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View Full Version : Jarrett: Mueller Needs to Resign

06-16-2017, 10:54 AM
It is kind of amazing, how the Hillary fiasco, in which we KNOW she violated the law, and the director of the FBI admitted as much - pretty much lead to a dead end. Now we have Trump - where not a single piece of evidence over the past year, nothing, nothing shows he did anything wrong. Every legal analyst I've read so far agrees.

I'm not saying Mueller needs to go, I disagree with that. I just hope there is a lot of oversight in addition to him, and things get proven 100%.


Jarrett: Mueller Needs to Resign – “This Is the Kind of Stuff Over Which Lawyers Get Disbarred”

FOX News legal expert Gregg Jarrett suggested today Robert Mueller should disqualify himself from special counsel due to his relationship with James Comey.

The special counsel could not find any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia so now they are going for obstruction of justice charges according to the latest deep state leads to the liberal media.

Donald Trump responded tonight to this ongoing witch hunt.

He asked about Hillary’s crooked dealings with Russia.


Gregg Jarrett says Mueller must recuse himself.

Gregg Jarrett: If you look at the special counsel statute it says you cannot serve as special counsel if you have a personal relationship with someone who is central to the case. If this Washington Post story is true, it’s now Trump against Comey. Comey is now the star witness, the key witness against Trump. Well, guess what? Comey and Mueller are longtime close personal friends, partners, allies. They were joined at the hip at the DOJ and FBI. It’s a mentor-protege relationship. How is this fair to Donald Trump because Mueller is now going to decide whether to believe his good friend or the man who fired his good friend…

… This is the kind of stuff over which lawyers get disbarred. If does not resign then Rod Rosenstein out to fire Mueller.

Rest here - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/06/jarrett-mueller-needs-resign-kind-stuff-lawyers-get-disbarred-video/

06-16-2017, 11:13 AM
Now we have Trump - where not a single piece of evidence over the past year, nothing, nothing shows he did anything wrong. Every legal analyst I've read so far agrees.

Dershowitz: Findings of Any Wrongdoing by Trump Would Be Moot

An investigation reportedly launched to determine if President Donald Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice in the FBI's Russia probe might be moot regardless of its conclusions, according to renowned civil-rights lawyer Alan Dershowitz.

The Washington Post cited unnamed officials as confirming that special counsel Robert Mueller is "interviewing senior intelligence officials as part of a widening probe that now includes an examination of whether Trump attempted to obstruct justice."

But Dershowitz, a long-time Harvard Law professor, told Newsmax TV on Thursday:

"The fact that Mueller is opening an investigation on obstruction doesn't answer the two basic questions. One — can a president be indicted while sitting? And two — can a president be indicted for obstruction — which is simply doing his job, being the head of the executive branch?"

"I think the answer to both of these questions is still going to be no and no," Dershowitz told Newsmax.

Rest here - http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Dershowitz-Special-Counsel/2017/06/15/id/796267/

I know it's the same attorney....

President Trump Did Not Obstruct Justice

A dangerous argument is now being put forward by some Democratic ideologues. Namely that President Trump should be indicted for the crime of obstructing justice because he fired FBI Director James Comey.

Whatever one may think of the president’s decision to fire Comey as a matter of policy, there is no legitimate basis for concluding that the president engaged in a crime by exercising his statutory and constitutional authority to fire director Comey. As Comey himself wrote in his letter to the FBI, no one should doubt the authority of the president to fire the Director for any reason or no reason.

It should not be a crime for a public official, whether the president or anyone else, to exercise his or her statutory and constitutional authority to hire or fire another public official. For something to be a crime there must be both an actus reus and mens rea — that is, a criminal act accompanied by a criminal state of mind.

Rest here - http://www.newsmax.com/AlanDershowitz/obstruction-justice-president-Alan-Dershowitz/2017/05/11/id/789650/

Black Diamond
06-16-2017, 11:23 AM
I think mueller should recuse himself from any part of the investigation involving Comey. Comey and mueller are friends.