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View Full Version : Either Comey memo doesn't exist or Comey didn't tell the whole truth under oath???

Black Diamond
05-18-2017, 03:49 PM

05-18-2017, 06:50 PM

05-18-2017, 07:22 PM
I totally agree. If Comey has "notes" that Trump asked him to stop an investigation, or even if he just wants to claim now to the media that Trump asked him to stop an investigation, the Comey is basically confessing to perjury, and should go directly to Jail.

I have a few more questions for Comey:

1. How long does it take an entire FBI to investigate a claim that the Trump campaign illegally colluded with Russia? If it's been almost a year and the entire FBI hasn't come forward with any evidence, isn't it time to either do something or else wrap things up? Doesn't it make you as the FBI Director look incompetent or politically motivated? Or both?

2. How long does it take an entire FBI to investigate Hillary Clinton's email server? Isn't a year and a half way too long? How does an FBI Director not bring the case in front of a grand jury? How does an FBI Director give out a bunch of immunity deals but then never actually charge anyone? And how is it that an FBI Director think that "not intending" to give away national secrets makes any difference when bringing charges?

3. How is it that the FBI can't find the leaker that sent Trump's phone call with the Prime Minister of Australia to the media? Or the leaker that sent Trump's phone call with the President of Mexico to the media? Or the leaker that made allegations about Trump's conversation with the Russian Ambassador in the Oval Office? Or the leaker that sent the Michael Flynn information to the media?

4. Don't you think that all these things together make the FBI and its Director seem like a big bunch of incompetent, politcally-motivated, dolts? Aren't you embarrassed of the job you've done?

Abbey Marie
05-19-2017, 10:26 AM
I totally agree. If Comey has "notes" that Trump asked him to stop an investigation, or even if he just wants to claim now to the media that Trump asked him to stop an investigation, the Comey is basically confessing to perjury, and should go directly to Jail.

I have a few more questions for Comey:

1. How long does it take an entire FBI to investigate a claim that the Trump campaign illegally colluded with Russia? If it's been almost a year and the entire FBI hasn't come forward with any evidence, isn't it time to either do something or else wrap things up? Doesn't it make you as the FBI Director look incompetent or politically motivated? Or both?

2. How long does it take an entire FBI to investigate Hillary Clinton's email server? Isn't a year and a half way too long? How does an FBI Director not bring the case in front of a grand jury? How does an FBI Director give out a bunch of immunity deals but then never actually charge anyone? And how is it that an FBI Director think that "not intending" to give away national secrets makes any difference when bringing charges?

3. How is it that the FBI can't find the leaker that sent Trump's phone call with the Prime Minister of Australia to the media? Or the leaker that sent Trump's phone call with the President of Mexico to the media? Or the leaker that made allegations about Trump's conversation with the Russian Ambassador in the Oval Office? Or the leaker that sent the Michael Flynn information to the media?

4. Don't you think that all these things together make the FBI and its Director seem like a big bunch of incompetent, politcally-motivated, dolts? Aren't you embarrassed of the job you've done?

It is so disconcerting to realize that even a protective agency like the FBI can be immobilized by political agendas. Couple that with the endless seething hatred of our President, and I'm not sure that this country has a very bright future. We look back on powerful corrupt groups like the Medici and think we've come so far. Hmm. Man's propensity for greed and self-interest is not going away. Ever.

05-19-2017, 10:36 AM
Of course the memo exists. Would the Democrats lie?

And the ink on it is almost dry by now.

Black Diamond
05-19-2017, 11:32 AM
And how would anyone but Comey have this memo? Unless Comey called the New York Times himself.

05-19-2017, 11:35 AM
And how would anyone but Comey have this memo? Unless Comey called the New York Times himself.

You're likely correct, though I imagine it could be in an FBI file.

05-19-2017, 11:40 AM
You guys are missing the critical fact that Comey was asked about a US attorney general or a "senior officials" at the Justice Department requesting a halt. He was not asked about Trump.

