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View Full Version : Comey's prepared testimony to Congress

06-07-2017, 07:04 PM
Reading the testimony gives you very little information that isn't already known. Trump will brush it off and move on. As will all of his followers.


The most significant revelation in Comey’s detailed opening statement is that he will confirm on the record that Trump once tried to get him to drop the FBI investigation into fired National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — an act that raises serious questions about obstruction of justice.

Furthermore, Comey will testify about a pair of phone calls in which President Trump complained to him about the FBI’s investigation into his associates’ ties to Russia, calling it a “cloud” looming over his presidency, and repeatedly asked Comey to say publicly that Trump wasn’t under investigation.

Importantly, though, Comey’s testimony also confirms that he privately told the president three times that he wasn’t personally under investigation (something Trump has been claiming). That’s important because viewed in that context, Trump isn’t asking Comey to lie to or mislead the public — he’s simply asking him to restate what Comey himself was saying in private.

Finally, the memo chronicles a series of at best awkward and at worst highly inappropriate interactions between Trump and Comey, and some odd statements the president allegedly made to Comey in private.

06-07-2017, 08:35 PM
Reading the testimony gives you very little information that isn't already known. Trump will brush it off and move on. As will all of his followers.


Huh. Another big nothingburger from the moonbats, eh?

At least you're still batting a thousand. :thumb:

06-08-2017, 02:24 AM
Given that this testimony was suppose to be the ace up the liberals' sleeves, and yet it produced nothing of note, I'd say this is a major victory for our president.

Absence of evidence is evidence and evidence, and James Comey gave us nothing.

06-08-2017, 01:24 PM
Reading the testimony gives you very little information that isn't already known. Trump will brush it off and move on. As will all of his followers.


It vindicated him as far as him personally being investigated, and proved a few stations, CNN being the largest, who basically called him a liar when he made such tweets.

Sounds to me more like 2 idiots having spoke to one another. Trump pushing the line in asking him to help out, but he never even came close to any type of order or similar.

Quite frankly, as you said nothing new - and that if anything supports Trump.

But Comey's testimony continues to make Trump look like he was vindictive and perhaps lied about why he was fired. He's an ass, and could have handled things much better, but not nearly impeachable offenses.

I think the Mueller investigation going forward is still extremely important, and may weed out someone still. But we know now, what I said, that he himself is in the clear thus far. Not only has everyone else that was involved in seeing intel state there was no collusion, we also now have it from the FBI director.

I'm not brushing anything off. Facts are facts, and the facts show NOTHING involving Trump and Russia. After his testimony, while Trump looks like a major ass in certain instances for what he allegedly said at times, again nothing impeachable. At least not unless you're a Maxine Waters supporter.