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06-05-2017, 03:49 PM
How in the hell did they get from here:

"We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old." - Winston Churchill in the House of Commons, June 4, 1940 (https://www.winstonchurchill.org/resources/speeches/1940-the-finest-hour/we-shall-fight-on-the-beaches)

To here:

"Run, Hide, Tell" - London Metropolitan Police, June 3, 2017

06-06-2017, 10:53 AM
How in the hell did they get from here:

"We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old." - Winston Churchill in the House of Commons, June 4, 1940 (https://www.winstonchurchill.org/resources/speeches/1940-the-finest-hour/we-shall-fight-on-the-beaches)

To here:

"Run, Hide, Tell" - London Metropolitan Police, June 3, 2017

It's the difference between Winston Churchill, leading his people in their struggle to survive against the - then - likelihood of being overwhelmed by the Third Reich (.. said just at the time the British feared imminent invasion ..) .. and all that's happened since.

What HAS happened ? Easy. We've had Socialist Government after Socialist Government, drip-feeding their political correctness on us all. They've now had generations to do it.

It's the weakness of political correctness, which demands we defer to anyone and everyone, even if all they stand for is fundamentally opposed to all 'we ourselves' should represent.

I say 'we ourselves', because, of course, the 'we ourselves' has undergone a degree of inflitration by immigrants who come here and do NOT integrate ... rather, they preserve all that THEY are, and graft themselves on to communities, effectively taking them over.

The Socialist response ? DEFER to them, consider them to the maximum extent. If you don't, you're being bigoted and racist.

So, political correctness becomes 'king'. Leading to loss of social spirit, very identity, the willingness to fight for what YOU ARE.

It doesn't help that we have some of the most restrictive gun laws on the planet, of course (this, too, aided by Socialist influence !). Running and hiding is actually good advice, following generations of disempowerment, fueled by Socialist vandalism.

You want a warning, a cautionary tale, telling you where Socialism leads, if you allow it enough power ? Well ... you have it, from the post I'm answering. You have it from an understanding of all the weakness which Socialists insist is a part of our life.

Do you know ... Jeremy Corbyn, Labour leader, hoping to become our Prime Minister just days from now, absolutely WILL NOT be drawn on the simple question of whether he'd ever defend the UK from nuclear attack, despite our own nuclear capability, which he would then exercise control over !! He says dialogue is always the way forward. This, REGARDLESS of circumstances !

See this, from Corbyn (a BBC Sunday morning interview, Andrew Marr Show .. hopefully it'll play in America ?) ...


Try this, too ...


06-06-2017, 05:19 PM
hjmick Drummond

Here's one guy who didn't run!


06-06-2017, 05:21 PM
It's almost like NightTrain is one of his buddies!


06-06-2017, 05:26 PM
It's almost like @NightTrain (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=89) is one of his buddies!


"I took a few steps toward them and said, 'Fuck you! I'm Millwall!'"

I like this guy! Need to send him a beer. :thumb:

06-06-2017, 05:34 PM
"I took a few steps toward them and said, 'Fuck you! I'm Millwall!'"

I like this guy! Need to send him a beer. :thumb:

I bet he'd walk right up to a bird too! ;)

06-06-2017, 05:42 PM
This guy singlehandedly & unarmed, fought all 3 of the scumbags while everyone else ran out of the bar.

2 more guys like this in the bar and it would have ended right there. Only one real man in the whole bar... and that's a shame. It's galling that there were so many pansies running away instead of helping him fight those animals. Pick up a barstool and start swinging!

06-06-2017, 06:03 PM
This guy singlehandedly & unarmed, fought all 3 of the scumbags while everyone else ran out of the bar.

2 more guys like this in the bar and it would have ended right there. Only one real man in the whole bar... and that's a shame. It's galling that there were so many pansies running away instead of helping him fight those animals. Pick up a barstool and start swinging!

