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View Full Version : Dems quickly calling for gun control

06-14-2017, 12:34 PM
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe wasted no time on politicizing this and calling for gun control. When are these assholes going to learn that it's the psychos, not the guns?

Regardless, at least wait for the surgery to be over before being an asshole. :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
06-14-2017, 12:46 PM
Symptom of the STD he caught from Hillary.

06-14-2017, 01:37 PM
What a coinkydinky, just found this:


No Gov. McAuliffe, It’s Not Time To Exploit The Scalise Shooting To Push For Gun Control

Virginia’s Democratic Gov. McAuliffe thanked the first responders and U.S. Capitol Police for their quick and heroic actions that saved lives during the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia that appears to have targeted Congressional Republicans. Earlier this morning, James T. Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Illinois opened fire on the GOP baseball team that was practicing at Eugene Simpson Park; they were practicing before the annual baseball game between Democrats and Republicans. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) was shot, along with a staffer to Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX) and two Capitol police officers. Hodgkinson was also shot, but died of his injuries.

The governor’s response was fine, but then we took a left turn into the land of gun control, where he said that there were too many guns on the street, that gun show loopholes needed to be shutdown, and that 93 million Americans are killed by gun violence every day. McAuliffe repeated that outrageous claim twice before a reporter prompted him to correct his statement.

Granted, the governor said, “This is not what today is about” concerning gun control—and he just should have left it there. Sadly, it won’t. We’ve already begun to see the first vestiges of the anti-gun Left trying to exploit this tragedy for their own gain, along with the typical shoddy anti-gun journalism.

Rest here - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2017/06/14/democratic-gov-terry-mcauliffe-decides-to-exploit-scalise-shooting-for-gun-contr-n2341083

06-14-2017, 04:54 PM
I wouldn't have expected anything else.

I have an idea. Let's confiscate all guns owned by registered Democrats, pass a law preventing them from owning firearms, grant special dispensation for those who wish to own a gun (but only after passing extensive background checks and psychological evaluations), and move on. The rest of us will continue operating under the laws currently on the books. Hell, that would have prevented this morning's shooting...

06-14-2017, 04:57 PM
Ban guns for all Democrats 1st maybe?

then let them enforce it on the rest of the country.:dunno:

06-14-2017, 05:36 PM
Where do these fools get the idea that legislation will reduce gun crimes?

They've been imposing so-called "gun control" laws on us for decades. And every time they do, gun crimes virtually never go down. Far more often, they go up. Do these people even know that? Are they ever bothering to check on the results of the laws they keep imposing?

All the gun laws do, is disarm the law-abiding. Criminals apparently decline to obey them. (patiently) That's why they're called criminals.

BTW, the people passing the laws, are also criminals. They are flatly violating the Constitution, the 2nd amendment in particular. If they would stop doing that, gun deaths WOULD go down... at last.

If people were allowed to carry weapons (especially concealed), most of them still wouldn't bother. But a few would... and the criminals would know that somewhere in the crowd were probably a few people who could and would shoot back. And the criminals could never know where the bullet would come from. Many would have second thoughts about committing their crime at all. And the gun-crime rate would do down... without a shot being fired, and with nobody killed, injured, or even threatened.

The Democrats are consistently against that position. Why on earth do they want to avoid the only solution that has consistently worked? The laws they do favor, do nothing but make the criminals safer in his work.

The only gun laws that have actually "worked", was when a nation completely bans guns, and often go door to door to forcibly confiscate everybody's personal defense weapons. Barack Obama even praised this policy, when he announced he admired the policies of Australia, England, and Japan. All three of those are island nations with no easy borders with other countries, and all three virtually banned and confiscated all their law-abiding subjects' guns.

Anything short of such a complete ban and confiscation, simply leaves gun in the hands of criminals while disarming the law-abiding. And gun crimes have persisted anyway, especially with innocent people unable to fight back.

Is this what the Democrats have in mind for law-abiding Americans, too? Especially since we have huge, long borders with two major countries where guns can be brought in easily and in quantities, by anyone who cares to ignore the laws?

06-14-2017, 05:57 PM
What a coinkydinky, just found this:


No Gov. McAuliffe, It’s Not Time To Exploit The Scalise Shooting To Push For Gun Control

Virginia’s Democratic Gov. McAuliffe thanked the first responders and U.S. Capitol Police for their quick and heroic actions that saved lives during the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia that appears to have targeted Congressional Republicans. Earlier this morning, James T. Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Illinois opened fire on the GOP baseball team that was practicing at Eugene Simpson Park; they were practicing before the annual baseball game between Democrats and Republicans. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) was shot, along with a staffer to Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX) and two Capitol police officers. Hodgkinson was also shot, but died of his injuries.

The governor’s response was fine, but then we took a left turn into the land of gun control, where he said that there were too many guns on the street, that gun show loopholes needed to be shutdown, and that 93 million Americans are killed by gun violence every day. McAuliffe repeated that outrageous claim twice before a reporter prompted him to correct his statement.

Granted, the governor said, “This is not what today is about” concerning gun control—and he just should have left it there. Sadly, it won’t. We’ve already begun to see the first vestiges of the anti-gun Left trying to exploit this tragedy for their own gain, along with the typical shoddy anti-gun journalism.

Rest here - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2017/06/14/democratic-gov-terry-mcauliffe-decides-to-exploit-scalise-shooting-for-gun-contr-n2341083

MC AUFULL is nothing but a Clinton Leftover who is slowly destroying Virginia, the same way Obama tried to destroy the country. MCAWFULL will be running for President in 2020, so he's building his Legacy of Lies, Tricks, and Phony Care for the people now.
MCAWFULL managed to get many RINO Mayors in Virginia to SIDE WITH HIM as he promised BIG BUCKS, for BIG PROGRAMS MCAWFULL knew...Hillary would support.
When Hillary lost. MCAWFULL looked like the LIAR he has always been.
REMEMBER: It was MCAWFULL who was in charge of both CLINTON'S campaigns from 1992 to 2016.

<img src="https://dpegb9ebondhq.cloudfront.net/stores/avatars/24386/medium/brlgogorefined.jpg?1329301710">

keeps playing in the Liberal Space of Ignorance.

06-15-2017, 12:26 AM
Tucker's opening is spot-on
