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View Full Version : Merkel/Trump: Leader of the free world

06-08-2017, 04:35 PM
I know Gabby referred to this comment a few days back as well. Look closely at the poll numbers though. It's actually a romp, except for the polling from one group on the left. :)

And aside from the poll.... if known terror attacks were guaranteed to happen in the next 2 weeks, multiple events - where and who would you feel safer behind?

I'll go with Mad Dog Mattis and those that have a huge problem with incoming refugees and where they come from. :rolleyes:


Poll: Merkel Challenges Trump for 'Leader of the Free World'

Most Americans no longer consider the president of the United States to be the "leader of the free world," with almost a third saying German Chancellor Angela Merkel fills that role more, according to a new poll from Quinnipiac University.

When asked if Trump or Merkel is the "leader of the free world:"

46 percent of those polled said Trump, 29 percent said Merkel.
80 percent of Republicans said Trump, 6 percent said Merkel.
47 percent of independents said Trump, 26 percent said Merkel.
22 percent of Democrats said Trump, 50 percent said Merkel.


06-08-2017, 05:08 PM
They should poll people outside of the U.S. Most of which no longer hold faith in this country's ability to defend the European continent. Based primarily on Trump's "America First" statements.
When referenced, the "Free World" does not mean just the U.S. It refers to all countries that endorse freedom of movement and speech.
Trump has stated since his election that he stands for America, not other countries. Merkel has vowed to act in defense of all of Europe.

Black Diamond
06-08-2017, 05:51 PM
Merkel allowing ragheads to destroy her country should disqualify her from this discussion.

Trump may be disqualified because the world hates him. Oh well. Fuck em. Trump 2020.

06-08-2017, 06:15 PM
They should poll people outside of the U.S. Most of which no longer hold faith in this country's ability to defend the European continent. Based primarily on Trump's "America First" statements.
When referenced, the "Free World" does not mean just the U.S. It refers to all countries that endorse freedom of movement and speech.
Trump has stated since his election that he stands for America, not other countries. Merkel has vowed to act in defense of all of Europe.

gabby. Most of the honest people outside the U.S. despised Obama. Which spoiled any faith they may have had. But you won't admit that.
Since when, other that NATO, would you insist that the U.S. defend the Europeans BEFORE defending the HOMELAND?
As for your reference to the "Free World". I dare you to find ANY OTHER NATION on Earth that has the Constitution, Rights, Freedoms, and Liberties YOU HAVE today!
By the way gabby. The PRESIDENT'S primary purpose in the U.S.A. is to DEFEND...even YOUR hate filled Butt, not other countries.
Finally. If You insist that Merkel has vowed to defend all of Europe. Tell us she is giving up all U.S. Federal Aid, refusing U.S. Military protections, and ceasing ALL COMMERCE with the USA.
Then, you can come here and BARK AT THE MOON all you want.


06-08-2017, 06:46 PM
They should poll people outside of the U.S. Most of which no longer hold faith in this country's ability to defend the European continent. Based primarily on Trump's "America First" statements.
When referenced, the "Free World" does not mean just the U.S. It refers to all countries that endorse freedom of movement and speech.
Trump has stated since his election that he stands for America, not other countries. Merkel has vowed to act in defense of all of Europe.

Trump may not be loved, but it's for any inability to defend. In fact, the opposite, as he has been working to strengthen our military and our ability to defend (when the dems don't continue to block...)

And ANY country should be saying "country name: we come first" to their citizens. Any leader should lead their own country before the world. Any leader should place all of their countries interest first. That's not to say we shouldn't play ball or anything like that - just very simple - our country and citizens come first. :dunno:

06-08-2017, 07:18 PM
Trump may not be loved, but it's for any inability to defend. In fact, the opposite, as he has been working to strengthen our military and our ability to defend (when the dems don't continue to block...)

And ANY country should be saying "country name: we come first" to their citizens. Any leader should lead their own country before the world. Any leader should place all of their countries interest first. That's not to say we shouldn't play ball or anything like that - just very simple - our country and citizens come first. :dunno:

Merkel has always been a champion of NATO and other shared alliances. She wants Europe and the U.S. to share a unified front against the threat of Russian aggression.
Since Trump came into office, he has devalued the importance of NATO and stated that the U.S. will consider its own interests first. Which includes doing deals with Russia and Saudi Arabia, which publicly supports terrorist. Same with Qatar.

06-08-2017, 07:25 PM
Merkel has always been a champion of NATO and other shared alliances. She wants Europe and the U.S. to share a unified front against the threat of Russian aggression.
Since Trump came into office, he has devalued the importance of NATO and stated that the U.S. will consider its own interests first. Which includes doing deals with Russia and Saudi Arabia, which publicly supports terrorist. Same with Qatar.

Wrong again gabby. Do you ever bother to CHECK what you are about to write here?
Trump HAS NOT devalued the importance of NATO. He has told them, each country, that the U.S. has been paying the largest portion of the Agreed 2% the NATO nations have consistently NOT BEEN PAYING, as THEIR AGREED SHARE.

If you had a neighbor who took advantage of you, and forced you to pay their bills. How long would you remain silent, and keep paying their bills?
You constantly brag about being so highly intelligent here gabby, and you keep proving...JUST THE OPPOSITE.

06-08-2017, 08:47 PM
Merkel has always been a champion of NATO and other shared alliances. She wants Europe and the U.S. to share a unified front against the threat of Russian aggression.
Since Trump came into office, he has devalued the importance of NATO and stated that the U.S. will consider its own interests first. Which includes doing deals with Russia and Saudi Arabia, which publicly supports terrorist. Same with Qatar.

So Trump having made deals with Russia or Saudi Arabia makes him a bad leader somehow? :rolleyes:

At least use common sense on international relations, or at least to a tad of research of deals between countries before rushing to condemn Trump.

Berlin Backs Large Defense Deal with Saudi Arabia

The German government has often drawn serious criticism for supporting defense deals with countries known to have democratic deficiencies. In the latest controversial move, SPIEGEL has learned that the new government in Berlin wants to secure a major defense deal with Saudi Arabia by offering Hermes export credit guarantees.


Russia and Germany had recently made land for gas trades.


Black Diamond
06-08-2017, 08:53 PM
So Trump having made deals with Russia or Saudi Arabia makes him a bad leader somehow? :rolleyes:

At least use common sense on international relations, or at least to a tad of research of deals between countries before rushing to condemn Trump.

Berlin Backs Large Defense Deal with Saudi Arabia

The German government has often drawn serious criticism for supporting defense deals with countries known to have democratic deficiencies. In the latest controversial move, SPIEGEL has learned that the new government in Berlin wants to secure a major defense deal with Saudi Arabia by offering Hermes export credit guarantees.


Russia and Germany had recently made land for gas trades.

She prefers Iran.