Actually it does sound like when they hit the bars/restaurants, there were men that started fighting, the police got there pretty darn quick, as the guy in the hospital noted. Chairs, bottles, and other things were thrown from two restaurants, one called I believe, "Roast." The other was across the street from that. I really think that there's sort of a block on reporting these reactions, the opposite of what is wanted. I was reading two sites 'live blogging,' and the reporters were telling of folks that fought back or saw those that did. One was a taxi driver that tried to run one over.

06-06-2017, 06:45 PM
It's the difference between Winston Churchill, leading his people in their struggle to survive against the - then - likelihood of being overwhelmed by the Third Reich (.. said just at the time the British feared imminent invasion ..) .. and all that's happened since.

What HAS happened ? Easy. We've had Socialist Government after Socialist Government, drip-feeding their political correctness on us all. They've now had generations to do it.

It's the weakness of political correctness, which demands we defer to anyone and everyone, even if all they stand for is fundamentally opposed to all 'we ourselves' should represent.

I say 'we ourselves', because, of course, the 'we ourselves' has undergone a degree of inflitration by immigrants who come here and do NOT integrate ... rather, they preserve all that THEY are, and graft themselves on to communities, effectively taking them over.

The Socialist response ? DEFER to them, consider them to the maximum extent. If you don't, you're being bigoted and racist.

So, political correctness becomes 'king'. Leading to loss of social spirit, very identity, the willingness to fight for what YOU ARE.

It doesn't help that we have some of the most restrictive gun laws on the planet, of course (this, too, aided by Socialist influence !). Running and hiding is actually good advice, following generations of disempowerment, fueled by Socialist vandalism.

You want a warning, a cautionary tale, telling you where Socialism leads, if you allow it enough power ? Well ... you have it, from the post I'm answering. You have it from an understanding of all the weakness which Socialists insist is a part of our life.

Do you know ... Jeremy Corbyn, Labour leader, hoping to become our Prime Minister just days from now, absolutely WILL NOT be drawn on the simple question of whether he'd ever defend the UK from nuclear attack, despite our own nuclear capability, which he would then exercise control over !! He says dialogue is always the way forward. This, REGARDLESS of circumstances !

See this, from Corbyn (a BBC Sunday morning interview, Andrew Marr Show .. hopefully it'll play in America ?) ...


Try this, too ...


Jeremy Corbyn sounds like another Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, or better yet Neville Chamberlain.

I was listening to an interview with a British General (Richard Kemp) who is advocating indefinite detainment of known jihadis or deporting them.....

The best way to deal with Islamic Jihadis is this.... kill them, and kill them in sufficient numbers so that whoever is left will come to the conclusion that continuing their fight is not worth the effort.

The Allies did exactly that with the Nazis on the Normandy beaches, 73 years ago today and, you know what?, Nazis don't seem to be much of a problem these days.

06-06-2017, 06:48 PM
"I took a few steps toward them and said, 'Fuck you! I'm Millwall!'"

I like this guy! Need to send him a beer. :thumb:

You can probably guess the significance of the 'Fuck you! I'm Millwall!' comment, but I'll confirm it anyway. In footballing (soccer) circles, Millwall is a team which is known to have especially 'hard nut' supporters. If an altercation is ever likely to occur, you can expect the Millwall supporters involved to be tough fighters. They've had that reputation for a great many years. It was this gentleman's way of saying 'I don't fear you. Fear ME, instead .. since I'm 'Millwall', you've now got a real problem on your hands' ....

06-06-2017, 06:59 PM
You can probably guess the significance of the 'Fuck you! I'm Millwall!' comment, but I'll confirm it anyway. In footballing (soccer) circles, Millwall is a team which is known to have especially 'hard nut' supporters. If an altercation is ever likely to occur, you can expect the Millwall supporters involved to be tough fighters. They've had that reputation for a great many years. It was this gentleman's way of saying 'I don't fear you. Fear ME, instead .. since I'm 'Millwall', you've now got a real problem on your hands' ....

I read that in the article later... but at first I assumed that Millwall was his last name, which automatically gained him a whopping 50 man-points!

