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View Full Version : I'm upping my ante on Trump

05-16-2017, 11:46 AM
I see an entire party dedicated to smearing Trump and working against him. It's been endless accusations and bedlam since he's been elected. And before I go further, absolutely YES he brings much of a circus around himself based on his use of Twitter and other weird shit he does. But the accusations and the smearing, and how it's endless, and how really nothing has stuck. Toss, toss, toss, toss and really not much sticking at all - and all the while all the good things happening from this administration, or the past 4 months, or whoever you give credit to, is largely ignored.

If one is able to put aside the crap, leaks of crap, accusations that amount to nothing, chants of impeachment from the likes of Waters, before he even looked at her....

I think his presidency has been pretty good thus far. The economy is doing well. The fight against illegal immigration is going better than I had even hoped for. Of course the wall is still important to me. The placement of Neil Gorsuch. New jobs. Smooth sailing on the stock market all the way around. Unemployment. But still LOTS of room for improvement, but still lots of time to go. But take away all the "noise" around the WH, regardless of who brought it to the doorstep, IMO things aren't looking too awfully bad.

But yes, he is an asshole. That much I know. A non politically correct one! He could have done better with the funding. He could have done better with the healthcare, but that's in process. He's far from perfect. List the things and I'll be man enough to admit what I think were fuckups or negative things from him. Some seem to think just because someone is a Trump supporter, that it means everything and everything is going to be a positive. Nope, not the case. No president can accomplish that one. And Trump already has a nice share of fuckups. His Twitter alone sometimes makes you go, "oh no, WTF, not again..."

But at the end of the day/week/month - presidency - it's results that matter. And he's delivering much of that.

05-16-2017, 11:59 AM
There's a tremendous learning curve here. He's not a career politician and this is the first political office he's held, and I think we can all agree that a political dagger-wielding snake is a completely different animal than your garden variety businessman snake.

He's learning hard and fast about double agent bureaucrats - political motivations vary greatly and it's not always money that motivates them like he's used to in the business world.

As I said in the other thread, he needs to forget playing defense and ignore the manufactured accusations and start pitching hard & fast again. Keep the moonbats overwhelmed and they won't have time for the silly games - they won't even have time to try to defend things that they think they need to defend.

He's got a great list of accomplishments so far, but the democrats are burying that with a constant onslaught of bullshit. None sticks, but next week there will be a new 'scandal'.

Black Diamond
05-16-2017, 12:15 PM
Trump will serve two terms. His approval rating among likely voters is 44 percent after the worst week of his presidency. He got 46 percent on election night. What makes me sad is between the state of the Union and his Obama wiretapping tweet it was near 60.

Trump is a wrecking ball for better or worse. What we saw last week is what comes with that. If he can come back from Billy Bush he can come back from anything. And he will.

05-16-2017, 12:40 PM
I see an entire party dedicated to smearing Trump and working against him. It's been endless accusations and bedlam since he's been elected. And before I go further, absolutely YES he brings much of a circus around himself based on his use of Twitter and other weird shit he does. But the accusations and the smearing, and how it's endless, and how really nothing has stuck. Toss, toss, toss, toss and really not much sticking at all - and all the while all the good things happening from this administration, or the past 4 months, or whoever you give credit to, is largely ignored.

If one is able to put aside the crap, leaks of crap, accusations that amount to nothing, chants of impeachment from the likes of Waters, before he even looked at her....

I think his presidency has been pretty good thus far. The economy is doing well. The fight against illegal immigration is going better than I had even hoped for. Of course the wall is still important to me. The placement of Neil Gorsuch. New jobs. Smooth sailing on the stock market all the way around. Unemployment. But still LOTS of room for improvement, but still lots of time to go. But take away all the "noise" around the WH, regardless of who brought it to the doorstep, IMO things aren't looking too awfully bad.

But yes, he is an asshole. That much I know. A non politically correct one! He could have done better with the funding. He could have done better with the healthcare, but that's in process. He's far from perfect. List the things and I'll be man enough to admit what I think were fuckups or negative things from him. Some seem to think just because someone is a Trump supporter, that it means everything and everything is going to be a positive. Nope, not the case. No president can accomplish that one. And Trump already has a nice share of fuckups. His Twitter alone sometimes makes you go, "oh no, WTF, not again..."

But at the end of the day/week/month - presidency - it's results that matter. And he's delivering much of that.

