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View Full Version : Trump Reality TV what about the biz of country

05-16-2017, 08:12 PM
Trump Reality TV what about the biz of country

I've got no link here, no articles But i'm just feeling a bit weary of the TRUMP WH reality TV show.
the biz of the gov't is lost in a lot of BSery and he said she saids.

There's always been an element of this in politics but it seems to me that like during the campaign when Trump and the others got the nation talking about the size of His hands, About Megan Kelly's period, and 'if she weren't his daughter...' .
Now it's a bit more substantive but still it's BSery not fundamental issues. a Circus.

I suspect many people here will say it's all the lefts fault.:mad::mad:....:rolleyes:
But I just wanted to put it out there, it's sad.
Takes 2 to Tango BTW.

05-16-2017, 08:19 PM
I think he's either going to find a way to become less 'unique' or is going to find he doesn't get to make his own reality. His pushing the envelope obviously worked to get elected, I think his 'deal making, strong man' schtick has hit its past due date.

None of this means he's being treated fairly by the press, but it's also true that he brings the focus on the arguments upon himself.

If he'd just fired Comey in a traditional way, thanking him for years of service and wishing him well, so much of this week in the news would not have existed.

He can't seem to stop himself, but others will.

05-16-2017, 08:53 PM

05-16-2017, 08:55 PM
I'm for the country, regardless of whom is president or what party they're from.