'Fuck you! I'm Millwall!" just may be the new slogan around here before I do something risky like jump my boat over a cottonwood laying across the river channel. It's pretty catchy.

06-06-2017, 07:00 PM
I read that in the article later... but at first I assumed that Millwall was his last name, which automatically gained him a whopping 50 man-points!

'Fuck you! I'm Millwall!" just may be the new slogan around here before I do something risky like jump my boat over a cottonwood laying across the river channel. It's pretty catchy.

06-06-2017, 07:08 PM
Jeremy Corbyn sounds like another Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, or better yet Neville Chamberlain.

I was listening to an interview with a British General (Richard Kemp) who is advocating indefinite detainment of known jihadis or deporting them.....

The best way to deal with Islamic Jihadis is this.... kill them, and kill them in sufficient numbers so that whoever is left will come to the conclusion that continuing their fight is not worth the effort.

The Allies did exactly that with the Nazis on the Normandy beaches, 73 years ago today and, you know what?, Nazis don't seem to be much of a problem these days.

I know Conservative Americans consider that, in Obama, they had a Leftist traitor on their hands, maybe the most extreme example of such a creature they've ever known. Nonetheless .. Obama was quite 'tame' compared to some of the extremist nutters we've had in the past, over here in the UK. Harold Wilson ... Michael Foot (who was never elected, in fact, he kept his Party unelectable because of his extremist leadership). Obama's version of Socialism was moderate compared to any of those characters.

In fact, Corbyn is a throwback to times reminiscent of Michael Foot. We've seen his ilk before. What worries me is that 'New Labour', under Blair, was a very moderate version of Labour. Corbyn has taken Labour back to its Socialist roots, but he's done so only after a couple of generations of the UK being comparatively free of such extremism. This means that young voters see his political ideas as 'new' and 'fresh', even 'revolutionary', when they're nothing of the kind.

Young voters will have no memory of the damage caused in those years. The Three Day Working Week, when Unions saw to it that Britain was starved of power supplies for part of each working week. Then, the Winter of Discontent, which saw waves after waves of strikes.

Corbyn and his brand of politics is a lot like Labour's was, back in those times. He threatens to regress us back to the evils of the 1960's and 1970's. Only, this time, he also threatens to remove our ability to deter an enemy. He even talks of dialogues with terrorists as preferable to warfare against them (.. yes, and I'm sure the London Bridge and Manchester terrorists were 'very open to peaceful dialogue' !! ...).

He just might be elected to power by the end of this week, and I'm guessing he'll have the naive youngsters here to thank for it. It seems the old lessons, though learned at the time, have been forgotten and will have to be learned all over again.

If elected, he'll make the world a more dangerous place, through his 'Chamberlain-esque' worldview. Theresa May is building her relationship with Trump. Corbyn has made it plain he only has contempt for him.

We have to hope this Thursday's elections bring us a decent majority in the House of Commons for the Conservative Party, because if not, we have chaos and sheer naive stupidity of the most dangerous kind to look forward to from Corbyn.

God help us all, in that event !!

06-06-2017, 07:22 PM
I know Conservative Americans consider that, in Obama, they had a Leftist traitor on their hands, maybe the most extreme example of such a creature they've ever known. Nonetheless .. Obama was quite 'tame' compared to some of the extremist nutters we've had in the past, over here in the UK. Harold Wilson ... Michael Foot (who was never elected, in fact, he kept his Party unelectable because of his extremist leadership). Obama's version of Socialism was moderate compared to any of those characters.

In fact, Corbyn is a throwback to times reminiscent of Michael Foot. We've seen his ilk before. What worries me is that 'New Labour', under Blair, was a very moderate version of Labour. Corbyn has taken Labour back to its Socialist roots, but he's done so only after a couple of generations of the UK being comparatively free of such extremism. This means that young voters see his political ideas as 'new' and 'fresh', even 'revolutionary', when they're nothing of the kind.