I'm not upping crap. You can down the disaster know and Trump's Twitters, but it's his big mouth that has led this to where we're at. He's bringing it on himself.

That being said ... I'm about sick of countless threads with the same 3 baseless accusations being run into the ground by the left and the holier than thou trump Hating bunch willing to drag absolute crap all over the place.

Proof please or STFU already.

05-16-2017, 12:43 PM
I'm not upping crap. You can down the disaster know and Trump's Twitters, but it's his big mouth that has led this to where we're at. He's bringing it on himself.

That being said ... I'm about sick of countless threads with the same 3 baseless accusations being run into the ground by the left and the holier than thou trump Hating bunch willing to drag absolute crap all over the place.

Proof please or STFU already.

Good luck getting Jim to stop making new threads or for others to stop responding to them. He likes clean slates, not so much to read.

Black Diamond
05-16-2017, 12:45 PM
Good luck getting Jim to stop making new threads or for others to stop responding to them. He likes clean slates, not so much to read.

05-16-2017, 12:54 PM
I'm not upping crap. You can down the disaster know and Trump's Twitters, but it's his big mouth that has led this to where we're at. He's bringing it on himself.

That being said ... I'm about sick of countless threads with the same 3 baseless accusations being run into the ground by the left and the holier than thou trump Hating bunch willing to drag absolute crap all over the place.

Proof please or STFU already.

Good luck getting Jim to stop making new threads or for others to stop responding to them. He likes clean slates, not so much to read.

It IS just that easy. If folks don't like it, don't respond. When someone hit's the "reply with quote" button, does it really matter where the post is at?

And how ANY of this gets brought up in this particular thread is beyond me. But anyone is free to respond, or to not respond. I'm cool either way!

Black Diamond
05-16-2017, 12:55 PM
It IS just that easy. If folks don't like it, don't respond. When someone hit's the "reply with quote" button, does it really matter where the post is at?

And how ANY of this gets brought up in this particular thread is beyond me. But anyone is free to respond, or to not respond. I'm cool either way!
Last week was a weird week and it's spilling into today.

05-16-2017, 12:59 PM
It IS just that easy. If folks don't like it, don't respond. When someone hit's the "reply with quote" button, does it really matter where the post is at?

And how ANY of this gets brought up in this particular thread is beyond me. But anyone is free to respond, or to not respond. I'm cool either way!

Oh there was a time when it would annoy me to the point I'd spend an afternoon or evening merging threads. Not so much now, I think I've finally gotten a life. ;)

Related threads often give me time to refine an argument or a point. I tend to respond to something off the top of my head, unless I am the thread starter. I go from the 'gut.' Once I give some consideration to a discussion though, I tend to find sources that argue for or against my point, often that will lead to another post on another thread.

It's rare that I'll change a post other than for grammar reasons-I tend to let my mistakes or rash posts, stand on their own. LOL!

05-16-2017, 01:17 PM
Good luck getting Jim to stop making new threads or for others to stop responding to them. He likes clean slates, not so much to read.

H;s know what I think about it and now everyone does. One thread per topic works far better than trying to figure where post what in 10 threads on the same topic.

Oh, and Jim ain't the only one doing it.

05-16-2017, 01:21 PM
It's rare that I'll change a post other than for grammar reasons-I tend to let my mistakes or rash posts, stand on their own. LOL!

How about that time when you were stoned out of your mind on painkillers and trying to post on your cell? I wasn't sure, but was leaning toward Ancient Hebrew. :laugh2:

Scary at the time, because I didn't know if you were in danger... but now? Awesome Sauce, as hjmick would say.

05-16-2017, 01:24 PM
How about that time when you were stoned out of your mind on painkillers and trying to post on your cell? I wasn't sure, but was leaning toward Ancient Hebrew. :laugh2:

Scary at the time, because I didn't know if you were in danger... but now? Awesome Sauce, as @hjmick (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=208) would say.
Texting and me are dangerous, regardless of the circumstances. I'd love to blame 'fat fingers' but my hands are pretty small. LOL!

Abbey Marie
05-16-2017, 04:54 PM
Why is everyone PMSing at the same time? :laugh2:

05-17-2017, 11:46 AM
There's a tremendous learning curve here. He's not a career politician and this is the first political office he's held, and I think we can all agree that a political dagger-wielding snake is a completely different animal than your garden variety businessman snake.

