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View Full Version : How the NY Times Proved Trump’s Case for Firing James Comey

05-11-2017, 12:40 PM
Dejavu! The Times and the Post had made a trail of articles last year, showing/talking about the FISA warrants and surveillance. Then when Trump made his accusations, all of a sudden the democrats and others involved all thought it came out of thin air. Same here, everyone knows there was a trail that lead to this firing. It's all partisan politics after that.

Fact is, he deserved the firing. Last year, depending on which "side" you were on, his investigations made him a hero and someone to blame the election loss on. One day folks loved him and the next hated. Take the sides out of it, look solely at the facts, it was best that he was dismissed and things started freshly. Regardless of those facts, accusations will of course come.

But hell, if there were evidence of a Trump connection with Russia, odd that even the dems and the FBI haven't found anything up until this point.

I personally have no objection to a special prosecutor to do an investigation, but I think it's a waste of time. Or at least have those involved up until now - show SOMETHING to show the $$ and manpower it would take, that there's at least SOMETHING in the intelligence that would warrant it, other than bad timing of a firing. (I understand that this article isn't fully up on the facts either, that Rosenstein didn't make the recommendation). I don't know the reasoning, maybe simply damn tired of it all? But they need to ante up on evidence, and do so now.


How the New York Times Proved Trump’s Case for Firing James Comey

In an extensive article published last month that included interviews with more than 30 current and former law enforcement officials, congressional officials and other government employees, the New York Times published a stinging indictment of James B. Comey’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe.

The Times made the case that Comey violated FBI tradition, bypassed the Justice Department and went rogue on several occasions in a manner that clearly impacted the 2016 presidential election.

In a letter on Tuesday from Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein recommending that Comey be fired, Rosenstein specifically cited Comey’s alleged mishandling of the Clinton email probe as justification for Comey’s removal from office.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/05/11/new-york-times-proved-trumps-case-firing-comey/