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05-21-2017, 07:13 AM
Pretty spot on I'd say. Sounds familiar as far as 'advice' and observations go:


Dear Mr President,My favourite poem is only two lines long.
It’s called ‘Self-pity’ and was written by my fellow Brit, DH Lawrence.
‘I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself,’ it reads. ‘A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.’


When you get to Italy next week, they may remind you of Roman emperor Julius Caesar who was stabbed 23 times by his friends and colleagues? Or Sicilian tyrant Phalaris, who was roasted alive in a giant bronze bull he used to torture opponents…
You get my drift.


President Trump, you’re an unbelievably controversial, divisive character who people either seem to love with a passion or hate with a vengeance.
A major part of your appeal to those who voted for you is your strength to handle anything that’s thrown at you.


I’m not saying all your complaints are invalid.
It’s true that since the first few months of your campaign in 2015, when the print and TV media gleefully gifted you more friendly airtime than all your 18 Republican nominee rivals combined, you’ve been targeted for some pretty vindictive attention and coverage.
But it’s also true that you’ve brought much of this on yourself by constantly branding mainstream media ‘fake news’ and pouring scorn on your own intelligence agencies and the judiciary.
These institutions make for very powerful and unforgiving enemies, as you are beginning to discover.
If you keep attacking them, they will keep attacking you – and eventually, they will win. They always do.

Smart generals of the type you love will tell you that it’s never a good idea to wage a war you can’t win.
So CALM DOWN and start treating them with more respect.
Accept you have to all work together for the good of the country.


But two things have conspired to give you a lifeline.
First, the Russia collusion investigation is now in the hands of a Special Counsel. This, if you and your campaign team are all telling the truth about having no nefarious links to Russia – and no such evidence has so far emerged - is a good thing because it will clear things up once and for all AND you can refuse to discuss the investigation any more on the basis that the Special Counsel is handling it.
Second, you’re flying off today for your first foreign tour; a major 9-day trip to many important countries including Saudi Arabia, Israel and Italy, during which you’ll meet myriad Kings, prime ministers and the Pope.

This is a golden chance to repair the damage of this past week.
So, don’t **** it up!
That means staying ON message, not firing off incendiary abuse to all sundry on Twitter at 3am.
It also means playing to your strengths of charming world leaders and doing deals with them, just as we saw with President Ji of China.
Most importantly, it means behaving in a strong, confident and dare I say it, PRESIDENTIAL manner – ditching the whiny brat ‘boo-hoo’ stuff that must dismay your base as much as it delights your enemies.


An old Arab proverb says: ‘The smarter you get, the less you speak.’
If you come back in ten days’ time without veering off script, and having gathered positive not poisonous headlines, you will be immeasurably stronger than you are now.
Bill Clinton was nearly dragged down by the Monica Lewinsky scandal but instead of wallowing in self-pity, he decided the best strategy was to put his head down and get on with his job.
The economy roared and he ended up a hugely popular president.
That scenario could yet happen to you if you curb your worst instincts.
Kind regards, Piers.

05-21-2017, 09:38 AM