He's learning hard and fast about double agent bureaucrats - political motivations vary greatly and it's not always money that motivates them like he's used to in the business world.

As I said in the other thread, he needs to forget playing defense and ignore the manufactured accusations and start pitching hard & fast again. Keep the moonbats overwhelmed and they won't have time for the silly games - they won't even have time to try to defend things that they think they need to defend.

He's got a great list of accomplishments so far, but the democrats are burying that with a constant onslaught of bullshit. None sticks, but next week there will be a new 'scandal'.

Yes, the "onslaught" and bullshit, and the majority of it IS from the dems. Then you have stuff that is Trump speaking like an ass, not politically correct, or in ways that folks disagree with him. But "watergate" again as McCain is now spouting? No. Not even close.

The Russia thing from the entire get go was nothing more than to smear Trump, and to date nothing has been found. Then the latest Russian stuff, with even McMaster stated nothing inappropriate was disclosed - but that won't stop anyone that hates him. but we knew that already, didn't we. The Comey firing. Well deserved and what many wanted since last year. I believe he waited so that others wouldn't blame him of trying to covering up anything about Russia before any type of investigation could get underway. But they say that anyway, even though any investigation continues or can continue. Then of course Trump's fat mouth on Twitter. The latest being Trump and supposedly asking Comey to stop any investigation into Flynn. We shall see how that plays out.

But the wiretapping stuff, and folks being unmasked... the haters don't seem to care about any of that - just as they couldn't care less about the many, many good things coming from this administration thus far.

Trump will serve two terms. His approval rating among likely voters is 44 percent after the worst week of his presidency. He got 46 percent on election night. What makes me sad is between the state of the Union and his Obama wiretapping tweet it was near 60.

Trump is a wrecking ball for better or worse. What we saw last week is what comes with that. If he can come back from Billy Bush he can come back from anything. And he will.

I would say no to a 2nd term as of right now, and NOT based on his own actions.

Then we have a shitload of "anonymous" sources. Many on the left are still running with Russia collusion, and Trump directly no less - and what proof is there of any of this? NONE!

05-17-2017, 02:07 PM
Stocks down 300+ today on Trump woes

Black Diamond
05-17-2017, 02:13 PM
Stocks down 300+ today on Trump woes
And including today they are up 16 percent since he took office. How did they do this far into Obama's first term? Oh that's right. Bush's fault.

05-17-2017, 02:16 PM
And including today they are up 16 percent since he took office. How did they do this far into Obama's first term? Oh that's right. Bush's fault.

The housing crisis was Obama's fault?

Black Diamond
05-17-2017, 02:28 PM
The housing crisis was Obama's fault?
If you're going to blame everything that happened on GWB watch on bush, you have to blame everything that happened on Obama's watch on Obama. Otherwise you're a hack.

I'll start by setting an example. The drop in the market today is trumps fault.

05-17-2017, 02:45 PM
If you're going to blame everything that happened on GWB watch on bush, you have to blame everything that happened on Obama's watch on Obama. Otherwise you're a hack.

I'll start by setting an example. The drop in the market today is trumps fault.

I'm not, Clinton had a role too.

05-17-2017, 07:00 PM
The housing crisis was Obama's fault?

No petey. Anonymous sources, as told by the Alphabet Networks, PMSNBC, and CNN actually are BLAMING YOU!

Since you thrive on anonymous information, from anonymous sources. Why shouldn't all of us decide to believe YOU?

If you are feeling that certain. I will happily blame YOU for all of this FAKE NEWS, from all of your favorite Anonymous sources.

05-18-2017, 10:06 AM
To clarify jimnyc my comment had nothing to do with Jim specifically. I just happened to post my opinion in which ever Trump-bashing thread I was in. To clarify for the unwashed masses ....

How you post is your business. How I comment on it is mine. You comment -- I comment. See how that works?

I am NOT a Trumpy. Not sure where this black-or-white only, 100% for or 100% against mentality comes from. The only candidates lower on MY list were that socialist from NM (Johnson) and Hillary. I think only that obnoxious fat slob Christie had a chance at overtaking Trump for last place. Trump is arrogant, obnoxious and politically ignorant. NONE of those behaviors are illegal.

Compared to Hillary and her gaggle of fascists who are out to destroy this Nation, consider themselves above the law and have nothing to show but empty/broken promises and a trail of dead bodies and unsettled international communities from snubbing our allies. I'll take my chances with someone who at least understands the American Dream.

