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05-12-2017, 08:21 PM
I was in the Walmart parking lot the other day and I went past a car with a bumper sticker that said "RESIST". Upon closer inspection it said "resist Trump's policies".

I'd like to ask these people what the heck they think they are? Are they the French resistance up against the freaking Nazis? Have we been invaded by a foreign power and I just didn't realize it?

No, it's none of these. What they want to resist is the result of a free election as mandated by the Constitution of the United States of America. The problem with these Froot Loops is they actually believe their own stupid rhetoric. No, Donald Trump did not collude with the Russians but, what the frig, it makes for great storytelling doesn't it?

I'm afraid folks we are in for eight years of a non-stop temper tantrum by the Left.

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05-12-2017, 09:18 PM
I was in the Walmart parking lot the other day and I went past a car with a bumper sticker that said "RESIST". Upon closer inspection it said "resist Trump's policies".

I'd like to ask these people what the heck they think they are? Are they the French resistance up against the freaking Nazis? Have we been invaded by a foreign power and I just didn't realize it?

No, it's none of these. What they want to resist is the result of a free election as mandated by the Constitution of the United States of America. The problem with these Froot Loops is they actually believe their own stupid rhetoric. No, Donald Trump did not collude with the Russians but, what the frig, it makes for great storytelling doesn't it?

I'm afraid folks we are in for eight years of a non-stop temper tantrum by the Left.

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Someone should start churning out high chair trays and wooden spoons! They would get
fabulously rich with eight years of tantrums!:laugh:

05-13-2017, 06:40 AM
I was in the Walmart parking lot the other day and I went past a car with a bumper sticker that said "RESIST". Upon closer inspection it said "resist Trump's policies".

I'd like to ask these people what the heck they think they are? Are they the French resistance up against the freaking Nazis? Have we been invaded by a foreign power and I just didn't realize it?

No, it's none of these. What they want to resist is the result of a free election as mandated by the Constitution of the United States of America. The problem with these Froot Loops is they actually believe their own stupid rhetoric. No, Donald Trump did not collude with the Russians but, what the frig, it makes for great storytelling doesn't it?

I'm afraid folks we are in for eight years of a non-stop temper tantrum by the Left.

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Why abandon a successful tactic? It worked for them during the Bush administration. They'll eventually eat one of their own and blame Hillary for Trump's win, and rightly so. She IS to blame, Since she's rendered herself politically irrelevant, throwing her under the bus won't mean a thing to the leftkooks.

Throwing temper tantrums is part of the leftwingnut creed. Most don't even have a clue what they're whining about.

05-13-2017, 07:35 AM
Someone should start churning out high chair trays and wooden spoons! They would get
fabulously rich with eight years of tantrums!:laugh:

I think if these guys were living in Middle Earth, they'd be campaigning for Sauron and would not be happy until it's "One ring to rule them all"

After all, we should allow the Orcs to come into the Shire! Why to think otherwise would be Orc-o-phobia!

05-13-2017, 11:10 AM
It's just a catchy buzzword silly people use to feel like they're a part of something important.

From what I've seen, the only thing most of these people are resisting is showering.

05-13-2017, 11:41 AM
It's just a catchy buzzword silly people use to feel like they're a part of something important.

From what I've seen, the only thing most of these people are resisting is showering.


05-13-2017, 07:17 PM
I think if these guys were living in Middle Earth, they'd be campaigning for Sauron and would not be happy until it's "One ring to rule them all"

After all, we should allow the Orcs to come into the Shire! Why to think otherwise would be Orc-o-phobia!

Oh, Eru! Is the Witch King of Angmar leading the way? Or is it a Witch Queen and her court?:laugh:

05-13-2017, 07:39 PM
Oh, Eru! Is the Witch King of Angmar leading the way? Or is it a Witch Queen and her court?:laugh:

I'm getting the idea y'all have lost your minds. Is that Dungeons n Dragons or something?

05-14-2017, 07:47 AM
Is 'resist' another word for 'incite'?


John Lewis encourages 'necessary trouble' against injustice in Americaby Daniel Chaitin (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/author/daniel-chaitin) | <time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2017-05-13T14:36:40-04:00" style="box-sizing: inherit;">May 13, 2017, 2:36 PM</time> (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/john-lewis-encourages-necessary-trouble-against-injustice-in-america/article/2623032#)

05-14-2017, 10:39 AM
I'm getting the idea y'all have lost your minds. Is that Dungeons n Dragons or something?

J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (and The Simarillion thrown in to boot)

There were 9 rings of power and one master ring that made whoever wear it master of all the races who wore the other 9 rings. Sauron was the bad guy in chief who lusted after the "One Ring" and the Orcs were one of his many servants who did his bidding. The Shire is where the Hobbits, one of the races of the good guys, lived.

The Agmar were Sauron's chief servants, and they were really, really bad... like HRC (I think that's where Elessar was taking it)

So today Sauron is the head of the DNC and the Orcs are the "RESIST" flunkies... and they want the "One Ring", i.e. ultimate power over us conservatives.

So.... in a way... it's relevant to today's issues.

Gotta go... Gandalf is calling ;)

05-14-2017, 11:43 AM
I'm getting the idea y'all have lost your minds. Is that Dungeons n Dragons or something?

JRR Tolkien's "The Silmarillion", "The Hobbitt", and "The Lord of The Rings".

Witch King of Angmar was the chief of the Nazgul, the 9 primary servants of the Dark Lord Sauron.

I could go on and on, but would drift off topic. Karl's analogy of the DNC and the Nazgul is funny, but
somewhat accurate!