Black Diamond
05-19-2017, 11:42 AM
You guys are missing the critical fact that Comey was asked about a US attorney general or a "senior officials" at the Justice Department requesting a halt. He was not asked about Trump.
I didn't miss anything. the article addresses that.

05-19-2017, 11:51 AM
I didn't miss anything. the article addresses that.

Pick apart the nuances all you want, but to me it's clear he's answering her question in reference to "Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice". It would be a big deal if the president made such a request and well, guess what, he reported it.

05-19-2017, 12:21 PM
Pick apart the nuances all you want, but to me it's clear he's answering her question in reference to "Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice". It would be a big deal if the president made such a request and well, guess what, he reported it.

He said, under oath, that it didn't happen. From anyone. End of story.

What you've got is some 'unnamed associate' who claims to have seen this mysterious document. If it does exist, then Comey is going down for perjury.

Whatever anyone thinks of Comey, who is a seasoned professional using the threat of perjury throughout his long career and interviewing and putting people away for committing perjury, he would not be one so stupid as to perjure himself.

05-19-2017, 12:24 PM
He said, under oath, that it didn't happen. From anyone. End of story.

What you've got is some 'unnamed associate' who claims to have seen this mysterious document. If it does exist, then Comey is going down for perjury.

Whatever anyone thinks of Comey, who is a seasoned professional using the threat of perjury throughout his long career and interviewing and putting people away for committing perjury, he would not be one so stupid as to perjure himself.

Where does he say "from anyone"? Making stuff up again?

05-19-2017, 12:30 PM
I think it was Kath who nailed it elsewhere. If this were spot on true, he should have reported it that day. His inaction can get himself in trouble. And then waiting until he is dismissed will call into question any "personal" memos, unless of course he shared with someone back then.

05-19-2017, 12:31 PM
Where does he say "from anyone"? Making stuff up again?

Fun Fact for you, Slick : I don't make shit up.

Why don't we just review what he said in front of Congress while under oath and see what he said in HD?

<div style="position:relative;height:0;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Jd-BfTMPeFE?ecver=2" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" style="position:absolute;width:75%;height:75%;left:0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

Feel a little bit stupid now? This is why you shouldn't trust the moonbat sites that give you your inane ideas.

You're welcome.

05-19-2017, 12:33 PM
Fun Fact for you, Slick : I don't make shit up.

Why don't we just review what he said in front of Congress while under oath and see what he said in HD?

Feel a little bit stupid now? This is why you shouldn't trust the moonbat sites that give you your inane ideas.

You're welcome.

Watched the clip several times and read the transcripts. Not seeing or hearing "from anyone" or anything like it. All comments in reference to the original question.

05-19-2017, 12:39 PM
Watched the clip several times and read the transcripts. Not seeing or hearing "from anyone" or anything like it. All comments in reference to the original question.

He spoke plainly. NO ONE has EVER asked him to stop an investigation for political reasons.

Time to move on to your next brilliant analysis.

Black Diamond
05-19-2017, 12:42 PM
Watched the clip several times and read the transcripts. Not seeing or hearing "from anyone" or anything like it. All comments in reference to the original question.
It would fall under "tell the whole truth" Comey is screwed if that memo exists, which i doubt it does.

05-19-2017, 12:44 PM
He spoke plainly. NO ONE has EVER asked him to stop an investigation for political reasons.

Time to move on to your next brilliant analysis.

Didn't say that, sorry

05-19-2017, 12:45 PM
It would fall under "tell the whole truth" Comey is screwed if that memo exists, which i doubt it does.

Not screwed, don't know what "tell the whole trust" means. Is that a legal term?

05-19-2017, 12:49 PM
Didn't say that, sorry

He DID say that.

Watch the clip again, and this time try to focus on the words instead of the squirrel in the background. If you're having trouble with the definitions of some of them, let me know and I'll help you understand.

05-19-2017, 12:50 PM
He DID say that.

Watch the clip again, and this time try to focus on the words instead of the squirrel in the background. If you're having trouble with the definitions of some of them, let me know and I'll help you understand.

I've read the transcript. It didn't happen.

