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View Full Version : DNI: Insiders Leaking ‘Classified’ Information ‘a Significant Threat’ Under Trump

05-15-2017, 07:00 PM
Who needs wikileaks :rolleyes:


DNI: Insiders Leaking ‘Classified’ Information ‘a Significant Threat’ Under Trump

WASHINGTON, DC — The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) has warned that deliberate leaks of “sensitive or classified” U.S. government information by “trusted insiders” will “remain a significant threat” during President Donald Trump’s tenure.

DNI Daniel Coats’ warning can be found in the latest World Wide Threat Assessment unveiled during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing last week.

“Trusted insiders who disclose sensitive or classified US Government information without authorization will remain a significant threat in 2017 and beyond,” notes the assessment, authored by the U.S. intelligence community. “The sophistication and availability of information technology that increases the scope and impact of unauthorized disclosures exacerbate this threat.”

What Coats describes sounds similar to what has come to be known as the “deep state,” which refers to entities within and outside the federal government colluding to prevent a democratically elected leader from implementing his agenda.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2017/05/15/dni-insiders-leaking-classified-info-a-significant-threat-under-trump/

Black Diamond
05-15-2017, 07:05 PM
I making ivanka chief of staff that bad of an idea? And before the left bristles, remember who was put in charge of health care in 1993-94

05-15-2017, 07:46 PM
I making ivanka chief of staff that bad of an idea? And before the left bristles, remember who was put in charge of health care in 1993-94

How'd that work out?

Black Diamond
05-15-2017, 07:49 PM
How'd that work out?

It didn't. I just threw this out there in a brainstorm. I am also "reading tea leaves "

I'm with Coulter on this one aspect alone, nepotism really doesn't belong in the WH. We didn't elect "Two for the vote for 1" or a slew of characters with the latest president. His 'kids' and their spouses are his relatives, other than that they are just citizens.

Black Diamond
05-15-2017, 07:52 PM

How'd that work out?
Trump needs plumbers. (You're welcome for the 1972-74 lingo)

05-16-2017, 05:44 PM

I do try to find a related thread, here I could.

Just heard Lindsay Graham, who has been giving some constructive criticism recently put the focus on the leakers. 'Regardless if you think you're serving a 'greater good' or something, leaking is the one criminal act going on, it needs to stop. The leakers must be found and punished.'

At the end of the day, a very true statement.

05-16-2017, 06:57 PM
I thought this guy was a master of leadership. Seems few like the guy.

05-16-2017, 07:01 PM
I thought this guy was a master of leadership. Seems few like the guy.

I'm unsure how anyone would think him a leader of others, his whole business success is based upon his individual skills, not the help of others. In fact, that was but one issue in my thinking when he became a candidate.

Having people 'support' him is different than leading them. They already had the views that he nailed in his campaign. I said at the time, he's very intuitive at reading where some people are at. He really doesn't need polls, he reads applause and criticisms of his core.

05-16-2017, 07:26 PM
Those are the people who insist a CRIME was committed. But, they refuse to accept that the ONLY CRIME COMMITTED was by the SNAKE who disclosed the conversation Trump had with the Russian Ambassador.

The LAME STREAM PRESS is bound, and determined to UNDERMINE everything TRUMP does...probably on the orders of Nancy Pelosi, Chucky Schumer, and the Hypocrites who serve in Congress as DEMOCRAT-SOCIALIST-TRAITORS.

I suspect, the President has been doing certain things, saying certain things, and setting up people around him in order to EXPOSE the SNAKE.
Look at how interested the DEMS, and MSM are about whether there is a TAPE process in the White House.

Donald is gonna keep them guessing! They want to call this the next WATERGATE? He's giving them the ROPE they need to HANG themselves....http://truthfeed.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/liberal-media-liars-370x208.pnghttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRlQli3jzs3LLmflxw5ZceKMM2oguguu hCIbGs54bOb5GdMKsyoEA

05-16-2017, 08:08 PM
Those are the people who insist a CRIME was committed. But, they refuse to accept that the ONLY CRIME COMMITTED was by the SNAKE who disclosed the conversation Trump had with the Russian Ambassador.

You're as bad as the Russian propagandists.

Black Diamond
05-16-2017, 08:10 PM
You're as bad as the Russian propagandists.
If trump found a cure for cancer, you would want him impeached for putting oncologists out of work.

05-16-2017, 08:11 PM
If trump found a cure for cancer, you would want him impeached for putting oncologists out of work.

No, I could praise him, cancer is the worst.

05-16-2017, 08:36 PM
You're as bad as the Russian propagandists.

Thank you. I'll put my 30 years in a Navy Uniform up against your hypocrisy, and twisted, broken mentality...any time.