ago, the first time that I visited it Brazil. I was desperate for companionship and started showing interest in the server at the lunch counter at the Rio de Janeiro airport. I hadn't even been in Brazil for my first hour. When she told me that she lived in Rochinha, one of the most dangerous slums in the country, I didn't care. I figured that I would finally start a social life or get a knife in my ribs, I didn't care. She was so impressed that I would risk my safety to be with her. I think it was the first time that my interest in a female was reciprocated.

Fast forward another nine years. Some of you all think that I "purchased" my wife. Well, if I did, I must have gotten a really good deal. How much is 17 and counting years of happiness worth?
tailfins ... YOU, sir, are a freakin' flake. Total egomaniac. What is wrong with you? You honestly think any of us care about what you have? YOU care. You spend an inordinate time trying to think you hold some position of superiority, If it smells like insecurity, it must be. You sound like my brother. I think he has his medals pinned on his pajamas in case someone comes to the door when he's in bed.

We comment on the content of the crap you post. That's it. Remember you posted you could care less about any of us? Door swings BOTH directions, bubba. You are responded to in accordance with how you present yourself to us. Now there's this old saying ... if most everyone else is saying one thing and you're saying another, maybe you should reexamine YOU.

As far as envying YOU goes? I'd rather be poor and not have a wife than be you. Know why? Because I accept who and what I am, flaws and all (like wasting my boredom time trying to get through your thick skull). I don't have to get on here and brag about what I have when anyof us with of a modicum of psychology education can read your insecurity, aloneness, and miserableness like a 1st grade book.

05-10-2017, 12:31 PM
By the way, this is an abrupt change from your previous story that you met your wife while she was working in a hotel in her previous home in Omaha. :rolleyes:

Reading is fundamental. 26 does not equal 17.

05-10-2017, 12:35 PM
@tailfins (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2229) ... YOU, sir, are a freakin' flake. Total egomaniac. What is wrong with you? You honestly think any of us care about what you have? YOU care. You spend an inordinate time trying to think you hold some position of superiority, If it smells like insecurity, it must be. You sound like my brother. I think he has his medals pinned on his pajamas in case someone comes to the door when he's in bed.

We comment on the content of the crap you post. That's it. Remember you posted you could care less about any of us? Door swings BOTH directions, bubba. You are responded to in accordance with how you present yourself to us. Now there's this old saying ... if most everyone else is saying one thing and you're saying another, maybe you should reexamine YOU.

As far as envying YOU goes? I'd rather be poor and not have a wife than be you. Know why? Because I accept who and what I am, flaws and all (like wasting my boredom time trying to get through your thick skull). I don't have to get on here and brag about what I have when anyof us with of a modicum of psychology education can read your insecurity, aloneness, and miserableness like a 1st grade book.

OK, fine I have nothing to offer as far as you're concerned. That's why it's good not to care. I guess some guys just enjoy taking lumps. Some people like exchanging experiences. Enjoy your copy-and-paste exchanges.

05-10-2017, 12:54 PM
OK, fine I have nothing to offer as far as you're concerned. That's why it's good not to care. I guess some guys just enjoy taking lumps. Some people like exchanging experiences. Enjoy your copy-and-paste exchanges.

Don't put words in my mouth. For one, when I address you, I am addressing you for ME, not anyone else they can speak for themselves if they choose to. And you just feel free as HELL to find the last time I copied and pasted ANYTHING. If you bother, you'll find it's been years. The practice actually annoys me.

Why would you assume anyone's taking lumps because they don't want what you want nor care whether or not you have it? Now think about it ... it isn't you sharing experiences that bothers people. It's the arrogant manner in which you share them that does. And if you're going to put it out there, people are going to comment.

You really need to lighten up.

05-10-2017, 06:43 PM
More than one person has told me that I'm unbelievably lucky. I have a darned good 17 years and counting marriage even with impaired social skills, a six figure job and two very nice sons. I look around at all the supposedly fully functional men that come home to a house that's all emptied and their wife gone. There are plenty of stories even here on DP of guys that got burned. I see that 80+% of the population earns less than I do.

Are people jealous? It's like y'all resent the bullets I have dodged. This can't be just dumb luck. I had to have done something right. However, I get this strange attitude that some of you WANT to get hit by life's bullets and don't think you can learn anything from my experiences.

One big social turning point was 26 years ago, the first time that I visited it Brazil. I was desperate for companionship and started showing interest in the server at the lunch counter at the Rio de Janeiro airport. I hadn't even been in Brazil for my first hour. When she told me that she lived in Rochinha, one of the most dangerous slums in the country, I didn't care. I figured that I would finally start a social life or get a knife in my ribs, I didn't care. She was so impressed that I would risk my safety to be with her. I think it was the first time that my interest in a female was reciprocated.

Fast forward another nine years. Some of you all think that I "purchased" my wife. Well, if I did, I must have gotten a really good deal. How much is 17 and counting years of happiness worth?

tailfins. You want the truth?
Stop being so full of yourself. Bragging about how much you have to impress others is the trademark of arrogant, selfish, foolish, miserable people who believe they must somehow IMPRESS others by bragging, and patting themselves on the back.

Wanna know where that kind of person gets?
Other than staring at yourself in a mirror, and admiring YOURSELF. Nowhere!