Black Diamond
05-19-2017, 12:52 PM
I've read the transcript. It didn't happen.
You may be right. The memo didn't happen. I think that is the most likely scenario here.

05-19-2017, 12:57 PM
I've read the transcript. It didn't happen.

"In my experience, it didn't happen."


05-19-2017, 12:59 PM
"In my experience, it didn't happen."


He's being questioned on requests from the DOJ. Whoopsie.

05-19-2017, 01:02 PM
He's being questioned on requests from the DOJ. Whoopsie.

Who ultimately leads the DOJ?


Beyond that, genius, he spoke broadly : "In my experience, it didn't happen."

Don't get up. Stay down.

05-19-2017, 01:08 PM
Who ultimately leads the DOJ?


Beyond that, genius, he spoke broadly : "In my experience, it didn't happen."

Don't get up. Stay down.

Don't take liberties and assumptions.

Trump may nominate the head of DOJ but he doesn't run it.

05-19-2017, 01:21 PM
Don't take liberties and assumptions.

Trump may nominate the head of DOJ but he doesn't run it.

In which branch does the DOJ reside?

05-19-2017, 01:48 PM
In which branch does the DOJ reside?

No one would consider Trump as being part of the DOJ.

05-19-2017, 01:58 PM
For example, in a company, if you ask who is the head of accounting, you don't say the CEO.

05-19-2017, 02:28 PM
No one would consider Trump as being part of the DOJ.

Yes, actually, knowledgeable people understand that readily apparent fact. This is why Holder and then Lynch were such scumbags; they were following 0bama's directives against their sworn duty to uphold the laws of the US.

He singlehandedly perverted and corrupted the entire DOJ because the President IS the top executive in that branch and they all ultimately answer to him.

Everyone knew where the corruption in the DOJ stemmed from; and you can't deny that 0bama was driving it.

For example, in a company, if you ask who is the head of accounting, you don't say the CEO.

Nice try, but the CEO is going to ultimately be the last word in that accountant's future, or any employee for that matter.

Your weak antics are pretty funny, Petey. This is feeble, even by your standards.

Abbey Marie
05-19-2017, 02:43 PM
Yes, actually, knowledgeable people understand that readily apparent fact. This is why Holder and then Lynch were such scumbags; they were following 0bama's directives against their sworn duty to uphold the laws of the US.

He singlehandedly perverted and corrupted the entire DOJ because the President IS the top executive in that branch and they all ultimately answer to him.

Everyone knew where the corruption in the DOJ stemmed from; and you can't deny that 0bama was driving it.

Nice try, but the CEO is going to ultimately be the last word in that accountant's future, or any employee for that matter.

Your weak antics are pretty funny, Petey. This is feeble, even by your standards.

Nice comeback, NT, bringing Obama's miserable antics into it.


05-19-2017, 02:53 PM
Nice try, but the CEO is going to ultimately be the last word in that accountant's future, or any employee for that matter.

Doesn't mean the CEO works in the accounting dept.

05-19-2017, 03:10 PM
Doesn't mean the CEO works in the accounting dept.

I've tried to see things from your point of view, Petey, but I can't get my head that far up my ass.

05-19-2017, 04:10 PM
I've tried to see things from your point of view, Petey, but I can't get my head that far up my ass.


05-19-2017, 06:57 PM
For example, in a company, if you ask who is the head of accounting, you don't say the CEO.

Okay petey. How bout explaining this? The THREE branches of the U.S. Govt are separate for a reason. Just the way a large Corporation has many more branches to control, and oversee the entire Corporate entity.

Just so happens, if you want to make comparisons. The EXECUTIVE Branch in Govt, and Corporations have different names for the Executives but, they serve the same purpose.

To paraphrase YOUR WORDS above....."For example, in a company, if you ask who is the head of accounting, you don't say the CEO" But in the THREE BRANCHES, you would say who is the TREASURY SECRETARY....selected by the CEO...Better known as the PRESIDENT.
If you want to play semantics, and rhetorical games just to make a point in comparison. Go right ahead. If you ask who the CEO is of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.....every American with the ability to think, and learn would say....