Young voters will have no memory of the damage caused in those years. The Three Day Working Week, when Unions saw to it that Britain was starved of power supplies for part of each working week. Then, the Winter of Discontent, which saw waves after waves of strikes.

Corbyn and his brand of politics is a lot like Labour's was, back in those times. He threatens to regress us back to the evils of the 1960's and 1970's. Only, this time, he also threatens to remove our ability to deter an enemy. He even talks of dialogues with terrorists as preferable to warfare against them (.. yes, and I'm sure the London Bridge and Manchester terrorists were 'very open to peaceful dialogue' !! ...).

He just might be elected to power by the end of this week, and I'm guessing he'll have the naive youngsters here to thank for it. It seems the old lessons, though learned at the time, have been forgotten and will have to be learned all over again.

If elected, he'll make the world a more dangerous place, through his 'Chamberlain-esque' worldview. Theresa May is building her relationship with Trump. Corbyn has made it plain he only has contempt for him.

We have to hope this Thursday's elections bring us a decent majority in the House of Commons for the Conservative Party, because if not, we have chaos and sheer naive stupidity of the most dangerous kind to look forward to from Corbyn.

God help us all, in that event !!

America and Britain have been allies in defeating the great evils of the past.

FDR and Churchill defeated Fascism

Reagan and Thatcher defeated Communism

Trump can't do it alone, we need a strong ally in Britain to defeat Terrorism

My hope and prayer is for a conservative win in Britain on Thursday!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-06-2017, 07:52 PM
hjmick (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=208) @Drummond (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2287)

Here's one guy who didn't run!

I love this guy! He deserves the George Cross from the government, and he deserves free drinks for a year from the bar. :cheers2:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-06-2017, 10:37 PM
I read that in the article later... but at first I assumed that Millwall was his last name, which automatically gained him a whopping 50 man-points!

'Fuck you! I'm Millwall!" just may be the new slogan around here before I do something risky like jump my boat over a cottonwood laying across the river channel. It's pretty catchy.
I would have picked up a chair and likely killed at least two of them, if not all three.
A man fights, for to die is but one death, to run as away a coward one lives a thousand deaths!!!
If I had taken a knife away from one of them, I'd scalped them all..
Knives I know how to use and how to throw.......
Dying killing such vermin would be an honor...
I would love to shake that man's hand and buy him beer ....... he has my respect.... -Tyr

06-06-2017, 10:51 PM
I would have picked up a chair and likely killed at least two of them, if not all three.
A man fights, for to die is but one death, to run as away a coward one lives a thousand deaths!!!
If I had taken a knife away from one of them, I'd scalped them all..
Knives I know how to use and how to throw.......
Dying killing such vermin would be an honor...
I would love to shake that man's hand and buy him beer ....... he has my respect.... -Tyr

A properly swung barstool hurts like hell, I know that from experience.

And it's not like there was a shortage of very sturdy glass bottles of booze everywhere. Getting bonked upside the head with a fifth of Scotch would put you to sleep in a hurry... faster than if you just drank it. :cheers2:

06-07-2017, 08:50 PM
I would have picked up a chair and likely killed at least two of them, if not all three.
A man fights, for to die is but one death, to run as away a coward one lives a thousand deaths!!!
If I had taken a knife away from one of them, I'd scalped them all..
Knives I know how to use and how to throw.......
Dying killing such vermin would be an honor...
I would love to shake that man's hand and buy him beer ....... he has my respect.... -Tyr

I might have my doubts about a lot of people saying this, but not you Robert. :cool: :beer:

06-07-2017, 08:53 PM
A properly swung barstool hurts like hell, I know that from experience.

And it's not like there was a shortage of very sturdy glass bottles of booze everywhere. Getting bonked upside the head with a fifth of Scotch would put you to sleep in a hurry... faster than if you just drank it. :cheers2:

I would highly recommend throwing the bottle of Inver House Scotch, while keeping the bottle of MacAllan 18 to the side for congratulatory toasts later. Just sayin'...