05-10-2017, 08:32 PM
tailfins. You want the truth?
Stop being so full of yourself. Bragging about how much you have to impress others is the trademark of arrogant, selfish, foolish, miserable people who believe they must somehow IMPRESS others by bragging, and patting themselves on the back.

Wanna know where that kind of person gets?
Other than staring at yourself in a mirror, and admiring YOURSELF. Nowhere!

I just can't get why he got so thin-skin offended because I responded to HIS OP. The thread title presumes "we" are ticked because according to him, he's lucky. That's NOT "sharing and experience".

I personally could care less what anyone else has. If it makes you happy, cool. I don't consider what I like the standard everyone else should live by.

05-11-2017, 09:23 AM
By the way, this is an abrupt change from your previous story that you met your wife while she was working in a hotel in her previous home in Omaha. :rolleyes:

Better yet, let me put this in terms that even your pea brain can understand: I spent about a decade fucking dozens of Brazilian women before I met my wife.

05-11-2017, 09:37 AM
Better yet, let me put this in terms that even your pea brain can understand: I spent about a decade fucking dozens of Brazilian women before I met my wife.

Dude, there are women on this board that don't want to hear about your exploits with the slum rats in Sao Palo. Who COULDN'T get laid there?

But really, show some class, huh?

05-11-2017, 10:02 AM
Tailfins, perhaps you should tell us how common sex tourism is in Brazil, and how even the locals look down on it ( http://www.rioinaweek.com/brazilian-prostitutes/ ). And while some brothels cater to the famous ( http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/the-world-cup-of-dirty-dreams-inside-brazils-most-infamous-brothel-20140626 ), others offer sex for any price, even as low as the price of a beer. Some say they are looking for a wife to take back to the U.S. Other just take what they want and walk out. I feel sorry for your family, having to live with your sordid past.

05-11-2017, 04:53 PM
Better yet, let me put this in terms that even your pea brain can understand: I spent about a decade fucking dozens of Brazilian women before I met my wife.

tailfins. Funny you, of all people, would talk about, or call anyone else PEA BRAIN. Most of us already believe your low-life exploits from a PORN magazine makes you the one, and only PEA BRAIN here. Talking about yourself, and only YOU are impressed.


05-11-2017, 11:27 PM

You're the last person who should call someone a whore, just sayin'!

05-11-2017, 11:29 PM
Dude, there are women on this board that don't want to hear about your exploits with the slum rats in Sao Palo. Who COULDN'T get laid there?

But really, show some class, huh?

I just plain don't give a shit.

05-12-2017, 10:39 AM
You're the last person who should call someone a whore, just sayin'! I have done things I am not proud of. Difference is, I was 15 at the time. I have grown up since then. Obviously you have not. :cool:

05-12-2017, 10:50 AM
I just plain don't give a shit.

You give enough of a shit to start threads begging the members to pay attention - and - give
a shit over your supposed exploits!

If you really don't give a shit, then "Don't start none (bullshit that is), and there won't be none".

05-12-2017, 06:44 PM
We all know you don't give a shit.

But here's your reward from me....http://rs138.pbsrc.com/albums/q273/peilo2006/pc_of_dogshit.jpg~c200

05-13-2017, 06:55 AM
I just plain don't give a shit.
@tailfins (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2229) Better start. Obviously, from looking at your thread's new home, and based on YOUR behavior, someone's had enough. I would think one of such a self-proclaimed "high intellect", you'd see the clue in it.

Calling one of the members of this board a whore ain't going to cut.

05-13-2017, 12:55 PM
TF, nothing that goes back and forth here will somehow make it acceptable to call ANY woman in our community a whore, nor insinuating it. And Gabby, any chance you can stop jumping on TF at every opportunity you get? That has NOTHING to do with his comment, as that shit won't fly here regardless. I just figure that if I'm jumping into the fray here, how about try to say something overall to stop this shit.

TF - think before you post. Next time you post anything like that and you'll be getting a ban here. And if you need to understand - the word is wrong first off, then insulting when not deserved - then insulting to ALL the women in our community, and then it's insulting to the entire community as a whole. Purposely being demeaning like that says more about you, quite frankly.

05-13-2017, 12:59 PM
I just plain don't give a shit.

I had not seen this. A moderator politely spoke to you about the women on this board, and this was your reply. If this is how you'll care about treating the ladies here, then this is how much I care about you taking a vacation from here. See you in 2 days. :banned:

05-13-2017, 05:37 PM
I had not looked at this thread, as it's just how I usually feel about any threads TF starts, know beforehand where it will go. After it hits page 2, I look. Ok, good time to peek.

Bye for 48. Bliss.

05-13-2017, 07:24 PM
I just plain don't give a shit.

Translation: I have no class.

07-16-2017, 06:49 PM
tailfins. You want the truth?
Stop being so full of yourself. Bragging about how much you have to impress others is the trademark of arrogant, selfish, foolish, miserable people who believe they must somehow IMPRESS others by bragging, and patting themselves on the back.

Wanna know where that kind of person gets?
Other than staring at yourself in a mirror, and admiring YOURSELF. Nowhere!

This is the internet.
The more folks brag, the less they really have.
There is usually much more fiction than fact.
I find it quite entertaining.