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View Full Version : Slave Owner James Madison’s Name Means Black Students ‘Unsafe’

06-01-2017, 12:05 PM
Yup, give an inch and a mile will be taken. Slowly but surely, folks are going to make history disappear? Sad.

And making racism, today, out of this? And they are unsafe? What a frickin idiot.


Student Petitions for School’s Name Change: Slave Owner James Madison’s Name Means Black Students ‘Unsafe’

A student at James Madison Memorial High School in Madison, Wisconsin is seeking to change the name of the school, citing that President James Madison was a slave owner, a fact she says makes the school “unsafe” for black students.

Mya Berry, a senior, says the fact that President James Madison inherited slaves, along with his Montpelier plantation, from his father means her school – which, like the city of Madison, Wisconsin, is named after the fourth U.S. president – is hostile to black students, reports the Capital Times.

In a change.org petition, which currently has nearly 1,500 supporters, Berry states:

The significance of this name in association with my school has a negative effect on memorials black students. The lack of representation I feel in this school makes me feel more than unsafe. I do not feel supported by the majority of staff at memorial, especially considering the fact that I’ve gotten called n word multiple times, along with having an individual threaten me by telling me they would lynch me.

Berry continues in her petition that when race is discussed at school, she is “told my perspective is just an opinion, and not anything valid to take into consideration.”

“With all the injustice I and others face in James Madison Memorial High School, do you truly think it’s appropriate to glorify a man that enslaved my ancestors?” she writes, adding that another reason to remove Madison’s name from the school is the “education disparity” between white and black students.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/05/31/student-petitions-schools-name-change-slave-owner-james-madisons-name-means-black-students-unsafe/

06-01-2017, 12:09 PM
Yup, give an inch and a mile will be taken. Slowly but surely, folks are going to make history disappear? Sad.

And making racism, today, out of this? And they are unsafe? What a frickin idiot.


Student Petitions for School’s Name Change: Slave Owner James Madison’s Name Means Black Students ‘Unsafe’

A student at James Madison Memorial High School in Madison, Wisconsin is seeking to change the name of the school, citing that President James Madison was a slave owner, a fact she says makes the school “unsafe” for black students.

Mya Berry, a senior, says the fact that President James Madison inherited slaves, along with his Montpelier plantation, from his father means her school – which, like the city of Madison, Wisconsin, is named after the fourth U.S. president – is hostile to black students, reports the Capital Times.

In a change.org petition, which currently has nearly 1,500 supporters, Berry states:

The significance of this name in association with my school has a negative effect on memorials black students. The lack of representation I feel in this school makes me feel more than unsafe. I do not feel supported by the majority of staff at memorial, especially considering the fact that I’ve gotten called n word multiple times, along with having an individual threaten me by telling me they would lynch me.

Berry continues in her petition that when race is discussed at school, she is “told my perspective is just an opinion, and not anything valid to take into consideration.”

“With all the injustice I and others face in James Madison Memorial High School, do you truly think it’s appropriate to glorify a man that enslaved my ancestors?” she writes, adding that another reason to remove Madison’s name from the school is the “education disparity” between white and black students.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/05/31/student-petitions-schools-name-change-slave-owner-james-madisons-name-means-black-students-unsafe/


We need to start our own petition. Stop using any old excuse to attention whore.

Black Diamond
06-01-2017, 12:15 PM

Nigger please.