And for all the lip-service, passive-aggressive, so-called "conservatives sitting the fenc waiting to see which way the hammer's going to to fall to either jump on the bandwagon with a win or do an "I told you so" with a loss, grow a pair. Stand for something rather than nothing.

05-18-2017, 12:42 PM
i see an entire party dedicated to smearing trump and working against him. It's been endless accusations and bedlam since he's been elected. And before i go further, absolutely yes he brings much of a circus around himself based on his use of twitter and other weird shit he does. But the accusations and the smearing, and how it's endless, and how really nothing has stuck. Toss, toss, toss, toss and really not much sticking at all - and all the while all the good things happening from this administration, or the past 4 months, or whoever you give credit to, is largely ignored.

If one is able to put aside the crap, leaks of crap, accusations that amount to nothing, chants of impeachment from the likes of waters, before he even looked at her....

I think his presidency has been pretty good thus far. The economy is doing well. The fight against illegal immigration is going better than i had even hoped for. Of course the wall is still important to me. The placement of neil gorsuch. New jobs. Smooth sailing on the stock market all the way around. Unemployment. But still lots of room for improvement, but still lots of time to go. But take away all the "noise" around the wh, regardless of who brought it to the doorstep, imo things aren't looking too awfully bad.

But yes, he is an asshole. That much i know. A non politically correct one! He could have done better with the funding. He could have done better with the healthcare, but that's in process. He's far from perfect. List the things and i'll be man enough to admit what i think were fuckups or negative things from him. Some seem to think just because someone is a trump supporter, that it means everything and everything is going to be a positive. Nope, not the case. No president can accomplish that one. And trump already has a nice share of fuckups. His twitter alone sometimes makes you go, "oh no, wtf, not again..."

but at the end of the day/week/month - presidency - it's results that matter. And he's delivering much of that.


05-18-2017, 12:59 PM
ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!I thought I smelled something dead. Look ... it's one of those aforementioned lying, cheating, unprincipled losercrats I was speaking of.

Yeah, y'all are so f-ing smart you let people woth only their best interest in mind tell you what to think. Brilliant. When are you idiots going to face your REAL enemy? Yourselves. Yoyu suck and it's because you refuse to think for yourself.

No go ahead and drop another nicle in the dragon, losercrat. I got lots of fire left for your lame ass.

05-19-2017, 12:41 PM

I'm glad to see you're learning and don't bother wasting time with your usual BS. This is about all that's left of you beanheads on the left - emotion. Between the anger at Trump getting elected and then the left suddenly getting violent every other day - to the crying and disappearing acts of many that go into seclusion. Btw - good to see you after your disappearance! :lol:

Black Diamond
05-19-2017, 12:42 PM
Back for more, eh lampshade?

Black Diamond
05-19-2017, 12:51 PM
I'm glad to see you're learning and don't bother wasting time with your usual BS. This is about all that's left of you beanheads on the left - emotion. Between the anger at Trump getting elected and then the left suddenly getting violent every other day - to the crying and disappearing acts of many that go into seclusion. Btw - good to see you after your disappearance! :lol:
He will leave when this whole trump Russia thing blows up in his face

05-19-2017, 01:04 PM
I was beginning to wonder if Bully had been tossed off the roof of a building somewhere.

05-19-2017, 02:25 PM
3 comments on Jim's original post.
1 yes Trump is an arse.
2 I don't think this Russia Russia Russia crap has much if any merits.
The left is chases BS there but won't let it go.
3 Trump will be a one term President, He just won't run
the right needs to start looking for serious leadership or they'll lose the WH after this voter craptasm ofTrump

Abbey Marie
05-19-2017, 02:47 PM
3 comments on Jim's original post.
1 yes Trump is an arse.
2 I don't think this Russia Russia Russia crap has much if any merits.
The left is chases BS there but won't let it go.
3 Trump will be a one term President, He just won't run
the right needs to start looking for serious leadership or they'll lose the WH after this voter craptasm ofTrump

I kind of agree with just the bolded. But I think it depends on if he still feels to need to accomplish something important, or if someone ticks him off enough to run again for revenge. We know his ego is big enough for that.

05-19-2017, 07:04 PM

bully. If that ^ dumb line above is intended to show us how your intelligence has increased. We can all agree with that. After all. How smart must you be to type so many 'a's, and 'h's in a single line....and you did it without STUTTERING!:clap: Well done.